‹‹‹ prev (1007)

(1009) next ›››

Dunderdale, Cyril & Son (engineer-
ing), 119 St Vincent at
Dunlop, M. 8 Graham square
Duulop, Thomas, & Son, 70 Wel-
lington st
Dutbie, Andrew, 6 Renfield st
Duthie, James, & Co. 129a St.
Vincent st
Edmondstone, Charles G. manufs'
30 Gordon st
Eldred, Geo. (manfrs.) 77 Queen st
Ellis, John (manufacturers'), 57
Miller st
Ellison, Robt. 147 W. Regent st
Erbe, H. & Co. 133 Dundas st
Evans, Augustus W., 5 Oswald st
Ewing, Macdonald & Co., timber,
96 Renfield st
Fairweather, Wallace, C.E. Fel.
Inst. C.P.A. for patents, 62 St.
Vincent street)
Fanner, Win. 8. 33 Gordon st
Ferguson, Alex. & Co., liquors,
108 West Regent street
Ferguson, A. & W. yarn, 53
Cochrane st
Findlay, Hugh (manufacturers'),
12 Renfield st
Finlay, Chas. J. 85 Queen st
Fin lay, William, jun. (manufac-
turers'), 11 Bothwell st
Finlinson, B. (for Reckitt & Sods,
Ltd., Hull), 12Teneoles avenue
Finnic & Co. (tinplate workers'
tools), 2G Dunmore st
Fischer, Edmond, 93 Hope st.
Fisken, J. J. manufrs'. 86 Wilson
Fitzpatrick, H. D. (for patents,
designs, and trade marks), 100
Wellington st
Fleck, A. & Co. 21 Hope street
Fleming, And. (engineering), 5
Sal&eld st
' Fleming & Co., 31 Robertson st
Fleming, James, & Sons (shipping
and cu-toms), 11 Wood lane,
28 Broomielaw
Fletcher, G. H., & Co. (shipping),
7 1 Queen st
Flinn, Horace (manufacturers') 75
Buchanan st
Forbes, George W. , all kinds of
building material and contractors
requisites, sole agent in Scot-
land for F. C. Barron & Co. ;
"Falcon Brand" best Portland
cement, Terra Fuego cement
for furnaces, retorts, ovens,
Roman cement, Arden, Scotcb,
.and Irish lime and lime
shells, centrifugal pumps and
water lifters; 17 to 25 Port-
Dundas id; telephone No. 4271;
telegr<im j , "Gypsum," Glasgow
Forbes, J. Gilbert, 12 York st
Forsyth, Buchanan & Co., South
African, 51 Buchanan st
Franz & Co. 8 Pricces tq
Fraser, John F. 119 Virginia st
Fraser, A. M. & Co. 35 Robertson
French, J. G. grey cloth, 81 St.
George's place
Fullerton, A. & W. Yorkhill wharf
Fullarton, John, 58 Renfield st
Galbraith & Winton, 129 St. Vin.
Garvie, John (manufacturers'), 85
Queen street
Geddes, W. T. 54 Gordon street
Gellatly, Haokley, & Co., 33
Gordon street
Gemmell, Matthew, 160 Bath st —
See Adv.
Gemmill, Peter, 41 Howard st
Gibb, John & Co. 23 Parnie st
Gibson, Alex. M. (manufacturers'),
21 St. Vincent pi
Gibson, James, manufacturers', 48
Bachanan street
Gillanders, Robt. paper, 27 Ann st
Gillcspif, F. A. manufacturers', 33
Virginia st
Gillespie, H. G. (for Banks & Co.)
12 Broomielaw
Gilmour, Francis (bread & biscuit),
7 Rutherglen road
Gilmour, Geo. 41 Robertson st
Gilmour, John, 25 Wellington st
Glasgow Iron and Brass Wire Co.,
9 York buildiDgs, York st
Glen, Geo. (manufacturers'), 28
St. Enoch square
Glen, John, 159 and 101 Ingram
St.; telephone No. 4084
Goalen, W. 9.3 Hope st
Goldie, William C. 94 Hope st
Goold, James B. 324 Duke street
Gordon, Jas. 167 St. Vincent st
Gordon, Robert (manufacturers'),
28 St. Enoch square
Graham, Alex. G., 145 Queen st
Grasme & Co. (foreign), 33 Gordon
Graham, Edward (manufacturers'),
8 Princes sq. Buchanan st
Graham, Matthew & Co. manfrs',
40 St. Enoch square
Graham, Walter, 8 Princes sq
Grandison, R. A. 15 Gordon st
Grange, J. K. (manufacturers'), 49
Arlington street
Grant, John, glassand china, 24-26
Union st
Grant, J. C. 1 1 Maxwell street
Gray, Archd. S. 57 Miller st
Gray, David, 77 West Nile st
Gray, J. & W. & Co. (boot), 35
Dundas st., city
Gray, John, 14 W. Campbell st
Gray, Win. manfr. 21 Ar^yle st
Gre-n, Geo. A. 11 George sq.
Greenlees Bros., 12 Hanover st
Greenshields, Thos. 2 1 Hope st
Greenwood, Geo. H. 19 Reidvale
Gnerson, R. & Co. 13 Wellington st
Griffin, W. H.. 10 Wilton crescent
Grigor, Geo. (tea), 79 Robertson
Grischotti & Co., 141 W. Geo. st
Guild, H. S. (manufacturers'), Il-
ia Queen st
Gulliland, Colin C. (tea), 24 How-
ard street
Guthrie, Robert, 57 Miller st
Habbick, R. King, railway, N.B.
Railway, Partick
Hackett, A. H. (jewellers'), 28
St. Enoch square
Hall, James, & Co., yarn, 27
Bath street
Halliday, Win 85 Queen st
Hamilton, Arch., Siemens regener-
ative gas lamps, 35 Ann street,
off Jamaica street
Hamilton & Co. yarn, 241 Geo. st
Hamilton, Jas. (paper), 2 West
Regent st
Hamilton, John, & Co. (yam),
Royal Exchange
Hamiltor, J. F. (yarn), 53
Cochrane st
Hamilton, Sinclair, 13 Dixon st
Hannah, R. S. (manufacturers'),
42 Argyle street
Hannan, Alex., 156 Buchanan st
Hannay, Thos. 217 Buchanan st
Hardie, Alex. & Son, 4 York st
Hardie, Joho, & Co. 11 Bothwell st
Harr, J. Royal Bank, Bridgeton
Haswell & Co. (yarn), 80 Calder
Hawkins, Jas 85 Queen st
Hay, J. & J. Ltd. 58 Renfield st
Hay, Win. 6 South Portland st
Heilbron, Dav. (foreign wines and
spirits), 72 Bath st
Headerwick, John, & Co. (twines)
16 Stirling st. city
Henderson, C. & Co. 9 York build.
York street
Henderson, Geo. 11 Miller street
Henderson, Hogg, & Co. 15 Cado-
gan street
Henderson, John, & Co. 16 Prince's
sq. Buchanan st
Henderson, Win. 40 Union st
Hendry, C. J. (manufacturers'), 15
Renfield st
Hendry Bros. 79, 80 Gt. Clyde st.
Hendry, John (manufrs') 153
Queen st
Hetherington & Anderson (yarn),
17 John street
Hill, Thos. & Co., mechanical, 66
to 68 Robertson st
Hillier, Frank A. G. & Co. 7 York
Hislop, G. S. agent for James &
Co., Ltd. Newcastle- on-Tyne, 6
St. James' st. Kinning Park
Hobson, Alfd. & Co. 16 Prince's sq
Hodge, Robert, manufacturers', 76
Virginia st

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