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50i0ot k Cc'g
Villelbe Julian, gent. 23, Ann-st
Wadilcl .lames, esq. 25, Diuidas-st
Wade Mis. 24, Albauy-st
Walker Dr. A. 16, Maiy Field
Waiker Miss Ann, 5, Gloucester-plaee
Walker Mrs. Alexander, 12, Salisbuiv-st
Walker Miss Ann, 19, Warriston Crescent
Walker Mrs. Elizabeth, 4, Uichmond-place
' Walker Rev. James, 22, Stafford-st
Walker Mr. John, 179, Canongate
Walker Misses, 'J, Reid's-court, Canongate
Walker Mrs. 2, Baxter-place
Walker Mrs. 119, George-st
Walker Mrs. Captain, 2, Hart-st
Walker Sir Patrick, Drunisbeugh
Walker Robert, esq. Head of Nevv-st, Canongate
Walkej- Lieut.-Col. Robert, Gray-st, Nevvington
Wallace Miss Isabella, 32, Rankeillor-st
Wallace Mrs. Susan, 7, London-st
Wai'd Rev. V. 10, Nicolson-square
Ward Mrs. 2, South Charlotte-st
Warden John, R.N. 20, Nelson-st
Wardlaw Mrs. Anu, 3, Gay field place
Wardlaw Rev. George, 1, Scotland-st
Wardrobe Miss, 4, Rankeillor-st
Wardrop James, esq. 1, Lauriston-lane
Wardrope Mrs. 31, Dundas-st
Warrand John, esq. IS, Albany-st
Warreuder Sir George, (of Buriitsjield-house) 625,
Warrender John, esq. Bnrntsfield-house
Waters Miss Mary, 38, Rankeillor-st
Watkins Mrs. Catherine, 30, Castle-st
Watson Rev. James, 42, West_Richiiiond-st
Watson Mr. Archibald, 9, Moray-st
Watson George, esq. 1, Moray-st
Watson Captain James, 27, Ann-st
Watson Mr. James, (of Fotdstcr) 6, Brown-st
Watson Miss, 34, Castle-st
Watson Mrs. 19, Union-st
Watson Mrs. 5, Moray-st
Watson Robert, gent. 11, Raeburn-place
Watson Thomas, esq. Merchiston Bank
Watson Walter, esq. 3, Charlotte-square
Watson Mr. William, 9, Moray-st
Wauchope Mrs. George, 18, Broughlon-st
Wauchope Miss, 4, Great King-st
Wauchope Miss, (of Kiddfy) 54, George-square
Wauchopes Miss, {of Edmonstu/ie) 21, George-sq
Waugh Mrs. Charlotte, (of Fox-hall) Grove-st
Weatherburn Mrs. Isabella, 31, Heriot-row
Webster Mrs. 13, Drummond-place
Weddell Mrs. James, 5, Keir-st
Wedderburn Miss Catherine, 5, North James'-st
Wedderburn Lady, .32, George-square
Wedderburn Henry, esq. {ot /Fedderburn) 17,Abcr-
Weir Mrs. Major, 6, Lvndoch-place
Weir Mrs. Maigaret, 15, Chapel-st
Welbank Mrs. Jane, 41, Albany-st
Well wood Sir H. Moncreiif, 13, Quceii-st
Welhvpod I\Iisses, 108, George-st
Wellwood Mrs. Wellwood Lodge, Burntsfield Links
Welsh Robert, esq. 9, Nortluniiberland-st
Welsh Miss Robina, 20, St. Pal rick-square
Weinyss & March, the Right Hon. Earl of (of Gos-
foir/J G4, Queen-st
Wharton Right Hon. Lady Sophia, 15, Shandvvick-pl
White .Mrs. Maigaret, 42, Lothian-.st
White Miss Mary, 35, York-place
White M I s. 27, Dundas-st
Whylie Mr. 41, Castle-st
Whyte James, gent. 5, York-place
Whyte Mrs. 59, Bristo-st
Wight Alexander, esq. 12, Royal Exchange
Wight Mrs. Major James, 2, Scotland-st
Wighani John, esq. 10, Salisbury Road
Wilkie Miss, {oi Foulden) 49, George-st
Wilkinson Thomas, esq. 20, Duke-st
Williams J. esq. 9, Tiviot-rovv
Williamson Captain David, Raeburn-place
Williamson James, esq. 8, George-st
Williamson Janet, 35, Queen-st
Williamson Samuel, esq. 8, George-st
Willison Miss Anne, 39, George-square
Wilson Adam, e.*q. 12, Forth-st
Wilson Francis, esq. 17, Buccleugh-place
Wilson Mr. Eraser, 41, Clerk-st
Wilson James, 2, Lyndoch-place
Wilson Mrs. Janet, 5, North James'-st
Wilson Margaret, 53, Queen-st
Wilson John, esq. 29, Ann-st. Stockbridge
Wilson Miss M. 113, Princes-st »
Wilson Mrs. Major, 41, York-place
Wilson Mrs. Mary, 42, Lothian-st
Wilson Mrs. 14, Gilmore-place
Wilson Robert, gent. 1, St. Vincent-st
Wilson iMrs. Thomas, 40, Rankeillor-st
Wilson Mr. William, 12, High Schoolyard
Wintou Mrs. George, 23, Dundas-st
Wishart Mrs. Captain, 42, Rankeillor-st
Witham Henry, esq. 14, Great King-si
Wood Mrs. E. 51, Great King-st
Wood Henry, esq. 23, Great King-st
Wood Mrs. Margaret, 21, Leith-st
Worsley Robert, esq. 3, Lothian Road
Wouchope George, esq. 100, George-st
Wright Mrs. Elizabeth, 3, Salisbury-square
Wright Miss Janet, 51, North Hanover-st
Wright Mrs. Marion, Callendars Close, 83, Canongt
Wriglit Mrs. 5, High Terrace
Wylie Mr. David, 28, Loudon-st
Wynn Rev. Richard, 5, Warriston Crescent
Yates IMiss Isabella, 11, Howe-st
Yates Mr. William, 11, Terrace
Young Mrs. Ann, 6, Pitt-st
Young Mrs. Jane, 28, Clyde-st
Young John, esq. 7, George-st
Young Mrs. Joseph, 3, Moray-st
Young .Mrs. Mary, 6, Brown st
Young Miss, 1, London-st
Young Montgomery, 7, London-st
Young INIrs. William, 18, Drummond-st
Yule William, gent. 10, Tiviot-row

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