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Kintoul, Robert, Alexander, & Co.
23 Jamaica street
Rowle}' & Dick, 41 Mitchell street
Sanderson, G. R. & Co. 12 Ex-
change square and 153 Queen st
Sansora, Julin, & Co. i04 Foit-
Dundas road
Scott, Jas. & Jolin G. 4 Dixon st
Smith, James, & Son, Howard pi.
Kopowork lane
Stevenson, William, & Co. 57
Robertson street
Storer, David. 1 88 Trongata
Walls, \Vm. & Co. 58 N. F"red. st
Williamson, John, 50 W. Hotv. st
Wilson, J. & T. 117 Argyle st
Young, Jairies, 9 Shuttle street
Young, John, •222 Gallowgate
Yuille, Andrew, 132 Trongate
Blakeney, John, 94, 90 Jamaica st
Cross, Wm. 46 Trongate
Galletti, Julin, 24 Argyle arcade
Gardner & Co. 53 Buchanan st
Gardner, Wtn. 134 Buchanan st
Gilmour, Jas. & Co. 85 Buch. st
Gilzeaii, Wm. 23 Hill st. Anderst
Lizars, John, 24 Gla.ssford street
M'Gregor, Duncan, & Co. 38, 39,
40 Clyde place
Spencer, John, 30 St. Enoch sq
WHivte, James, 1 RenQeld st
Gardner, T. W. 178 George street
and 43 Montrose street
Mirrlees, J. & A. 129 Dundas st
Allan, John, 194 Broomielaw
Anderson, J. & Co. 174 North St.;
house, 2GG Bath street
Blackwood, James, & Son, 2 Ja-
maica street
Craig, Robert, 214 Broomielaw
Currie, Mrs. Duncan, 62 Clyde pi
Dawson & M'Nicol, 50 Buchanan
Donald, Jas. jun. 185 Argyle st
Drummond, Andrew, 26 Argyle st
Drummond & Leslie, 151, 101
Argyle street
Duncan, Jas. & Co. 75 Argyle st
Ferguson & Lillie, 45 Q.ueeu st
Fulton, James, 12, 14 Finlay st
Gall, Hugh, & Son, 23 Glasif. st
Gardner, Foulds, and Stirling, 70
Union street
Gardner & Co. 50, 52 Argyle st
Gibson, Peter, 50 Broomickw st
Globe, I'he Great, 1 51, 161 Arg. st
Grant & Watson, 52 St. Vine, st
Grierson, Robt. 224 Broomielaw
Harper, John, 78, 80 Cowcaddens
Hyam, Berg. 48 Arjzyle street
Kellv & M-Leavie, 84 Jamaica st
M'lnto^^h & Fleming, 104 Arg. st
M'lver, Alex, foreit/n, 63 St.
Vincent street
M'Kenzie, T. & Co. 207 Argyle st
and 1 Jamaica street
M'Kenzie, Allan, & Co. 163, 165
Argyle street
M'Kendrick. Robt. 192 Broomiel.
JPNee & M'Dougal, 101 Main
street, Anderston.
M'Nee, Malcolm, & Co. 7 Stob-
cros9 street.
Mai tin, Jas, 1 East John street
Maxton, James, 27 Clyde place
Miller, James, 38 Main st. Ander
Moffat, Miss, ladies, 56, 57 Arg. ar
Morrison & Co. 49 .Tama'ca st
Muir, Mrs. ladies, 177 St. Vin. st
Muuro, John, 019 Argyle street
Murray, D. & Co. 102"^Queen st
Orr, Miss, 22, 23 Argyle arcade
Peterkin, Wm. 1)8 Broomielaw
Simpson, R. & Co. o, 5 Jamaica st
Stein, Joseph, 7 Argyle street
Taylor, Alex. 132 BrooinieUiw
Thomson, Wm. C. 58 Jamaica st
WaddeJl, Misses, 50 Argyle arcade
Wills, Wm. 8 Finlav street
Wilson, J'oho, & Sous, 2G St.
