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♦Gilchrist, D. 30 St Andrew st,
•Gordon, Mis, 1'2 St Andrew st.
Gourlay, Mrs, 12 Jdhnston street
*Graeme, Dav. 3G Sntidport street
*Graham, Ann, 26 Queen street
Grant, L. 60 Queen street
•Green, Geo. & Co. 3 Great
Junction street
Grieve, G. 32.3 High street
Grosset, James, 3 High riggs
Halliday, Mrs, 116 West port
Hamilton, Wm. 24 Rose street
Hart, Thomas, 17 Frederick st.
*Harvie, John, 1 Citadel
Hastie, James, 31 Nelson street
Hay, Duncan, 27 Bristo street
* J as. 24 Shore
— Robert, 10 so. St Andrew
Henderson, Wm. 1 1 Grassmarket
*— — Jas. 5 Dock place
*Hili, Thos. 26 Bridge street
*Hogerth, J. 28 Queen street
*Horn, Jo. .38 Shore
Hopkirk, T. 25 Charles street
Hossack, W. Sunnybank
*Howie, Alex. 1 1 Dock street
* James, 7 Fox lane
•Hull, Mrs, 12 Portland place
•Humphrey, John, 10 Commercial
Hunter, James, Morningside
Inglls, Andrew, 76 Grassmarket
D. 13 so. Richmond street
Irving, I>. O so. Melville place
•Innes, John, 2 Queen st.
•Jenkinson, \V. & J. 87 Kirkgate
Jackson, T. St Cuthbert's gli-be
Kay, Robert, 9 St Anthony place
Kemp, A. 3 So. St David street
Kennedy, C. 8 s. St Andrew st.
__ — Robert, 4.39 Lawnmarket
■ Wm. 64 Thistle street
Kerr, Robt. Jock's lodge
Wm. 148 High street
Laidlaw, Wm. 2 Niddry street
Lamb, T. 3 no. Melville place
Lammie, H. 181 Hio-h street
•Langtord, Mrs, 61 Shore
Lauder, John, 8 Rose street
*Lawrie, John, 10 Spence's place
Liddle, J. 321 Canongate
Lindsay, J. 8 Young street
•Livingston, F. 21 Duke street
Logan, George, 134 Pieasance
•M'Crowrie, Mrs Jo. 23 Citadel
M'Donald, A- 167 Ginongate
George, 1 St^fFllr^ street
John, 32 West R'-gister St.
R.bt. 275 Hiah St.
M'DuflF, W. 2 Shnib place
M'Ewan, Wm. 6 Young street
M'Farlane, J. 49 Frederick st.
J. 39 Cuirioeriand street
M'Fie, D. 209 High street
M'Gregor, Donald, 10 Princes st.
M'Intosb, J. 25 Richmond place
IM'Kay, Aug. 62 Cumberland st.
John, 266 Canongate
John, 143 High street
M'Keiizie, Alex. 148 Cowgate
Fiiiiay, 6 College street
MLean, W. 206 Cowgate
M'Leay, D. 10 Gibb's entry
M'Leod, Hector, 19 Bread st.
James, 197 Cowgate
Marshall, J. 23 Howe street
*Massey, Thos. II Yardheads
•Mason, John, 26 Shore
Macfarlane, D. 12 w- Maitld. st.
M'Farlane, Alex. Church lane
*iV]aclennan, D. 65 Shore
Masters, MrsW. 1 10 Rose street
Matheson, Dun. 37 Sandport st.
Mathison, Thos. 19 so. Han. St.
Marr, Jas. 11 east Register street
*Meiklejohn, Wm. 44 Giles' st.
•Meiklereed, Mrs D. 67 Shore
Mein, James, 56 St Leonard st.
Miller, Alex. 7 Northumberd. pi.
•Milligan, Mrs, 4 Regent street
•Minto, J. 53 St Andrew street
•Mitchell, Mrs, 17 Shore
*Moirison, Alex. 126 Kirkgate
A. Crinteen, Piershill
* Mrs, 14 Cromwell street
Muir, David, west Norton place
Muirhead, James, 52 Rose street
Munro, A. Boninaton
* William, 89 St Andrew st.
Neilson, James, Canonmills
•Ness, Mrs, 12 Shore
Nicol, John, 48 George street
Oxley, George, 280 Canongate
John, 123 Canongate
Pagan, Oswald, 10 High riggs
* Paton, P. 4 Broad wynd
Patterson, James, 413 Lawn-
Peck, Mrs, 1 Broughton st.
*Philip, David, 25 Duke st.
Pringle, Alex. 1 Veitch's place
J. 6 St Leonard's hill
Raeburn, Wm. 597 Castlehill
Rettie, F. 1 Queen street
•Robertson, Alex. 34 Shore
A. 167 Pieasance
* David, 4 Fox s lane
James, 6 Milne square
* James, 45 Bernard street
John, Bernard street
* Wm. 34 Yaroheads
* Mis, 83 Shore
•Ronald, Mrs, 10 Dock place
Ross, John, 4 Milne square
J. 32 Northumberland street
H. A. 108 Cnuseyside
Roxburgh, Jas. 13 Market place
Russfll, J, 181 High street
Rutherford, 28 Bristo street
Walter, 40 Rose street
R. 30 Bristo
Scott, William, Carrubber's close
* J. 18 D<,ck street
Simpson, J. 4 Canal street
James, Morningside
•Sinclair, Mrs, 73 Shore
Small, Jas. 38 Rose street
Wm. 6 1 n. b. Canongate
Smart, Robert, 1 Shakespeare sq.
John, 172 Pieasance
*Smith, Wm. 72 Timber bush
T- Mornitigside
— — J. 127 High street
Spence, Jas. 89 Leith wynd
Jam^s, 82 Canongate
•Spaven, IMrs, 78 Shore
Stewart, Duncan, 39 Frederick st.
Mrs John, 3 Clyde street
Joseph, 1 1 Clyde stret-t
Stirling, Wm. 50 Crosscausey
Storie. George, 20 Thistle st.
Strachan, John, 2 Amphion place
Symington, J. 1 Salisbury street
Taylor, Mrs J. 86 Brunswick st.
Thomson, D. 1 Rutland place
David, 154 Rose street
John, 6 Shakespeare square
John, 108 Grssmarket
■ T. 7 n. b of Canongate
Wm. 49 Brough'on street
R. 7 Market street
•Torrance, Joseph, 56 Charlotlfcst.
•Trench, Robert, Silverfield
Trotter, Stephen, 170 Rose street
•Tulloch, William, 17 Elbe street
Turner, T. Leven cottage
Waldie, John, Echo bank
•Walker, Alex. 22 Shore
* John, 12 Broad wynd
* — — William, 6 Tolbooth wynd
Waterston, R. 183 Rose street
Watt, George, 8 Jamaica street
J. 22 Dean street
•Webster, H. 45 St Andrew st.
•Wilson, J. 98 Kirkgate
•Winter, John, 3 & 4 Shore
Wood, John, Stead's place
Peter, 10 Fleshmarket cl.
Young, A. 24 Simon square
(See Livery Stables.)
(See also Paper Makers.)
Cadell and Co. Royal Exchange
B. F. Lloyd, & Co. 44 Hanover
Cameron & Co. 13 Bank street
J. 39 Blair street
Dickson, Jas. 10 s. St Andrew st.
M'Murray and Durham, 9 Blair st.
M' Niven, P. & W. 23 Blair st.
Milne, John, 8 Hunter square
Tullis and Co. 14 St James' square
Whyte, Andrew, 1 Hunter squa le

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