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[ The Mutual Accumulation Society — Continued.]
II. To secure Provisions for Children. By payment of the trifling sum of
j£3, 8s. lOd. a-year upon the life of a child aged 1, there will, in the event of the
Society progressing as hitherto, and calculating according to the Government
Tables of Mortality, be payable to the child, on its attaining the age of 21, a sum
exceeding ,£120. Parents are thus enabled with advantage to set apart a small
specific sum from the income of each year for the purpose of providing for their
families ; and, by careful investments, combined with the benefits accruing from the
death of other members, a fund is accumulated greater than private individuals
could succeed in realizing by laying aside their annual savings ; whilst, in the event
of the benefit lapsing in consequence of the predecease of the child, the object
for which the fund was in the course of being provided no longer exists. On the
other hand, should the parent die, and it be found inconvenient to continue the annual
contributions, the benefit of those already paid is not thereby lost ; but, by an equitable
arrangement provided in the Deed of Constitution, the value of the past contribution
is ascertained according to a fixed rule therein laid down ; and the child, on surviving
the period of division, will be entitled to the corresponding. share of the Fund This
peculiar feature renders this Society the most advisable medium for securing provisions
to the Younger Chilbren of Landed Proprietors, and to the Families of those
engaged in Professional or Mercantile Pursuits, and, generally, of all whose
incomes are dependent on their life or health.
Detailed Prospectuses, containing Specimen Tables of the Rates of Contributions,
and all information, may be obtained on applying at the Head Office, or any of the
BRODIE & BALFOUR, Actuaries.
No. 4, Mound, {Near the Royae Institution.)
THOS. ALDRIDGE & CO., Paper- Hanging Manufacturers, and
sole Agents in Edinburgh for Josiah Roll's celebrated Patent Floor Cloths,
Painted Table Covers, &c, beg respectfully to intimate to the Nobility, Gentry, and
Public generally, that their Stock of the above Articles is extensive and complete,
forming a combination of Novelties not to be met with out of London
In the Paper-Hanoing Department, Messrs T. A & Co. have spared neither
labour nor expense in procuring the newest and most fashionable Patterns, many of
them designed exclusively for their own Manufactory, and adapted for the Walls of all
sorts of Apartments, Lobbies, Staircases, &c, the whole of which are manufactured
under their own immediate superintendence, and from the best materials. Families
residing at a distance can have samples forwarded to their address on application.
In the Floor-Cloth Department, the Stock is of the most choice description,
varying in width from | yard upwards, including Borders. Among the various Fanci-
ful Designs, thoy would particularly notice the much-admired " Queen's Own," of
which large quantities have been sold, and which it is expected will be in great demand
this Season. The Painted Table- Covers are in immense variety and very beautiful.
Those for Round and Chess Tables being all delicately Pencilled on Black Japan.
D'Oylies, Table Matts, &c, of every description of quality, and at various prices.
*** Experienced Paper- Hangers sent out in Town or Country; and all Papers
hung with a Composition totally Destructive of Vermin. Table-Covers made and
Floor-Cloths laid on the most approved principles.
Edinburgh, April, 1843.

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