Enoch square
Brunton, C. & J. 09 Clyde st. And
Grierson, Jno. & Son, 3 Renfrew st
i'hilp, Rob., Cameron ct. North st
se:e also tkcnic and packikg-
Anderson & Henderson, 13 Water-
loo street, 11 Mitchell street, and
Scotland slieet, Kinning park
Ander.son, Robert, & Co. 38
Stockwell street
Bain, D. 75 Cathedral street
Barton, Vi'illiam, 25 Catliedral st
Brown li Gray, 45 Dundas street
Brown, James, 76 John street
Brown, Joshua, 60 Wellington st
Brown, Robert, 81 Mitchell street,
and 15 Melville lane
Brown, Thomas, 191 Buchanan st
Campbell, J. & Co. 10 Melville la
Chalmers & Tosh, 197, 201 Bu-
chanan street
Crawford & Son, 51 Brunswick st
Edmibton, A. 132 Gallowgate
Ewing & Co. 175 Buchanan st
Ferguson, G. 14 No. Portland st
Finlay & JefFrey, 20 Adam's ct. la
Gibson, Joseph, & Co. 13 Dundas
street, and 162 Buchanan .st
Graham, W. & Co. 10 Cochran st
Henderson, Jas. 74 Waterloo st
Jamieson & Co. 22 (Sieorge square,
and 10 St. Vincent lane
Joliiiston, Jas. & Co. 1 1, 1 3 Mite, st
M'AUister, Robert, 43 Robertson
lane, off Robertson street
MCraw & Kay, 54 N. Hanover st
M'Glashan, J. D. 22 St. Vincent
lane, and 27 George square
M'Gown, W.&Co. 25 N. Albion st
M'Hatiie, James, & Co. 5 Love lo
Mackintosh, R. 8, 10, 12 Bt.
Enoch wynd
Maxwell, William, 10 Dyer's lane
Miller & Bannerman, 30 Gordon st
Miller, R. & Son, 29 Stirling st.
and 90 Nelson street
Nairn, J. & Son, 24, 26 Cochran st
Sclanders, J. & Co. 22 George sq,
and 13 St. Vincent lane
Sclanders & Paton, 38 Montrose st
Sott, J. & A. & Co. 81 AVelling.st
Small & Barnett, 120 Albion st
Smith, Robert, 117 Stockwell st
Steel, Thomas, 62 Brunswick st.
and 53 Candleriggs
Wi.lker, George, 32 Thistle street
Wylie, Wm. & Co. 20 Jlelville la
Those marked a are paperhangers.
a Allan & Donaldson, 73 Union st
Anderson, Arch. 344 Hamilton pi.
a Anderson, H. & C. Carlton, 119
St. Vincent street
Angus, George, 67 North street
a.-Vrnot, Tlios. 112, 116 St. Vin-
cent street
Auld, John, 200 High street
a Bennett, John B. 50 Gordon st
a Bett, David, 31 Cumberland st
a Blair, John, 69 Garscnbe road
a Bo}:!e, H. & Co. 123 St. Vin. st.
and 222 Sliaws road
a Bowie, Campbell T. and Co. 26,
Bothwell street
a Bowman, David, 60 O.'sford st
a Buchanan, Archd. 25 Kent st
a Buchanan, James, 18 York street
Bumf, John, 61 George street
Cairney, John, 40 Baih street
a Cairns, John, 113 Hi^hstreet
Campbell, Alex. 2 Carltun court
a Carlton, C. & Co. 499 Gallowg.
Chalmers, John, 10 Parliamen. rd
Clarke, J. & G. 145 W. Regent st
Clarke, Patrick S. 15 Houston st
Congalton, Win. 17 Canning st
a Cowan, T. & W. 146 Paisley rd
Craig, John, 15 Nicholson street
Craig, Peter, 145 Trongate
a Crawford, James, 32 Main st.
a Darroch, Wm. S. 102 Dumb, rd
Dickson, Robert, 20 Stevenson st
Drumm.ond, Paul, & Co. 19 Can:i-
bridgs street
Dunbar, Ales. 119 Hospital street
a Duncan & Murray, 92^ Maxw. sS
Elliot, Jas. and Arch. 18 Bridge st
England, Chas. 110 Bothwell st
a Ferguson, R. and Sun, 127 Cam-
bridge street
Ferguson, Tho3, 155 High street

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