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Smith r.ieut. John, 19, Gayfield-sii'iare
Siiiitli Mrs. Geoige, Kiiis's-place, Leith Walk
Smilh iNliss, 4, Great Kiiig-st
Smith Mrs. 7, Hail-st, Gilmore place
Siuilh Mrs. 40, Great King-st
Siiiiton Mrs. 7, Cassels-j)lace
Smyth Dr. Edward, 12, Unioii-st
Smyth Mrs. {of B(tihary) 1, Hart-st
Smythe Miss Isabella, (of Blethven) 9, South Char-
SiicU Lieut. John C, R.N. 26, Gilmore-place
So.iicivell Mr. Alexander, 9, Malta-terrace
Sonierville Mrs. 6, Circus-place West
Sonimers William, Old Bronghton
Somniervaill Miss Ann, 3, Shrub-place
SDMimerville John, jun. esq. 23, Hovve-st
Spaldhig Peter, gent. 1, Dundas-st
Spear Captain Joseph, R.N. 15, Walker-st
Spence Alexander, gent. 31, Anu-.st
S'peuce Mrs. 7, St. Vincent-st
Spence James, esq. 8, Broughton-place
Spciis Colonel Archibald, 3.5. Great King-.st
Sprot Mrs. (of Garnkirli) 23, Abercrombie-place
Sprot Mrs. 24, London-st
Sprott Isabella, 9, York-place
Stark Mrs. William, 3, North Charlotte-st
Sicad Miss, Stead's place, Leith Walk
Steel Mr. Alexander, 9, Fife's- place
Steele Andrew, esq.
Steele Mrs. Captain, 6, Fife's-place
Steele Mrs. Martin, 1, London-st
Stein John, esq. 37, Heriot-row
Siein Misses, 8, Raeburn- place
Stein Mrs. 1, Shan d wick-place
Stenhouse Miss Christie, 28, Castle-st
Steuhouse Mrs. John, .5, Keir-st
Sterling Miss, 27, South Castle-st
SteuartMiss, (of Steuart hall) 16, Maitland-st
Steven Rev. William, 6", Patrick- square
Stevenson Mrs. 4, Charlotte-place
Stevenson Walter, esq. 41, Great King-st
Stevenson Mrs. William, 144, Princes-st
Stewart, esq. fof Dunarori) Burntsfield Links
Stewart Lady Ann, 47, ifleriot-rovv
Stewart Miss Barbara, 20, Maitlaud-st
Stewart Charles, gent. 3, Leopold place
Stewart Mrs. D. 4, Argyle-square
Stewart Duncan, esq. 109, George-st
Stewart INliss Ellen, {of Benie) 19, Maitland-st
Stewart Mrs. Flora, 6, Raeburn-place
Stewart Mrs, Isabella, 9, Royal Circus
Stewart Mrs. Jane, 29, Buccleugh-place
Stewart John, esq. 13, Broughton-place
Stewart John, esq. 28, London-st
Stewart Mrs. John, 4, George's-place
Stewart Mrs. Leveson D. 5, Walker-st
Stewait Mrs. Margaret, 39, George-st
Stewart Miss Mary, (of Castlestewart) 55,Queen-st
Stewart Sir Michael Shaw, 14, Queen-st
Stewart Miss, 10, Duncan-st
Stewart Miss, 2, East Broughton-place
Stewart Misses, 17, St. Andrew's-square
Stewart Misses, 46, Heriot-row
Stewart Mrs. 9, Lyndoch-placc
Stewart Mrs. jun. {of Stenton) 3, StafFord-st
Stewart Mrs. 10, Buccleugh-place
Stewart Mrs. 8, Abercrombie-place
Stewart Mrs. 2, Middleby-st
Stewart Mrs. (of Castlestewart) &6, Queen-st
Stewart Misses, 18, Abercrombie-place
Stewart Mrs. 19, Dundas-st
Stewart Mrs. 23, Dundas-st
Stewart Mrs. {of Stenton) 1, Antigua-st
Stewart INlrs. 16, Howe-st
Stewart Robert, esq. 20, Broughton-place
Stewart Star, esq. 62, Northumberland-st
Stiriiiig Lieut. -General, 27, Queen-st
Stirling John, esq. 14, Raeburn-place
Stirling Mr. Walter, King's-place
Stirling William, esq. 20,' Royal Circus
Stitchell Mr. James, 12, James'-square
