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M'Nauglit, Patrick, & Co., cotton-spinners, Nassau
court, 5-4 Main street, Anderston, 28 South St.
Mungo street, and 17 M'Keclinie street, Calton.
MacNauglit, Robert, of R. F. cj- J. Alexander cf Co.;
house, Burnside house, Hamilton.
M'Naught, William, engineer, 26 Robertson street;
residence, Victoria park, Manchester.
M'Naught, William, brickraaker and builder, 44,
46 E. Howard St.; ho. Cessnock rd., off Govan rd.
JI 'Naught, Mrs., cloak & dressmaker, Queen's park
terrace, 271 Ejilinton street.
M'Nauglit, Mrs., tobacconist, 178 Broomielaw.
M'Naught, Mrs., Patrick, 5 India street.
M'NAUGHTON, Allan, commission merchant, 75
St. Vincent street.
M'Naughton, Angus, clerk, Stubbs' ^lercantile
Oftices, 103 St. Vincent st. ; ho. 14 Cadogan st.
M'Naughton, Colin, hot-presser, calenderer, dyer,
and scourer, Fvfy pi., 100 W. George St., and 122
North street; house, 100 West George street.
M'Naughton, Donald, vine and spirit merchant, 216
Broomielaw ; house, 58 Buchanan street.
M'Naughton & Hood, coalniastcrs, Biinkhead col-
liery ; otTice, 20 Union street.
M'Naughton, James, saddler and harness-maker, 23
Renfieid st.; ho. 5 Victoria pi., West Regent st.
M'Naughton, James, silk and cotton yarns agent,
25 Cochran St.; ho. 1-1 Walmer cres., Paisley rd.
M'Naughton, J. C, & Co., mers., 49 W. George st.
M'Naughton, J. C, of J. C. M'-Naughtoa ij- Co. ;
residence. Fairy knowe, Helensburgh.
M'Naughton, J., coachmaker, 56 Paisley road.
M'Naughtan, John, carriage hirer, 42} St. Enoch
square ; stables, 56 Paisley road.
M'Naughton, Neil, wood turner, 39 Stockwell St.;
house, 73 Thistle street, south side.
M'Naughton, Peter, merchant, secretary, Calcutta
& Burmah Steam Navigation Co. (limited), 133 St.
Vincent st.; resid., Albert ter., Dowanhill gardens.
M'Naughton, W., victualle-, 102 Gt. Hamilton st.
M'Naughton, Mrs., private lodgings, 32 South
Portland street.
M'Naughton, Jlrs. James, 5 West Regent street.
M'Naughton, Misses, milliners and dressmakers, 84
Ruthergleu loan ; house, 103 Crown street.
MACNIE, Alex., of Mitchell, Allardice, ij' Mitchell,
160 West George street.
MacNee, C, tobacconist, 276 Buchanan St.; house,
80 New City road.
Macnee, Daniel, portrait painter, 178 Bath street.
MacNee, D., & Son, tiag manufs., 184 Broomielaw;
house, 123 Dumbarton road.
M'Nee, Luke, broker, 15, 17 Market street.
Macnee, James, oil and grease merchant, 32 Ann st,
off Jamaica street.
M'Nee, James, -wine and spirit merchant, 233 Cowc.
Macnee, James, & Son, commission merchants, 52
Virginia street; house, 27 Lansdowne crescent.
M'Nie, John, tailor and clothier, 5 N. Coburg st.
M'Nee & M'Dougall, shirtmaker.=, clothiers, and
hosiers, 101 Main street, Anderston.
M'Nee, Malc.)lm, of M'' Nee if M-Doiigall; house,
133 Waterloo street.
M'Nee, Malcolm, & Co., shirtmaker.s, hosiers, and
outiitters, 7 Stobcross street.
M-acnee & Waddell, merchants, Kingston, C.W. ;
house, 155 St. George's road.
M'Nee, Thomas, at W. Hinshaio ij' Co.'s; hoix.se,
97 North Frederick street.
M'Nee, Wm., wine and spirit merchant, 12 Stock-
well St. and 5-1:6 St. Vincent st. ; ho. 4 Derby st.
M'Nee, Mrs., Young Ladies' Seminar}', 2 Abbots-
ford place.
M'Nee, Mrs. Walter, 155 St. George's road.
M'NEIL, Andrew, 11 Pitt street.
M'Neil, Daniel, wine and spirit merchant, 47 Kent
street ; house, 7 Suffolk street.
M'Neill, David, basket and hamper maker, 25 St.
Andrew's square.
MacNeill, David Edwd., apothecary, 20 Houston st.
M'Neill, James, painter, 11 Melville st., Tradeston.
M'Neil, James B., hon. secy, to the City of Glas-
gow Roj-al Regatta Club, Clutha Boat-house, 253
Rutherglen road.
M'Neil, James Banks, boat-builder, oar maker, and
boat-hirer, Clutha Boat-house, 253 Eutherglca
road ; house, do.
M'Neil, John, 23 Corn street.
M'Neill, John, grocer and victualler, 37 Findlay st.
M'Neil, John, hotel keeper, Glasgow Bridge hotel,
20 Broomielaw.
M'Neil, John, & Sffn, basket-makers, 31 St. An-
drew's street ; house, 33 do.
M'Neill, Matthew, tailor and clothier, 12 Norfolk St..
M'Neill, Neil, bookseller, 40 Union street.
M'Neill, William, grocer, 3 Parliamentary road-,
bouse, 71 do.
M'Neill, Mrs. Daniel, furrier, glover, and sporan
maker, 169 S.mchiehall street.
M'Neil, A. & J., dress and cloakmakers, 1 King St.,
M'NEILENCE, John, boot and shoemaker, 39 War-
wick street.
M'NELIS, David, spiiit dealer, 39 Tobago street,
M'NICOL, Dan., mason and builder, 17 Eldersliest.
M'Nicol, Donald, boot and shoemaker, 248 Argylte
street; house, 13 Cavendish street.
M'Nicol, Donald, wine and spirit merchant, 257
Parliamentary' road ; house, 119 St. James' road..
M'Nicol, Duncan, 72 Waterloo street.
M'Nicol, Hugh, wine and spirit merchant, IS Wil-
liam street, Cowcaddens; house, 20 do.
M'Nicol, James, dairyman, 27 Elderslie street.
M'Nicol, James, dairyman, 83 Carrick street.
M'Nicol, John, joiner and house factor, 40 Eglin-
ton street.
M'Nicol, John, wine and spirit merchant, 21 Sais-
chiehall street; house, 19 do. — See Adaertisemeni
in Appendix.
M'Nicol, Male, Gowan Lea dairy, 194 Garscube rd.
M'Nicol, Peter, teacher, Anderston Burgh School^
24 Catherine street; house, 393 St. Vincent st,
M'Nicol, Peter, house factor, 17 James st., Mile-end.
M'Nicol, Peter, wine and spirit merchant, 138 Gars-
cube road ; house, 2G9 St. George's road.
M'Nicol, Robert, sewed muslin manufacturer, IH
Ingram street.
M'Nicol, William, dairyman and spirit dealer, 679
Gallowgate; house, 1 Comley park street.
M'Nicol, Misses A. & E., milliners and dressmakers,
104 Cowcaddens street.
M'Nicol, Miss, dressmaker, 43 Glebe street.
M'NISH, Andrew, hairdresser, 8 Broomielaw; ha
6 Brown streot.
M'Nisb, John, clothier, 98 Great Hamilton street.
M'Nish, P., boot and shoemaker, 27 North Coburg
street ; house, 63 Cavendish street.

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