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Railway, Edinburgh, Leiih, & Newhaven,
14 south St Andrew street
Edinburgh and Glasgow, 4 Castle st. C.
F. Davidson, manager, and 10 Shore —
*Robt. Thomson, agent — See Adv.
Raimes, J. & R. & Co. agents, wholesale drug-
gists, and manuf. chemists, Smith's pi,
Richard, esq. {J. and R. Raimes,) Bon-
ington park
Rainie. — See Rennie.
Rait, Alex. esq. 17 Duke street lane
*Ralph, John, confectioner and grocer, 7 Kirk-
gate — house 4^ Primrose street
Ralston, A. & J. stiiymakers, 10 Buccleugh st.
Ramage, Ad. Britannia metal manufacturer,
37 George St. — ho. 47 Cuiuberland st.
Adam, stationer, 51 Candlemaker row
■ David, stationer, 51 Candlemaker row
James, wright& undertaker, 20G Rose St.
J. confeciioner and tea dealer, 5 Hope st.
Jno. baker, 1 Church st — h. 19 north
west Circus place
John, & Son, plasterers, 15 .Jamaica st.
Wm. cowfeeder, so. Niddry st
Mrs, 5 Brown's place
■ Mrs, 10 Rankeillor street
Mrs J. tea-dealer, 4 Graham street
Rampini and Ricateau, rooms, 45 George st.
• Joseph, esq. 10 Gloucester place
Rampling, John, Waterloo hotel, Waterloo pi.
Ramsay, Alex, inspector of lighting and clean-
ing, 2 St Leonard street
Alex, builder, 16 upper Gray street
Charles L. esq. 9 Slanor place
Dav. & Son, printers and publishers of the
Edin. Evening Courant, 190 High street
David, surgeon, 8 Shakspeare square
Dr, 15 Melville street
Rev. E. B. (St John's Chapel,) 23 Ainslie
— — George, esq. accountant, 1 19 Princes st.
—ho. 12 Alva St.
George, lodgings, 11 n. Melville place
.lames, gardener, Taap hall
James, hosier and glover, 30 South bf. —
house 1 Hill square
James, wine and spirit merchant, 531
Lawnmarket— ho. 14 Semple street
James, esq. writer, 1 Clarenaont place
— — John, esq. Blacket place
■ Jo. & Co. pianoforte wareh. 2 Barony st.
■ Jno., Wright and cabinetm. St Stephen st.
— ho. 7 St Vincent street
*— — John, boot and shoemaker, no. Fortst.
* J. W. wine niercht. 1 Wet docks — h. 12
Alva street
Peter, esq. banker, 12 St Andrew sc^uare
Philip, A. esq. S.S.C. 31 Brought»n pi.
— — Wm. gardener, Taaphall lane
-— — W. tinsmith, 20 w. Richmond st.
* -i- ■ Wm. baker, 44 Bridge street
Dowager Lady (of Balraain), 7 Darn-
away street
.Mrs James, 31 Broughton place
Ramsay, Mrs William, 8 Charlotte square
Mrs William, lodgings, 38 Dublin st.
Mrs, lodgings, 33 London street
-: Mrs, 16 Duke street
Mrs, green grocer, 79 Queen street
Mrs, 5 M'Kenzie place
Miss, 1 Hill square
— — Miss, furnishing shop, 46 Hanover st.
Miss Jlargaret, 5 Clarence street
Ranken, David, flesher, 6 south Clerk street
. Francis, cut flint glass manuf. and brass
founder, 16 Picardy pi. — h. 3 Fife pi.
Jas gen. agent, 1 south St Andrew st.
John, letter-carrier, 5 so. James street
John, victual dealer, 244 Canongate
John, victual dealer, 24 Carnegie street
* P. coal merchant, 57 Salamander st.
Thomas, esq. S.S.C 10 Duke street
Mrs, 23 London street
Mrs, 46 Albany street
Miss, 3 Fife place
Rankin, Lieutenant D. engineer and manager
of the Edinburgh, Dalkeith, Leith, and
Portobello railways, Gibraltar house
Mrs, 18 Clarence street
Rankine, Mrs R. 32 Rankeillor street
Ransford, Charles, M.D. FR C P., surgeon,
51 Northumberland street
Rattray, Jno. E. & G. railroad parcel booking
office, 6 s. St Andrew street
Rattray, Rt. esq. W.S. 28 Saxe Coburg place
i\Irs, sicknurse, 47 India place
Miss, 21 Buccleugh place
Miss Clerk, 12 Stafford street
Misses, 8 west Salisbury place
Rausch & Corpe, tailors and cloth. 8 Geo st.
and 15 King st. St James's, London
Rawson, Wm. fishing-rod and tackle maker,
153 High street
Rea, Mrs, 126 Lauriston place
Read, Chas. Roslin bleachti. 7 no. College st.
Reading Rooms, entry off 13 Geo. st.
George Street, 36 George street
Waterloo, 23 Waterloo place
Record Office, Register house
for Servants, 4 south St Andrew street
Recorder's Office (Calton,) 21 Calton hill
Canongate, Borough buildings
(Greyfriars,) 30 Higher gate
(St Cuthbert'E,) West kirk
Reddie, James C. esq. W.S. 6 India street
Redpath, Brown, & Co. ironmongevs & seed
merchants, 33 Candlemaker row, & 80
Constitiition street*
A., booksel. & army station. 295 High st-
— — John, esq. 6 Archibald place
Ridpath, David, confectioner and tea-dealer,36
Nicolson street
Refuge, House of, Queensberry house
Registration Office, Register house
Register for Servants, 1 1 south College street
— Mrs Young, keeper
*Rehren, H. cowfeeder, east Hermitage
Reid & Nicolson, stock- brokers, 60 North br.

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