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Delivery. — Parcels for the city (including Crosshill,
Hillhead, Parkhead, Partick, PoUokshields,and Spring-
burn) are delivered at 7.0 a.m., 9.0 a.m. (Central Dis-
tricts only), 10.15 a.m., 12.30 p.m., 2.30 p.m., 4.30
p.m., and 7.30 p.m.
Posting.- — Parcels must not be posted in a letter-
box, but must be taken into a Post Office and handed
over the counter. Care must be taken that every
parcel bears a clear address.
Compensation for Loss and Damage of Parcels. —
The Postmaster-General will (not in consequence of
any legal liability) under certain conditions give
compensation for the loss and damage of parcels, as
shown hereunder.
If the parcel is not registered, the Postmaster
General will accept liabiHty up to £2 without pay-
ment of any fee beyond the postage, if posted under
the conditions laid down.
If the parcel is registered the respective limits of
compensation are as follows : — For a fee of 2d., £5 ;
3d., £10; 4d.,£15; 5d.,£20; 6d.,£2-5; 7d. £30;
8d., £35 ; 9d., £40 ; lOd., £45 ; lid., £50.
In no case will a larger amount of compensation
than £50 be paid, nor will it in any case exceed the
value of the article lost or the damage sustained.
A receipt, or certificate of posting, will be given
for all registered parcels ; but to secure compensation
upon a parcel which it is not intended to register, the
sender should fill in a certificate of posting, which
may be obtained at any Post Office, and present it
with the parcel, to an officer of the Post Office, who
will sign, date, stamp, and return it.
Claims for compensation should be made within
seven days after the date of posting.
Parcels addressed to or sent from the Cliannel
Islands (Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, and the
adjacent inhabited islets) are received from the public
under the same general conditions with regard to
weight and size, and at the same rates of postage,
as parcels for all other portions of the United Kingdom;
but as the Channel Islands, in relation to the customs
laws of the United Kingdom, are subject to the same
restrictions as foreign countries, such parcels are liable
to customs examination at the port of arrival, and the
sender is required to make a declaration of contents
upon a special form provided for the purpose at the
office where the parcel may be posted.
Parcels for the Isle of Man are treated in all
respects in the same way as pai'cels for places in the
United Kingdom generally. They are liable to exa-
mination by the officers of customs ; but the sender
is not (as in the case of the Channel Islands) called
apon to furnish a declaration of contents.
Re-directlon. — Parcels are, when re-directed, liable
to an additional charge at the full rate of postage
originally payable for every re-direction, unless the
original and the corrected address are in a delivery
from the same Post Office. In such cases no addi-
tional charge is made for re-direction. Parcels, like
other postal packets, can only be re-directed by the
Department upon receipt of an authority duly signed
by the person to whom they are addressed.
A request for the re-direction of letters does not
include the re-direction of parcels, for which it is
necessary to hand in a separate instniction.
Returned Parcels. — In order to facilitate the return
of parcels which cannot be delivered, it is most desir-
able that the name and address of the sender should
appear on the outside of every parcel.
The prohibitions against the sending by post of
anything indecent, or explosive, or of any living
creature, or of any enclosure bearing an address dif-
ferent from that borne on the cover in which it is
enclosed, are the same in the case of parcels as in
the case of letters and other postal packets. Liquids,
glass, china, crockery, eggs, fruit, fish, meat, butter,
&c., which may not be sent by Letter Post, may be
sent by Parcel Post, if packed with special care.
Liquids or semi-liquids, such as jelhes, pickles, paint,
varnish, &c., must be put into bottles or cases securely
stoppered. The edges or points of sharp instruments
like axes, razors, needles, forks, &c., must be carefully
protected. Any parcel containing eggs, or fragile,
or perishable contents, should be conspicuously marked
" Eggs," or " Fragile — with care," or " Perishable."
Generally, the packing of a parcel must be such as
to protect the parcel itself from damage and other
postal packets from being damaged in any way by
it. Any parcel not so packed will, if tendered for
transmission, be refused, and if discovered in transit,
will be detained unless it can be properly packed, and
sent forward.
(1) Petitions and addresses to the Queen are
exempt from postage. Petitions to members of either
House of Parliament so addressed are also exempt,
provided they do not exceed 2 lbs. in weight, and,
if in covers, are in open covers.
(2) Printed Votes or Proceedings of the Imperial
Parliament, in open covers, having the words " Par-
liamentary Proceedings " written or printed thereon,
are allowed to exceed the limits of size and weight
prescribed for book-packets ; and, even if wholly
or partly unpaid, they are liable only to the prepaid
book rate of ^d for every 2 oz.
Modes of prepayment.
The prepayment of inland letters, newspapers,
book packets, and parcels can only be effected by
means of postage stamps — except that at the Chief
Office, Glasgow, inland letters, hooh packets, and
parcels may be prepaid in money, provided the
amount paid be not less than £1. The letters
and book packets must be tied in bundles represent-
ing a postage of 5s. each, with the addresses
arranged in the same direction. The prepayment,
however, cannot be made partly in money and partly
with stamps.
The fee for registering a letter, newspaper,
or book-packet passing through the post between
any two places in the United Kingdom is twopence.
No article addressed to initials or to a fictitious
name can be registered, unless it be addressed to
the care of a person or firm.
Every article presented for registration must be
enclosed in a strong cover, securely fastened.
Registered articles must be prepaid as re-
gards both postage and registration fee; except
official letters for Government Offices m London,
Dublin, or Edinburgh, which may be registered
on prepayment, in stamps, of the registration fee

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