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Ferguson, J. Maiylaiid house,
Paisley road
Findlay, A. L. French and German
teacher, Brnomloan house
Findlay, David, spir. dealer. Sheep
Head inn
Fell, John W. shipbroker, Middle-
ton terrace
Flemina:, Arch. 7 Brighton place,
Copland road
Forrester, James, sen. Marrow's pa
Fowler, Andrew, nursery and
seedsman, Cessnock, Govan rd
Fraser, Arch, wine and spirit mer-
chant ; house, Sliieklhall
Fraser, Mrs. John, spirit dealer, 5
Arthur place; ho. 2 Alma st
Fulton, "Wm. A. M. schoolmaster
and session eleik ; ho. Schoolho
Galbraitb, Kobert, 41 Dunlop St.;
houte, Greenhead house
•Gait, John, builder, Greenfield pi
Galloway, M. dressmaker, 1 Green-
haugh street
Gardiner, James, farmer, Loanbea
Gardiner, 0. T. B., teller, Clydes-
dale Bank ; house, Carlton villa,
Ibrox park
Gardiner, Wm. grocer and spirit
dealer, Middleton buildings
Gardiner, Wm. buiLier, Ibroxholni
Garvin, John, Woodville place
Gavin, Robert, warehouseman,
Murrowsdale cottage
Gemmel, And. Elm p irk, Govan rd
Gibson, Mrs. K. innkeeper. Half-
way house, Paisley roiid
Gilchrist, "\Vm. mana<;er Govan
victualling society ; house, 2
Victoria place
Gilles, Neil, draper. Main road
Glen, AlL.n, of A. and W. Glen,
Colder, Robert, U.P. Church-offi-
cer, 5 Orchard place
Goodwin, Robert, house factor,
Hazlewood, Dumbreck.
Graham, Wm. farmer, Ibrox
Gray, John, 8 Osborne place
Gray, John, jun. Middleton terrace
Hall, James, of Hod^je, Stewart, tf
Ball, 5 Woodvale place
Hall. W. D. writer, &c. 125 Bu-
chanan St. ; ho. 1 Osborne pi
Hall, Mrs. 5 Woodvale place
Hamilton, Alex, traveller, 111
U:iion st. ; ho. 10 Brighton pi
Hamilton, Jas. farmer, Drumoync
Hamilton, John Gardiner, Moor-
park ; bouse, 4 Alma street
Hamilton, Robt. of Robert Hamil-
ton 4- Co. ; house, 1 Uaborne pi
Hamilton, William, farmer. West
Henderston, Paisley road
Hamilton, Wm. at Poi-t-Eglittion
Spinning Co. ; ho. Melville )iark
Hannah, John, I'aris-h Church
ofBcer, Greenfield place
Hart, E. Cessnock paik, Govan rd
Harvie, Rubert, blacksmith. Half-
way house, Paisley road
Hay, A. Winetta cottage, Cope-
land road
Ha}', Rev. James, U.P. Church,
Harmonj' house
Hendry, Jubn, joiner and builder,
Murrow's place; house, do.
Hinsbelwood & Abercrombie, om-
nibus proprietors, carriage hirers
and funeral undertakers, 14
Greenhaugh street
Hoey, D. G. bookkeeper, at Wm.
Cilmour cj- Co.'«; ho. 3 Bucking-
ham square
Hoey, Thomas, ship builder, 3
Buckingham square
Holmes, James, I'lroxholm
Holmes, Robert, of James M'Lean
4' Co.; ho. 3 Buckingham sq
Holmes, Mrs. R. 3 Buckingham sq
Howie, John, 1 Brighton place
Hunter, J. E. Cessnock cottage,
Govan road
Hutcbeson, Alex, wine and spirit
merchant, Stag inn
Hutcbeson, Peter, gardener, Craig-
ton ; house, Greenhaugh
Hutcbeson, Mrs. G.,Craigton ; ho.
