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CHINNER, Oxford 37..Tha:t 5, Oxford
Anna, Warwick lane; Tluind Sa, Bell,
Warwick lane ; Green Man And Slill,
Oxford St; F. 12, White Swan, Hol-
born bridge
CHIPPENHAM, Wilt» n-.l^an, daily,
aft .'>, Swan, Great Carier lane ; Spiead
Eagle, and Black Bear, Piccaililly : and
White Swan, Holborn bridge ; ff^un
gon, daily, 12 Swan, Holborn brldgt
Old White Horse Cellar, Griffin's and
Afooie's Green Man & Plill, Oxford st ;
69 Old Bailey; and White and Black
Bears, Piccadilly ; M W and Sa S, Rose,
Fleet Market, and Getrurd's hall, Bas
ing lane
CHIPPENHAM, Cambridge 66.. Sa 12,
One Swan, & Vine, Bishnp>gate st ;
daily, Kings Arms, Leadenhall st, and
Snowhil), and Ship, Charins Cross
CHIPPING, Herts 32..../. Catherine
Wheel, Bishopsgate st
CHIPPING HILL, Tu Th and Sa, Bine
Boar, Aldgale
CHIPPING NORTON, Oxon -3. .Tan, &
/ra^§on,daily, White Horse,,Cripp]egt ;
fFaggon, Til and Sa, Brown's Ware-
house , 248, Oxford stand OxfordAnns,
Warwick lane ; Tu morn 10, Swan,
Holborn bridge; daily, 13 Aldersgate st;
Tu and Sat aft .;, Griffin's Green Man
and Still, Oxford st
CHIPPIN'G ONGAR, Essex 21— Wand
Sa II, Bine Boar, Aldgate
CHIPSTEaD, Surry 17.. Tu and F morn
8, Catherine Wheel, Boro ; Tuand Sa,
Kind's Head, Boro
CHIPPEF.fi ELD, Herts... Sa, Angel,
Fleet market
CHIRK, Denb. n\..ran, daily. Castle di:
Falcon, ;Aldersgate st ; l'raggon,W& Sa,
Moore's GieenMan and Still, Oxford st
CHISLEHURST, Kent 11. .Daily, Ship,
and Silver Cross, Charing cross ; Flower
Pot, Bishopsgate st ; and George and
Gate, Grarecburch st ; and M W F and
Sa, Catherine Wheel, Boro
CHISWICK, Middlesex 6.. D.-rily, New-
Inn, and George, Old Bailev ; Flower
Pot, Bishop>gaIe st ; Nag's Head Cov
ent Garden TCrown, St. "Paul's Church
yd; Blue Posts, Holborn; Black and
White Bears, Piccadilly ; Magpie and
Slump, Newgate .st; Red Lion, Strand;
George and Gate, and Bell, Bell yard,
Giacechurch st; Hlack Boy and Cainel,
Leadenhall sf ; Fojtune of War, and
White Hart, Gillspur st ; Swan, Skin-
ner st ; CocJi, Snowbill ; Pewter Platter,
Gracechnrch st ; Kind's Arms, Bishops-
gate St.; and Silver Cross, Charing cross
CHITTERN,dailv, Angel, Fleet market
CHITTINGFOLD, daily. Ship, Charing
Cross. [Boro
CHITTINGSTONK, Thaft2, Halfmoon,
CH03HAM, .see Cobr-am
CHOLSRY, Berks jG..Th inorn at 10,
Oxford Arms, Vi'arwick la. [manbiiry
CHORLEV, Lan iOS. .Daily, Axe, Aldei-
CHORLEY WOOD, Herts.. Tu and F,
Angel, Fleet- market : Tu and Sa, Bell,
Warwick lane, and iMoore's Green Man
and Slill, Oxford st
CHRISHILL, W, Cilherine Wheel, Boro
CHRISTCHURCH, Hants 10l..ru», M
W & F 12, Castle & Falcon, Aldersgate
st; tFaggon, Tu & B" alt, Gerrar
Hall, Basing lane ; daily noon. White
. Horse. Friday st; Tu & Sa aft -1, Ox
ford Anns, Warwick la'; Tu Th and Sa
morn 10, Kind's Head, Old Ch.inge ;
White and Black Bears, Old White
Horse Cellar, and Spread Eagle, Picca-
dilly ; Saraccii^s Head, Snowhill ; daily.
Ship, Cnaring Cross; & Tueven,Rose,
Fleet market.
CHUDLEIGH, Devon 182. .Daily, Bell,
Friday st ; Castle & Falcon, Aldersgate
st; While and Black Bears, and Old
White Horse Cellar, PiccaJillv
CHUMLEIGH, Devon 194.. Da'ily, Bell,
Friday st
CIRENCESTER, Gloucester B9..r'au,
Tu Th & Sa II, S3 W^bite Cross st.
Crippleaate, Fan and Ip'aggon, daily.
