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M'Murray, John, & Co., calenderers, hot-pressers
and packers, 86 Miller street; goods entrance, 93
Virginia street; house, 163 Hospital street.
M'Murray, Messrs., & Kerr, teachers, Training
Academy, 48 St. George's road.
M'Murray, Thomas, of Erskvie cj- JiPMurray ; ho.
49 Whitevale street.
M'Murraj', Wni., carver and gilder, 37 Jamaica st.
M'MURRICH, John, sugar sample room. Royal
Exchange ; house, 1 Killermont street.
M'MURTRIE, Adam, spirit merchant, 22 Dum-
barton road; house, 20 do.
M'Mutrie, Alexander, & Co., joiners and glaziers,
17 South Kinning place; house, 66 do.
M'Mutrie, James, o/' J/' J/2(^i'('e i.f Paierson; house,
7 Regent Park terrace.
M'Mutrie, John, pawnbroker, 5 Cheapslde st. ; ho.
421 St. Vincent street.
M'Mutrie & Paterson, calenderers, hot-pressers,
starchers, and packers, 61 Virginia street.
M'NAB, A. & J., o/'/n/7//sa??(Z <?reera, dj'ers, scourers,
and clear starchers, 202 Sauchieball street ; Wm.
Hamilton, agent ; bouse, 303 St. Vincent street.
Macnab, Alex., photographic artist, 98 West Ivile
street ; house, 1 23 Grafton terrace.
M'Nab, Alex., baker, 75 High John street.
M'Nab, Alex., grocer, 348 Argj-le street; house, 72
Waterloo street.
M'Nab, Allan, teacher of writing and bookkeeping,
High School; entry by 74 John street ; house, 10
Oakfield terrace, Hillhead.
MacNab, Rev. Duncan, minister of Renfield Free
Church, West Bath street; ho. 27 Cumberland
street, west.
M'Nab, David B., flesher, 159 New City road;
house, 161 do.
M'Nab, Duncan, hotel-keeper. Rainbow hotel, 6
Bridge street.
Macnab, D. Lamond, printer, of James MacnaVs, 11
Miller st. ; house, 8 Morris place, Monteith row.
3I'Nab, George, butcher, 86 Woodlands road ; house,
2 North Woodside road,
Macnab, James, printer, 11 Miller street; house,
8 Mprris place, Monteith row.
M'Nab, James, calico printer, 145 Ingram street;
works, Lilyburn; residence, Lilyburn, Campsie,
and Louis villa, Dunoon.
M'Nab, James, jun., calico printer, at 14,') Ingram
street; residence, 8 Neilson terrace, Hillhead.
M'Nab, James, ofiVNah (f Selkirlc; house, 55 Ren-
field street.
M'Nab, J., cowfeeder, 11 N. Woodside rd. ; ho. 9 do.
M'Nab, John & Co., bleachers, Jlidtownfield, bj'
Paisley. Place of call, John King & Son's, 78
Queen street.
M'Nab, John, flesher, 94 Garscube road; house, 2
North Woodside road.
M'Nab, John, of Orme, iPNah, 4 Adam; house, 42
Dundas street.
M'Nab, John, writer, agent for the Law Union Fire
and Life Insurance Co., 33 Buchanan street.
M'Nab, J., spirit merchant, 84, 86 Port-Dundas rd. ;
house, 6G West Jlilton street.
M'Nab & M'Donald, curriers and leather merchants,
65 Bridgegate and 32 Market lane.
M'Nab, Robert, tailor and clothier, 43 Crown street.
MacNab, Robert, of Hubert MacNab ^ Co. ; house,
14 Fit2rov place.
MacNab, Robert & Co., merchants, 108 W. Geo. st.
M'Nab, Robert, tinplato worker and gasStter, ltj>
Gallowgate ; house, 17 Hill street.
M'Nab & Selkirk, accountants and property agenta,
65 Renfield street.
M'Nab, Thomas, of M'Nab S; M'Donald; house,
16 South Wellington street.
MacNab, Turner, & Co., ship and insurance brokers
and general agents, 1 Princes sq., 48 Buchanan st.
M'Nab, Mrs. Archibald, 12 Royal lerrace.
M'Nab, Mrs. John, 9 Elmgrove place.
M'Nab, Misses, dressmakers and milliners, 59 Ren-
frew street.
MacNab, Miss Anne, lobacconist, 103 Stobcross st.,
Anderston ; house, 91 Cadogan street.
M'NAE, Thomas, commission agent, 52 Virginia st. ;.
house, 4 Hamilton crescent, Partick.
M'NAIR, Andrew D., of J. (J- D. iPNair; house,
4 Hillhead place.
M'Nair, Andrew, teacher, 6 Taylor street; house,
11 Ilopetoun place.
M'Nair, A. & 'VV., bedding and furniture warehonsf,
120 George street.
M'Nair & Brand, silk j'arn and commission msi-
chants, 8 Princes square.
Macnair, Donald S., commission merchant, 12 St.
Vincent place ; house, 30 Pollok street.
MacNair, D. S., of J. ^f D. MacNair ; house, 4
Hillhead place.
M'Nair, G. B., & Co., coalmasters, Greenfield and
Hollowglen colliery, Shettlestone ; office, 23
Jamaica street ; ho. 160 Hill street, Garnethill.
Macnair, James, assistant-collector, 14 Robertson St.;
house, 6 Pollok street.
M'Nair, James, lithographer and engraver, 175
Buchanan street.
Macnair, James R., bookseller and stationer, 1~3
Buchanan street; house, 150 Holland street.
M'Nair, John, carter, 10 Milroad street, Calton.
M'Nair, John, & Co., commission merchants, 75
Virginia street,
MacNair, J. & D., commission agents, 16 Turner's ct.
M'Nair, John, dairyman, 66 Clyde St., Anderston.
MacNair, M., & Co., sewed muslin manufacturers,
48 Queen street.
M'Nair & Robb, fleshcrs, 301 Argyle St.; house, do.
MacNair, Robert, contractor, 46 James St., Calton,
M'Nair, Robert, jun., victualler, 1 Young street.
M'Nair, Mrs., 9 Burnbank gardens.
M'Nair, Mrs. James, grocer, 6 Drygate lane.
M'Nair, Miss, 35 Robertson street.
M'NAIRN, John, at II. R. Adam Sinclair 4- Co.'s ;
house, 11 Westbank terrace.
M'NAIMARA, Michael, butter and egg merchant,
147 Abercrorabj' street,
M'NAUGHT, Duncan, tailor and clothier, 61
Waterloo street.
M'Naught, George, saddlers' ironmonger, saddle-
tree, hame, and chain manufacturer, 68 .^nd 62
St. James' street. Paisley road ; house, 60 do.
M'Naught, Jan-.es C, 5 India street.
M'Naught, James, baker, 51 Nelson st., Tradeston.
M'Naught, James, Greenock parcel carrier, 22^ Bu-
chanan street ; ho. IG Hamilton street, Greenock.
M'Naught, James, painter and paperhanger, 16-1
North street.
M'Naught, John, smith, gasfitter, and bellhanger,
58 Rutherglen lo.; ho. 80 Rose St., Hufchesontown.
Macnaught, J. S., at Neilson 4' Co.'s, Hj-depark
Locomotive works, Springburn ; ho. 17 Grafton st.

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