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Martin, James, of Clyde Naviga-
tion, 9 Brighton place
Mason, Jobn, of Mason 4' Eadie ;
house, 5 Osborne place
Watliieson, "VVin. of Auld, Berrie,
4' Mathieson ; Apsley villa,
Copeland road
Melville, Thos. com. traveller, 111
Union st. ; ho. 7 Osborne terr
Marrow, Lewis T. of Mei-row ^
Fell, Floravale, Ibroxholm
Mitchell, John, iron merchant and
shipowner, Mooreparlt
Morris, James, iron and general
metal merchant, 1 Woodvale pi
Morrison, Henrj', Manse buildings
Morrison, Hugh, of Morrison ^
Co. Ibroxholm
Morrison, John, house proprietor,
Murrow's park
Muir, Misses J. & B. milliners and
dressmakers, 3 Arthur place ;
house, 6 Alma place
Myles, jn. Clelland pi. Ibroxholm
Napier, J. I), engineer and iron
shipbuilder, at R. Napier ij'
Sons', Albert cottage, Copelaud
Napier, Robert, & Sons, iron
Nicol, John, confectioner, 4 Hynd-
ford place
Niven, Hugh, with Randolph, Elder,
c|- Co. Victoria cottage
Norris, J. & W. file-cutters, Ren-
frew road ; ho. Burnside cottage
Paterson, Mrs. B. Lansdowne cot
PoUok, Morris, & Son, silk throw-
sters, &c. Govan factory
Porteous, James, of J. Porteous cj-
Co. "West bank, Govan road
Prittj', Francis, engraver, Peel cot
Rae, M. dressmaker, 5 Alma place;
house, 2 do
Eae, Ralph, 2 Alma place
Eamsay, Mrs., Clelland pi. Ibroxh
Eamsaj', Mrs. green-grocer, 4
Murrow place
,Tlandolph, Elder, & Co. engineers
and iron shipbuilders
Rankin, W. J. Macquorn, LL.D.
civil engineer, regius professor of
civil engineering and mechanics
in the University of Glasgow,
Mossfarni cottage
Registry office for births, &c. for
Govan district, school-house,
Govan; William Fulton, A.M.
Reid, Alexander, dyer. Hillock ho
Eeid, Peter, manager of Govan
dyeworks ; ho. Sauchie, West end
Eeid, John, jun. West India mer-
chant, Bellalouston hill
Eeid, John, coal merchant and
agent for lighters, High road
Eeid, Thomas, dyer, 49 Ingram
street ; ho. Broomloan cottage
Keid, William, carter, Greenhaugh
Robertson, Adam, of Robertson 4'
Baird, Gothic cottage
Robertson, Mrs. of Whitefield
Ross, Donald, of D. ^- H. Ross,
Ibrox terrace
Rowand, A. Lint house
Rowand, Mrs. Holmfauldhead
Russell, J. architect, Three-mile ho
Scott, James, grocer, Greenhead,
Service, John, merchant. Middle-
ton terrace. Paisley road
Shaw, AValter, engineer, New-
stead place
Shaw, Mrs. James, 9 Osborne pi
Shaw, Mrs. James, 4 Osborne ter
Skinner, William, 83 Miller St.;
house, 12 Osborne place
Small, C. J. Ibroxholm
Smith, A. Macfie, M.D. Ibroxh
Smith, George, cowfeeder, Green-
haugh dairy
Smith, Duncan, gardener, West-end
Smith, John, Union BanJe, 2
Osborne terrace
Smith, Jane A. milliner and
clothier, 3 Greenhaugh place
Smith & Roger, iron shipbuilders,
Middletou ship-yard
Smith, Thomas, naval architect, 4
Brighton place
Smith, Thomas, clothier, Bank
place ; house, 2 Victoria place
Smith, William, J, P. officer, 7
Victoria place
Smith, Mrs., Smith's place
Steven, Moses, of Bellahouston
Symington, A. J. manufacturer, 5
Osborne terrace
Taylor, William, of E, Taylor 4-
So7is, Newstead
Thom's Library, Govan school-
house; Wm. Fulton, librarian
Thomson, Alex, farmer, Fairfield
Thomson, J. & G. engineers and
iron shipbuilders, Clydebank
Iron Ship bank
Thomson & Meikle, painters, 4
Arthur place ; ho. Hyndford pi
Thomson, Mrs. Matthew, Mur-
row park
Todd, H. traveller, Newstead pi
Turnej-, Mrs. draper and milliner,
4 Alma place; house, 6 Almast
Trotter, Robert, Middleton terrace
Urquhart, Robert, of Moss
Waddell, Moses, spirit dealer.
Water row
Wallacb, H. merchant, Argjde cot
Walker, John, farmer, Weariston
Wardrop, G. Free Church officer,
Main street
Wat hew, Richard, merchant, 14
Ibrox terrace
Watson, J. manufacturer. Wood-
vale place
Watt, George H. at James Fi?7lat/'s,
22 West Nile street; house,
Myrtle cottage, Copeland road
Watt, Wm. farmer, Bellahouston
Weir, Wm. of W. Weir Brothers
4' Co. Langlands house
Weir, Patrick, of William Weir
Brothers 4' Co. Langlands house
Whyte, J. farmer, Upper Merrj'flats
Whitehill, Jas. chimney sweeper,
Victoria street
Wilson, James, ofWylie cj- Wilson,
coalmasters, 13 Osborne place
Wilson, William, Thistle tavern.
Water row
Wilson, Misses, dressmaks. Weir's
Wink, G. accountant, Eden villa
Winton, Alexander, of A. Winton
cf Co. Ibroxholm
Wishart, Andw. grocer and spirit
dealer, Wilson's land. Main st
Wishart, George, grocer and spirit
dealer, 1 Hyndford place
Young, Wm. G. 2 Arthur place
Young, Mrs. 3 Osborne terrace
For Ashton Terrace, Belgrave Ter-
race, Buckingham Terrace,Gros-
venor Terrace, Hamilton Drive,
Hamilton Park Terrace, Kew
Terrace, St. James' Terrace,
Windsor Terrace (Great Wes-
tern Road), Sardinia Terrace,
see Glasgow Street Directory.
Abendroth, II. seed merchant, 5
Bloomfield place
Aiken, Robert, 10 Granby terrace
Aikman, Rev. J. Logan, 3 Great
Kelvin terrace
Alexander, Edward, Richmond
terrace, Dowanhill
Alexander, G. Dowanhill gardens
Alexander, John, Meuslrie-bank,
Dowanhill gardens
Alexander, Thomas, Oakvale
Alison, Robert, West-bank terrace
Allan, Andrew, Union bank, 21
Bloomfield place
Anderson, James B. 6 Hillhead pi
Anderson, Jas. W. 12 Granby ter
Anderson, Mrs. 12 Hillhead pi
Arnolt, Walker, G. A,, professor
of botany, 2 Victoria terrace,
Ballingall, David, 20 Bloomfi. pi
Balloch, Robert, Eaniont lodge,
Dowanhill gardens
Barclay, Rev. John, 17 Bank st
Brace, Edmund, 3 Crown circus
Batchelor, Rev. Henry, 9 Nelson ter
Bell, George, St. Bernard's place
Bell, John, chimney sweeper, 1
Bank street
Binning, Robert, Albert terrace,
Dowanhill gardens
Blackburn, Andrew, merchant, 5
Oakfield terrace
Black, P. Y. 10 Nelson terrace
Blackie, John, Lilybank

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