White Hor.se, Cripplegate ; and White
Bear, and Old While Hor.se Cellar,
Piccadilly, M Th and Sa noon, Three
Cups, Aldersgate st ; Sa noon, Rose,
Fleet market ; daily, inorn 10, King's
Head, Old Change; GritHn's & Moore's
Green Man and Still, and Boar & Castle,
Oxford st ; and IFaggon, 12 & 7, daily,
33 White Cross gt, Cripplegate ; W &
Sa morn 10, King's Arms, Snowhill
CLACKMANNA^r, daily, aft 4, Bull and
CLACTON (GREAT) Essex .'i7... Daily,
Ipswich Arms, CuUum st, and King's
Anns, Leadenhall st
CLANDON, Surry 28..W & Sa morn 9,
Oxford .Arms, Warwick lane ; Tu & Sa
noon. Spur, Boro ; Tu & F morn 9, Tal-
bot, Boro; daily, George * Gate, Grace-
church st ; Tu morn 7, White Swan,
Holborn bridge
CLAPHAM, York 240.. Daily, aft 4, Bull
and Mouth
CLAPHAM, Surry 4.. M W FandSa2,
New Inn, Old Bailey ; Swan, Holborn
bridge ; and Brown's Warehouse, 248
Oxford st;daiIy,Talbot,CatfcerineWhee!,
and Halfmoon, Boro; Silver Cross and
Ship, Charing Cross, King's and Key,
Fleet st; Pewter Platter, Georse and
Gate, Bed, Bell yard. Cross Kevs and
No. 1 1 Gracechurch st ; Spotted Dog <fc
Red Lion, Strand ; Moore^s Green Man
and Slill, Oxford st; Black Boy and
Camel, Leadenhall street ; George, Old
Bailey ; Blue Posts, Holborn ; Flower
Pot, and King's Arms, Bishoprgate st ;
Goose and Gridirorn, St. Pauls 'Church
3'ard ; Magpie and Stump, Newgate st ;
Cock, Snowhill ; Fortune of War ; and
White Hart, Giltspur sf ; Swan, Skin-
ner st ; Blue Posts, Holborn ; Four
Swans, Bishopsgate st ; & While and
Black Bears, Piccadilly
CLAPTON, Middlesex 3..M W F & Sa,
Four Swans, Flower Pot, and King'.*
Arms, Bi-hopsgatest ; Daily, Black Boy
and Camel, Leadenhall st ; Bell, Bell
yard, George and Gate, Halfmoon, and
No. 11 Gracechurch st ; Goose and
Gridiron, St. Pauls Church vard ; Giif-
fin's Green Man and Still, 'Oxford st;
Cock, Snowhill ; Spotted Dog, Strand ;
Fortune of War it WhifeHart, Giltspur
st ; Pewter Platter, and Cro.ss Keys,
Gracechurch street ; Swan, Skinner st ;
George and New Inn, Old Bailey ; and
Magpie and Slump, Newgate st
CLARE, Suffolk ."16.. Tu Th it Sa, Cathe-
rine Wheel, Bishopsgate st ; Th and
Sa aft 3, Blue Boar, Aldgafe ; Tu & S,
aft 2, Saracen's Head, Aldgate ; Sa aft*,
Three Nuns, Aldgate: Sa 12,One Swan,
Bishopsgate st
CLAVER'ING, Essex 37.. Fri noon, On
Swan, Bishopsgate st
CLAY, Norfolk 123. .Tu noon. No. 26
Sun st, Bishopsgate st : M W & Sa noon
Blue Boar, Aldgate, & Bull, Bishops-
gate st
CLAYDON, Bucks 52.. [North, Steeple it-
Middle] M& Fnoon, George, Snowhill :
& W & Sa 10, Swan, Holborn bridge
CLAYDON, Suffolk 73.. Daily, Ipswich
Arms, Cullnin st
CLAYHILL,Tu& Fnoon, George, Snow-
CLENCHWARTON,j Norfolk 96.. W &
Sa aft 2, Four Swans, Bishopsgate st
CLIFTON, Beds. 41.. W, White Hart.
St. John st
CLIFTON, Oxon 70.. Th morn 10, Ox-
ford Arms, WarvTick lane
CLIMSFOLD, Daily, Ship, Charing cross
CLITHERO, Lane 2lT..ran, daily, ev 6,
Castle Inn, Wood .streef. and Griffin's
and Moore's Green Man' and Still, Ox-
ford st : Waggon, daily, aft 4, Bull and
Mouth, and Axe, Aldermanbury
CLOTHALL, Herts 35.. F 1, Vine, Bis-
COALEY, Glostr lO;.. . Waggon, daily, I2,
33 While Cross st, Cripplegate: White
Bear, and Old White Horse Cellar, Pic-
COBHAM, Surry 19.. Tan, daily, 2 aft,
Swan, Doctor's Commons : IFaggon, Tu
W F& Sa, Kings Head, Boro: F morn 7.
