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Fisher, Peter, 57 tligh street
a Eletcher, Tlios. 233 Buchanan st
Fvfe, S. H. U'7 Faislev road
Eyfe, W.and R. Ul Paisley road
a Gilchrist, Kubt. ship, 8 Bro'.vn st
Glen, Julni, IC Sauchiehall street
a Gordon, Robt. 42 Nelson street,
Gorrie, John, 158 Hope street'
Granger, J. and Co. 11 Crown st
Granger, Joliii, 90 Woodlands rd
a Gray, Clias. loG W. George st
Gray, D. R. 89 Gt. Hamilton st
Grierson, \Vm. 10 Green st. Caiton
a Guthrie, J. 181 Sauchiehall st
« Halley, John, 53 Cambridge st
a Hastie, T. jun. 104 Slain street,
a Hay, A^'illiam, 1 Glebe street
Hobbs, Sauniel, GO Anderston q\'
Humphrey & Ross, 104 N. City rd
a Ingram & Lochhead, 3 Cathed. st
Jackson, Jas. 48 Old Dalmar. rd
a Johnston, A. 13 Cathcart place
a Kerr, John, & Co. 36 Oxford st
a Laird, J. Gt) Stevenson st. Calt
a Lawrie, Benj. 24 Bedford street
a Lawi'ie, Thomas, 51 Union st.
and 184 Dumtiarton road
a Liddell, A. & Co. 43 Queen street
a Lindsay, J. and Son, 84 Brown st
a Love, Arch. 7 Nelson st. Trades
a Lyie, Jas. 103 Dundas street
Macalpine, Cliarles, 159 Buchan.st
M'Aslan, David, GG Stevenson st
a M'Call, David, 7G New City rd
aM'Caliniin, Donald, 16 Royal
Eschaiige square
M'Gaw, Peter, 291 Dumbarton rd
a JPIntosli, Thomas, 16 Bath st
M'Kaj', John, 188 Gallowgate
M'Kenzie, Ale.^. 2 Cambridge lane
a BPKenzie, Ewing, 116 Blyths-
wood terrace
Mackenzie, Wm. 102 W. Regent st
M'Kinnon, D. & Co. 31, 33 Hut. st
M'Kinnon, John, 14 Herbertson st
M'Leod, John, 184 Garscube road
a M'Naught, Jas. 1G4 North st
M'Neili, Jas. 11 Melville st. Trads.
JPPherson, Arch. 45 Mains street,
off Argyle street
M'Pherson, Ale.x. 2G Cowcaddens
st. and 13 I'ort- Dundas road
«Middleton, iM.& Co. IIG Un. st
Milliken, John, 12 N. Welling, st
a Mitchell, James, 27 King st. city
a Motison, Daniel, 89 Union st
aMurra}', David, 9 Finlay street
a Naismith and Kerr, 76 Paisley
road and 23 Norfolk street
a Orr Brother.s, (jO Cumberland st
Paul, Drnmmond, and Co. 19
Cambridge street
a Paul, James, General Terminus
a Paul, Robert, 15 Centre street
a Popple, W. Co Nelson st. Trad
Railton, George, 4.'i3 Gajlowgate
Ramage, Robert, Gl Ui.ion street
a Ramsay & Lockhart, 73 Gallow
Rankin, Thos. 2G Sauchiehall st
a Rankin, Thos. 40 Geo. st. east
Rattray, George, 101 Sauchie. st
Roebuck, J. 75 Eglinton street
Rodger, S. 74 Main st. Anderston
a Ross, Charles, 22 Cleland street
a Russell, John, 32 Eglinton street
re Scobie, David S. 74 Bath street
Scott, James, and Co. house, ship
40 King street, Tradeston
a Scott, Mitchell, and Co. 144
Georjie street
Smith, Sydney, 110 W. Regent st
Sommerville, J. 129 Dumbar, rd
a Steel, R. 154 St, Vincent street
a Stevenson & Co. 385 St. Vinct. st
Stevenson, W. R. 332 St. Vinct. st
Stewart, Gilbert, and Son, 105
West Nile street
Stewart, Walter, 130 Dumbar. rd
Sweet, James R. 144 New City rd
a Taitand Mathie, 109 Ej^linton st
a Torrens and Husband, 100 West
George street
Thompson, Wm. 63 Norfolk street
re Turner, Geo. G. llSMontro. st
a Ure & Sinclair, 33 Gordon st
a Walker, Jas. B. 100 Saucbieh. st
Ward, James, 22 So. Portland st
re Williamson, Geo. 52 Maitland st
a Wiliiamson, Stewart, 1 27 Elliot st
a Wilson, H. & W. 532 Gallowg
aWotherspocn, A. 478 Argyle st
Wyburn, Geo. 14 Park pi. Pais, rd
« Wylie & Lochhead, 45 Bucha. st
Young, G. & W. 643 Gallowgate
paperhahgiitct manufac-
Heywood & Co. 51 Buchanan st
W^ylie & Lochhead, 45 Buchanan
street ; works, Kent road.
