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Prettie, Mrs T. lodgings, 3 Sanders street
Pretseli, Mrs, 5 Keir street
Price, James, hairdresser, 129 Nicolson street
John, hair dresser, 32 w. Richmond st.
Pridie, James D. surgeon, 13 Union place
Peter H. solicitor, 5 Nicolson street
Mrs Patrick, 5 Nicolson street
Primrose, Hon. B F. Receiver-General, ( Gen.
Post Office,) 4 Wardie
Geo. spirit dealer, 112 West bow
« Miss, 7 AthoU place
Fringle and Caldwell, builders, 31 Nelson st.
— — Alex, spirit merchant, 1 Veitch's place
■ Alex, tobacco and snuff manufacturer, 45
Broughton st — h. 15 St Anthony pi.
— — Andrew, esq. 22 London street
Andw. teacher, w. Crosscauseway academy
David and Son, carvers and gilders, 153
High street
' George, esq. 8 Walker street
— — David, hatter, 153 High street
James, grocer, 6 St Leonard's hill
J. S. {Pattison Sf P.) 5 Buccleugh place
Jn. spirit dealer and stabler, 3 w. Crosse.
* -John, spirit dealer. Burns street
Murray {Adj.- Gen. office,) 1 Grove street
' Major N. 14 Walker street
N. wine, tea, & spt. mercht. 17 Brough. st.
Robert, esq. W.S. 5 w. Claremont street
Thos. barm brewer, 104 Nicolson street
— house 4 Buccleugh street
Wm. esq. 51 Albany street
— — William, watchmaker, 99 Nicolson street
* Wm. dairy. Primrose street
William, victual dealer, 16 Grassmarket
Wm. spirit dealer, 83 High street
W. comm. agent, 2 east Broughton pi.
Wm. lodgings, 2 Alva street
— — Mrs, 15 St Anthony place
Mrs, sen. (of Whytbank,) 46 Charlotte sq.
Miss, milliner and dressra. 141 Geo. st.
Priichard, Jno. L. Theatre-Royal, 27C]yde st.
Presley, A. & J. boot and shoem. 2Spittal st.
Privy Seal Office, Register House
Proctor, John, carter. Comely Bank
• Wm. carter. Comely Bank
■ Mrs, lodgings, 18 Lothian street
Profit, Alex. 13 Salisbury street
Prophit, Thomas, fish dealer, 4 James' square
^Provident Fire Office, 17 Quality street
— Wm. Muir, agent
Protector Life Office — Rob. Allan, 8 St
Andrew square, agent
Proudfoot, Thos. esq. 23 Norton place
' Mrs, 18 Duncan street
Proven, Misses, stationers, 6 Bank street — ho.
32 Grassmarket
Provest, Colin, lodgings, 37 Northumberl. st.
Pryde, James, teacher of mathematics, 5 so.
College street, and 36 Geo. street
PughjWm. chemist and druggist to the Queen,
35 Northumb. st h. 23 Dundas st.
Pullar, J. Y. writer, 6 Shrub place
*Punton, Geo. ship master, 5 Admiralty street
Punton, Geo. letter-carrier, 22 Bedford street
•Purdie & Mtrrilees, nursery and seedsmen,
Stan well lodge, Bonington road
Robert, musicseller, 83 Princes st. — ho.
38 Heriotrow
Thos. {Lithgow ^ P.) 60 Hanover st.
— — Ur William, M.D. physician and accou*
cheur, 15 Union street
Mrs William, 3 Heriot mount
* Miss, milliner, 55 Tolbooth wynd
Purves, Adam, shoemaker, 18 Charles street
Alexander, smith, 4 Raeburn place
David, pawnbroker, 327 Canongate
James, spirit dealer, 5 Abbey
Robt. writer, 7 Brighton street
Wm. and Co. clothiers to the Queen, 46
Princes street — ho. 6 Warriston cres.
William, tailor and clothier, 1 Hunter sq.
Wm. surgeon and druggist, 1 east
Richmond street — h. 5 Hill place
Wm. clerk, 17 Norton place
Lady, 1 6 George square
Mrs, 19 Dundas street
Miss M. 36 Moray place
Purvis, Mrs Robert, 31 Broughton street
Piper, E. esq. mail contractor, 17 Hope cresc
Mrs 8 Windsor street
Pyper, John, esq. writer, 37 York place
Hamilton, esq. advo. 15 Royal crescent
Wm. esq. High school, 20 Abercombypl.
*Pyott, Jas, of the Leith Ropery Co. 30 Bath st.
QuiNET, Mrs, Holyrood house
Rabagliati, Signor Giacomo, Italian master
in the N. and M. Acad. 37 George st.
Radley, W. lodgings, 30 Morrison street
Rae, Alex, builder, 2 Dean street
Jas. jun. gardener, e. Morningside house
G. {Haldane 6^ Rae,) 2 George street
George, cowfeeder, w. Salisbury place
Geo. joiner, 3 Pitt street
James, solicitor-at-law, 5 York place
■ Js. macer Ct. of Session, 5 Roxburghe pi.
Jn. commercial agent, 6 Mansfield place
J. chimney sweeper, 21 Jamaica street
Thomas, writer, 4 Dewar place
Wm. teacher of English, elocution, and
geography, 15 Nelson street
— — Mrs, G. L., 29 Clarence street
Mrs, 1 1 Cheyne street
Mrs, 30 Alva street
Raeburn, Henry, esq. 17 St Bernard crescent
James, architect, 9 south-east Circus pi.
William, spirit dealer, 597 Castlehill
Railton, Mrs, 5 James square
Railway Cos., Edin., Dalkeith, and Leith— »
D. Rankine, manager— See Adv.

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