Swan, Holborn bridge ; Tu & F morn 9,
Bell and Oxford Anus, Warwick lane,
and White Bear, Piccadilly : Tue.s
and F morn 8, White Horse, Fridny-sl
and Kings Head, Old Change: Tu F
aft at 1, New Inn, Old Bailey: F noon,
Gtorge, Borough: W ev. Ram, Smith-
tield; Bell Sauvage, Ludgatehill: Tn
Thurs and Sat aft 4, Slip, Charing
Cross, and M and F H, Spur, Bora
COCKERMOUTH, Cumberland 30,5...
Daily, alt 4, Bull and Mouth: noon,
White Horse, Cripplegate, and Axe,
COCKFIELD, Suffolk 66.. Aft 4, Sara-
cen's Head, Snowhill, and Three Nuns,
Aldgate: Th and Sa, King's Arms,
Leadenhall st: Th and Sa noon, Blue
Boar, Aldgate
COCKING, Sussex.. Tu Th and Fa aft
Talbot, Boro..W and F, Whi te Hart,
Wheel, Bishopsgate st
COCKLEY CLEY, Norfolk 89.. W and
Sa 2, Four Swans, Bi.shopsgate st
CODDENHAM, Suttblk 73. .Tu Th and
Sa 12, Saracen's Head, Aldgate: daily,
Ipswich Anns, Cullum st
CODICOTE, Herts 26.. Tu and F morn
10, Golden Lion : and W & Sa, Whila
Hart, St John st
Sa 2, Blue Bo.ir, Aldgate: Waggon, T <fe
S, Kings Arms, Leadenhall st : & W
ev Ram Smilhtield
C( iLCH EST EK, Essex .-i 1 . . . Fan, M W &
Sa 2, Blue Boar, Aldgale : Waggon,Sa. at
noon. Bull : Tu Th and Sa 12, Saracen's
H«ad,and Blue Boar, Aldgate; King's
Arms, Leadenhall st ; daily, Ipswich
Arms. CuUum st: and ^hip. Charing
COLDHAM, M AV Th and Sa noon, Blue
Boar, Aldgate
COLD NORTON, Essex. .Thev 5, BIub
Boar, Aldgate
COLDSTREAM, Berwick 334.. Daily, aft
4, Bull and Mouth
COLEBROOK DALE, Salop \i9-lan,
M W and F noon. Castle and Falcon,
Alder.sgate st: fjaggon, daiiy, George,
Smithtield . 13 Aldeisgate st : Grifhn«
Green Man & Still, Oxford st : & Old
White Horse Cellar, Piccadilly, and M
W and Sa, Bell, Wood st
COLEFORD Gloucstr. lis... Waggon,
33 While Cross st, Cripplegate ; daily.
White Bear, and Old White Horse Cel-
lar, Piccadilly : and Green Man and
Still, Oxford st : M Th and Sa aft 4,
Bell, Warwick lane
COLE GREEN, Tu Th and Sa J, Vine,
COLES, W & Sa, Catherine Wheel, and
T & F noon. One Swan, Bishopsgate st
COLESHILL, Warvyick :04.. /'an,d.iily,
noon. Castle i Falcon, Aldersgate »t.'&
6 aft, 17 Old Change ://agguH, M W F
& Sa, Bell, Warwick la : & M: W & Sa,
Bell, Woodst: daily, 13 Aldersgate st
COLFORD, Glouce.ster 124. ... Wo^jon,
daily, 33 White Cross st, Cripplegate :
it Saracen's Head, Friday st: "Tu & Sa,
Griffin's and Moore's Green Man & Still,
Oxford st
COLKIRK, Norfolk 106. .Tu noon, 26
Sun st, Bishopsgate st
COLLIERSDEN, Herls 25.. Vine, 10,
Bishopsgate st
COLLUMPTON,De*on 160.. Daily, !'nn,
4, ^faggun,»,]ie[l, Friday st : Swan,
Holborn bridge, and Castle and Falcon,
Aldeisgate st
COLLYTON, Devon 1.^0.. Daily, Fan,
4 aft, Waggon, 8 morn. Bell, Friday st
COLNBROOK, Bucks 17. .Tu G Bell,
Warwick lane • Tu and F, Kings Arms,
Holborn bridge ; Spotted Dog, Strand :
and Swan, Holborn bridge : 'Pu Th and
Sa, New Inn, Old Bailey, and Gerrard's
Hall, Basing lane
COLNE, Lancashire 217. . ^ra^^on, daily,
aft 1, Bull ifc Mouth, and Axe, Alder-
COLNE ENGAIN, E.ssex 47.. Th and Sa
3, Blue Boar, Aldgate
COLNEY, Herts 18.. Daily, noon, Three
Cups, Aldersgate st: Tu and F White
Hart, St. John st: Tu Th and Sa, Bed
Lion, Aldersgate st , M W F and Sa,
morn 10, Griffin's and Moore's Green
Man and Still, Oxford st
COLTERSWORTH, Lincoln 102— Daily
aft 4. Bull and Mouth
COLTISHALL, Norfolk 116..M Wand
Sa 12, Bull, Bishopsgate it

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