Stodart Miss, 5, Dundas-st
Stodart Mrs. 17, Gilmorc-place
Stodart Robert, gent. h2, Queen-st
Stoddart Captain P. R.N. 10, Bclle\tic Crescent
Stott Mrs. Jane, 410, Castle-hill
Straiton Mrs. 2, Salisbury-square
Strobeach Mrs. 24, Broughton-st
Strong Miss, 1, Antigua-st
Strong Mrs. 32, Broughton-place
Strott'er Mrs. 35, Gilmore-place
Stuart Alexander, esq. 3, Saxe Coburg-placo
Stuart C. esq. {of Duneai-n) 41, George-square
Stuai't Mrs. James, 3, Duncan-st
Stuart Lady Jane, 12, Maitlaud-st
Stuart Robert, esq. 21, St. Andrew's-square
Sutlierland Mr. Francis, 3, Moray-st
Suttie Robert, esq. Gayfield-square
Swan John, esq. 4, Hill-square
Swan John, esq. Middlefield House, Leith Walk
Swanston Hector, esq. 51, Clerk-st
Swanston Mrs. John, 1, Beaumont-place
Swinton Archibald, esq. 9, S hand wick-place
Sworde Mrs. 12, Buccleuglj-place
Sym Robert, esq. 20, George-square
Symington Mr. Archibald, Moruiugside
Tait James, esq. 13, Mailland-st
Tait Captain J. H., R.N. 24, Northumberland-st
Tait Mrs. 13, Giimore place
Tait Rev. Waltei-, Ramsay Gardens
Taitt Mrs. 3, Gilmore-place
Taylor Mi-. James Thomas, R.N. 3, Beaumont place
Taylor Miss, 8, Abercrombie-place
Taylor Mrs. 14, Pitt-st
Telfer Mr. Alexander, R.N. Morning Side
Tennant William, esq. 5, North Charlotte-st
Terrot Rev. C. H. 19, Northumberland-st
Thomson Mr. Alexander, 1, Beaumunt-place
Thomson Rev. Andrew, 29, Melville-st
Thomson Mrs. Ann, 15, Leopold-pltfce
Thomson Captain, R.N. 2, Meadow-place
Thomson Captain David, 17, Gilmore-place
Thomson Miss E. 15, Chapel-st
Thomson Mrs. Ellen, 2, Lothian Road
Thomson Mrs. John, 22, Gaytield-square
Thomson Miss Margaret, 1, Elder-st
Thomson Mrs. {of Leikiebank) 9, Hope-st
Thomson Mrs. 15, St. Andrew's-sijuare
Thomson Mrs. 24, Broughton-st
Thomson Mrs. 8, Merchaut-st
Thomson Mrs. IS, Comely Bank
Thomson Mrs. 10, Cassels-place
Thomson Mrs. 1, Moray-st
Thomson William, esq. Minto-st
Thong Miss Eliza, 22, London-st
Tod Mrs. Archibald, 3, Coates' Crescent
Tod Mrs. Elizabeth, {of Deanstun) 21, Dublin-st
Tod Mrs, Henry, 1, Bellevue Crescent
Tod Miss, 15, George-square
Tod Mrs. 9, Melvilfe-st
Tollie Mrs. Isabella, 3, East James'-st
Torrance Lieut. David, H.P, 51, Buccleugh-st
Torrance Mrs. 2, Montague-st
Traill Miss Jane, 21, St. Andrew's-square
Traquair Mrs. 33, Dunda.'<-st
Trotter Alexander, esq, (of Dreghorn) 23, George-
Trotter Miss, (of Bxish) 12, George-square
Trotter Mrs. 38, Dublin-st
Trotter W. esq, (of Ballenden) Abercrombie place
Tulloch John, gent. 41, Ann st
Tullogh Miss, il, Warriston Crescent
Turnbull Andrew, gent. 12, Windmill-st
TurnbuU Mrs, Dr. 1, Buccleugh-place
Turnbull Rev. Dr. 50, George-square
Turner John, esq. (of Turner-hall) 26, Gayfield-sq.
Tweedie John, gent, 18, Leopold-place
Tyre Mrs. 28, North Union-place
Tytler Lieut.-Col. 10, JMelville-st
Ure James, esq. Baxter's-place, Leith W^alk
Vcitcli Henry, (of Eliock) 35, George-square
Veitch Mrs. 1, London-st
Vertue Mr. 2, Duncan-st
I Vicary John, gent. 41, Ann-st, St. Bernards

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