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OFFICE OF UNION, 5 St Andrew Sqoake.
President— Rev. R. B. Blyth, M.A., '27 Manslonhouse Roarl. Vice-Pve.tidents — James Coutts, S.S.C, 11 John Street^
Joppa; Saml. Neil, 75 Wan-ender Pk. Rd. Secy. — W. (t. Bruce. Treas. — S. M'Glashen, Canonmills Bridge.
Jf.B. — The annexed list includes only Bands of Hope within the county boundaries. There are many others con-
nected with the Union.
Name and Place of Meeting.
Abbey hill Wesley an, London Road.
Esfcdale, Free Church Hall, Dalkeith.
Free St Bernard's, Church Hall, Henderson Row.
Free St Paul's, Church Hall, St Leonard's.
Free St Stephen's Mission, 3 Church Place.
Junction Road Congregational. Hall, Leith.
Junction Road U. P., Church Hall.
Mayfleld Free. Church Mission. Hall, Buccleuch Street.
N. Leith U.P. Mission, Hall, Citadel.
St Andrew's Hall, St Andrew's Hall, Leith.
St James' Episcopal Mission, School, Easter Road.
Tynecastle Mission.
Carrubbers Close, New Mission Hall, 65 High Street.
Currie, Bryce's Temperance Hall.
Dairy Episcopal, 74 Dairy Road.
Davidson's Mains, Free Church Hall.
Ford, Dalkeith.
Free St John's Mission, Mitchell Street, Leith.
Holy Trinity, Schoolroom, Bernard Row.
Musselburgh Y. W.C.A.
New Craighall, Church Hall.
Penicuik, Church, Penicuik.
Pride of Buccleuch Juv, I.O.P.., 9 Marshall Street.
Red House Home, Red House Home, Musselburgh.
St Vincent Episcopal, Church Hall.
So. Gray's Close Mission, Hall, So. Gray's Close, High St.
Uphall Works Mission, Mission Plall, Station.
Wardie U. P., Church.
Cockenzie F.C., School.
Crichton, Good Templar Hall, Pathhead.
Dairy E.U., Church Hall.
Greenside Parish, Church Hall.
Lauriston Place U.P. Mission, Corn Exchange.
N. Richmond Street U.P. Mission. Church Hall.
Niddrie Mills, Old School.
Ponton Street, Mission Hull.
Slateford. Slateford House.
St Barnabas, Old Hall, Nottingham Place.
Straiton and Pentland, Straiton U.P. Church.
Tranent U.P., Church.
Wesleyan (Leith), Church Hall. Junction Street,
Balerno, Public Schoolroom, Balerno.
Broxburn Free Church, Church Hall.
Daniel, Congregational Church, Dalkeith.
Daniel, Seniors.
Free Breakfast, New Rooms, Old Fishmarket Close.
Free High Church Mission, James' Court, 501 High Street.
Lady Glenorchy's F.C. Mission, Greenside.
Lothian Boad U.P. Juniors, Chiu'ch Hall.
,, ., Seniors.
Nicolson Street U.P., Mission Hall.
Pleasance Free Church, Church.
St James' Place U.P. Mission. Mission Hall, Little King St.
West Port, Free Church Hall,
Abercorn F.C.
Abbey hill U.P., Church Hall.
Argyle Place U.P. Church, Church Hall, Lovers' Loan.
Augustine, Church Hall, George iv. Bridge.
Barclay, Barclay F.C. Hall, Leven Street.
Blackball, Mission Hal).
Bonnyrigg, Hall.
Braid U.P. Church, Braid Church Hall, Morningside.
Brighton Street Church, Bristo Place Hall.
Bristo Place, Baptist Chapel Hall, Bristo Place.
Bristo Place U.P., Church Hall.
Broughton Place U.P. Church, Seniors, Church Hall
„ ,. Juniors, i,
Name and Place of Meeting.
Buccleuch Parish, Session House.
Buccleuch St. U.P. , Dalkeith, Church Hall.
Burns Street Mission Hall, Leith.
Bryson Road.
Canongate, Mission Hall, Cranston Street.
Colinton, Tron HaU.
Loltbridge and Roseburn, Church Hall.
Corstorphine, Free Church Hall.
Cowgate Free Church, Mission Hall, Gtrthrie Street.
Cramond Brig, Hall.
Cramond Free Church, Church Hall. Davidson's Main*,
Dalkeith, F.C. Hall.
Dairy Congregational, Church Hall, Caledonian Road.
Dairy Free, Church Hall.
Dean Free, Church Hall.
Dean Parish, Church Hall.
Dublin Street (Baptist), Hall below Chapel.
Duncan Street, Baptist Church Hall.
Easthouses. School.
Ebenezer, Little Lochend Close, 115 Canongate.
Ebenezer U.P., Church Hall, Leith.
Edinburgh Coalmen's Mission, Mission Hall, High Riggs.
Excelsior, Hope Street Temperance Hall, Leith.
Fountainbridge U.P., Church Hall.
Fountainbridge Free Church, Fountainbridge F.C. School.
Free St Andrew's, Church H.all.
Free St Bernard's. Chiu'ch Hall, Henderson Row.
Free St David's, Church Hall.
Free St; John's, Leith.
Free St Mary's, New Halls, Broughton Street.
Fiee St Stephen's, Session House, Wemyss Place.
Free Trinity, Churcli Hall, Hope Street, Leith.
Oihnore Park, Mission Hall.
Gilmour Street, Mission Hall, 7 Gilmour Street, Simon
Good Courage, Free New North Halls, Marshall Street.
Good Courage, Seniors.
Gorebridge Free Chuich.
Gorgie Free Church, Old School.
Grange Free Church, Mission Hall, 95 Causeway side.
Granton and Wardie, Free St James' Church Hall.
Grassmnrket. Undenominational Hall.
Greenside Y.W.C.A., Baxter's Place.
Guthrie Memorial, Church Hall, Easter Road.
Hillhousefield, Free Church Mission Hall, Trafalgar lane,
Hope Park, Cong. Church Hall, Hope Park Terrace.
Hope Park U.P. Church, U.P. Church Hall.
• Ivanlioe,' St Ninian's, Leith, St Ninian's Church Hall.
Jane Street Mission, Hall, Leith.
John Ker Memorial, Church Hall, Pohvarth Gardens.
John Knox Free Church, Church Hall, High Street.
Junction Street Mission, Mission Hall.
Juniper Green, Free Chnrch Hall.
Kirkgate U.P. Church, Kirkgate U.P. Church Hall, Leith.
Leith Congregational, Church Hall.
Leith E.U., Church Hall, Duke Street.
I oanhead. Free Church.
.Madeira Street Baptist, Church Hall, Leith.
Medical Mission, 39 Cowgate.
Middle Aithur Place, 16 Middle Arthur Place.
Millerhill Endeavour, Adam's Row.
Millhill U.P. Church, Musselburgh.
Moray Church, Church Hall, P.B. Canongate.
Morningside Congregational Church, Church Hall.
I Newtongrange, Church Hall. .
North Esk Parish" .Mission (Musselburgh), Mission HalU
Bridce Street.
North Leith F.C, Hall, Ferry Road.
, N'orth Leith U.P., Chu'ch Hall, Coburg Street, Leith.
Old St Paul's Episcop.,1.
Pilrig, Pilrig Hall, James Street.
Pipe Street Mission, Hall, Portobello.
Pleasance Mission, Candlish Territorial Ch., 52 Pleasance.
Pleasance U.P., Church Hall.
Polton Hall, Mission Hall.

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