see painters.
Bruc .R. South "Woodside mills
Clvde Paper Co. Eastlield
Collins, E. & Son, 47 W. Nile st
Couper, R. & J. Place of call, 13
Glassford street
Cousland, A. & Co. wire-cloth, 61
Dalmuir & Kelvindale, 47 West
Nile street
Dalsholm ; warehouse, 82 Glass-
ford street
Douglas, R. i7ibe, 92 Elliot street
Liimsden, J. & Son, 20 Queen st
iM 'Arthur, J. & Co. 82 Glassf. st
M'Kenzie, John, tube, 4 Craignes-
tock street
M'Millan & .Marshall, 71, 73 Bell st
Miller, John, 1, 3 So. Hanover st
Stewart & Brown, Glasgow Paper
Mill. Govanhaugh
Weir, R. 44 Queen street
Woodtide Paper Mills, South
Cairns, Walter, 93 Virginia street
Campbell, D. & Son, 93 St. Vin. st
Craig & Son, 62 Argyle street and
68 Glassford street
Davidson, John, 40 St. Enoch sq
Franklin, Wm. 7 Argyle street
Gowans, xVdam, 49 Hulcheson st
Hunter, T. & H. 74 Argyle street
MCormick, D. 109 Argyle streeS
and 9 Maxwell street
M'Corquodale & Co. 85 Maxw. st
Macfarlane, A\'m. 74 Argyle street
M-Kenzie, Hugh, 108 Argyle st
Murray, Thomas, & Son, 239, 243
Parliamentary road
Sellers, Mrs. W. 31 Argyle street
Smith & Martin, 38 Queen street
Black, James, fancy, 4 Stormont
street, off Maxwell street
Erode, Julius, 63 Maxwell st.
and 3 Eagle lane
Chivers, J. and Co. fancy, 15
Hutclieson street
Crawford, C. and Son, 51 Bruns. st
Cullen, J. jnn. and Co. 14 Garth-
land street
Dowie, Robert, 21 Stockwell pi
Ferguson, D. 69 Ingram street
Gandois, A. J. 14 Dunlop street
Gibson, J. and Co. fancij, 13 Dua-
das St. and 162 Buchanan st
Glasgow Trunk, fanctj, 81 Wel-
lington Street
Jol'.nston and Co. 35 Miller st
Kirkpatiiok, Hugh, 108 Argyle st
Leckie, in. fancy, 52 Virginia st
M'Laren, Jan.es, and Co. 14 Garth-
land street
Ritchie, Andw. 74 Argyle street
Scott, J. and A. and Co. fancy, 81
Wellington street
Service, J. fancy, 48 Gordon st
Smith, Jame.s, 33 Virginia street
Stevenson, James, 14 Maxwell st
Brown & M'Laien, 6 St. En. sq
Miller, John, 122 Ingram street
Smuh and M'Laurin, 22 Arg. st,
Stark, Wm. R. G. 34 Hutche. st
Wylie and Lochhead; works,
Kent road
Rowat, Thomas, and Son, 253
Argyle st. ; D. Anderson and
Co. agents

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