Paisley road
Hutton, John, merchant, Peel cot
Hynd, Wm. nurseries for flowers,
fruits and vegetables, Greenhead
Hyslop, P. B. M.D. 8 Hyndford
place; house. Dean park
Inglis, A. & .1. engineers and iron
ship builders, Point house
Ingram, Andw. 1 Osborne terrace
Jobnston, Gilbert, Free Church
minister; house, Morris villa,
Copeland road
Keely, Andrew, Summerlon
Kerr, Robert, Cruikston ball
Kerr, Thomas, 4 Brighton terrace
King, William, 4 Brighton terrace
Kinghorn, David, at R. Napier tf
Sons' ; house, 1 Buckingham rd
Kinghorn, John, at Napier'' s yard ;
house, Lansdowne place
Kinloch, K. shoemaker, 3 Hynd-
ford place ; house, 7 Victoria pi
Kirkwood, John, boot and shoe
maker. Orchard place
Knox, Rev. James, minister of
Pollok Street U. P. Church, 5
Buckingham square
Lamberton, Hugh, of John Gray i^-
Co. ; Vicarfifld
Lambie, A. umbrella maker,
Gushet point
Laidlaw, Thomas, wine and spirit
merchant; house, 5 Osborne pi
Lamont, James, of Lewis Potter ij-
Co. ; Cessnock bank, Govan
Laurie, A. H.Clyde villa, Govan rd
Leadingbam, George, at J. ^ W.
Campbell's, Muriow'a park
Laurie, John, grocer. Main street;
house, Edmond's lai;d
Learnionth, Tbos. wiight & wood
merchant; ho. Middleton farm
Leishman, Rev. Dr. minister of
Govan ; house, Govan manse
Levack, Wm. of Scobie, Brebner <f
I^evach; ho. 1 Buckingham sq
Lindsay, Mrs. John, Cessnock rd
Livingston, Charles S. cotton
broker, 127 Ingram st. ; house,
Merry flats
Lochhead, Mrs., Ronbank
Lyon, M'illiam, farmer, Hillhead.
Letters left, with John Arneil,
Three-Mile house
M'Call, Mrs. Ibroxhill
M'CalJum, Duncan, grocer, 6
Hyndford place ; house, 7 do.
M'Culloch, William, at Weir
Brothers tj" Co.; Langlands lodge
M'Cunn, Maiy, milliner and straw
hat maker, 10 Hyndford place,
and 424 Ai-gyle street
M'Donald, Miss Alex, board and
day school, Middleton terrace
M'Farlane «S; Simpson, family gro-
cers and wine mtrcbants, 10, 11
Victoria pi. ; ho. Greenfield pi
M'Gill, Jobn, boot & shoe maker,
Middleton buildings
M'Gregor, Andrew, li' Son, joiners
and Cabinetmakers, 7 Victoria st
M'Gregor, Andiew, house factor,
2 Victoria street
M'Intosh, Alexander, measurer, 4
Alma street
MTntosh, A. & J. slaterp,Orcliard j>l
MTntosh, John, Ibroxholni
M'Kean, James, grocer. Main st
M'Kechnie, W. D. adjuster of
averages, 1 & 2 gals. Royal Ex.
buildings ; house, Govandale
M'Kim, grocer and provision nier.
1 Alma place ; house, 2 do.
M'Kinlay, J. of J. cf W. M'Kinlay,
St. Vincent park
M'Kinlay, Robt. agent, 1 1 Ibrox ter
M'Kinlay, Mrs. St. Vincent park
M'Laren, John, joiner, Aithurpl. ;
house, G Alma place
M'Laren, John, 3 Buckingham sq.
M'Laren, Tboinas, Free Church
school ; house, 2 Arthur place
M'Leod, Donald, minister. Free
Church ; ho. 3 Brighton terrace
M'Limont, Andrew, grocer and
provision mer. 7 Greenhaugh st
M'Millan, watclimaker &jeweller,
West bank, Govan road
JI'Nab, John, Dumlireck priory
M'Naught, Mrs. John, G Os-
borne terrace
Mansell, Robert, draughtsman, at
R. Napier 4- Sons', 1 2 Brighton pi
Manson, Mrs. George, milliner and
straw-hat maker, 3 Murrow pi
Martin, Daniel, 2 Arthur place

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