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M'Dougal], Alex. 45 Bellfield st
M'Dousrall, D. jun. & Co. brokers,
82 W. Nile St
M'Dongal, D. 135 Castle street
M'Dougall, G. H. 165 Dumbarton
rd. Par tick
M'Dougall, J. 293 W. Campbell st
M'Dougall, P. 156 Woodlands rd
M'Dougall, Wm. 32 Raglan st
M'Elroy, James, 30 Market st
M'Elroy, John, 384 Gallowgale
M'Ewan & Co. 9 West Howard st
M'Ewen, Pat 146 St. Vincent st
M'Farlane, A. 85 Jamaica st
M'Farlane & Co. 5 W. Regent st
M'Farlane, James, 121 Wyndford
St. Marjhill
M'Farlane, Wm. 55 Abercromby
M'Farlane,W.18 Main st Anderston
M'Feat, A. 327 Dumbarton road
M'Ginnis, John, 411 Gallowgate
M'Ginty, E. 241 Main st Maryhill
M'Glade, P. & C. 98 Main street,
M'Gla.slian, John, & Co. corking,
bottling, capsuling, and bottle-
washing machinery, capsules,
pumps, automatic beer raising
machines, hydrometers, and
every requisite for the cellar and
bar ; catalogues free, Albany
Works, Catherine lane, 100 Stir-
ling rd
M'Gorty, Gerald, 164 and 166
Sauchiehall st
M'Govern, John, 61 Green street,
M'Govern, Miss, 74 Douglas st.
M'Gowan, Jane, 9 Scotia st
M'Grail, Hugh, 124 Bridgegate
M'Grail, P. 78 Eglinton street
M'Gregor, Alex. 27 W. Russell st
and 13 Queen's arcade
M'Gregor, G. 297 Cathcart rd
M'Gregor, Peter, 6 M'Intyre street
M'Gregor & Turner(wholeaale),108
Argyle st
M'Gregor, Mrs. 161 Garscube rd
M'Guffie, John, 143 Argyle street
M'Gugan, J. 327 Langside road
M'Guire, B. 245 S. Wellington st
M'Guire, Chas. 5 N. City rd. and
132 Trongate
M'Guire, E. 9 Ferguson st
M'Guire, Henry, 109 King st s.s.
M'Guire, John, 328 Gallowgate
M'Hardy, Alex. 60 Dalmarnockrd
M'Hardy, James, 53 Clyde pi
M'Haidy, Mrs. J. 85 Main street,
M'Hugh, Arthur, 134 Gallowgate
M'llraith, David, Brownlie place,
New Cathcart
Macindeor & Robertson, 142 New
City road and 1 Main st. s.s
M'Innes, Archd. 166 Main street,
M'Intosb, Alex. 94 George st
M'Intosh, A. 6 Findlay st. and 42
Cambridge st
Mackintosh, D. 510 Debbie's loan
M'Intosh, D. A. S. 43 Rumford at
M'Intyre, Chas. 536 Duke st
M'Intyre, Duncan, 106 Hanover st
M'Intyre, Duncan, 253 Buchanan
M'Intyre, D. 69 King st Calton
M'Intyre, Jas. 511 New Keppoch-
hill rd
Macintyre, J. & R. 16 Cranston st
M'Intyre, John, & Co. (brokers) 27
Waterloo street
M'Intyre, John, 3 and 5 Bishop st.
M'Intyre, John, 1 Port-Dundas rd
M'Intyre, Peter, 32 Main street,
Mackay, A. & B. 501 Sauchiehall st
M'Kay, David, 139 Pollok st
M'Kay, Henry, 311 Argyle st.
M'Kay, Jas. 55 Camden st
M'Kay, Wm. 252 St George's rd
M'Kenzie, A. R. 159Stobcross st
M'Kenzie, Donald, 481 G. Eastern
Mackenzie, Geo. Richmond, 63 St.
George's pi
M'Kenzie, Gilbert, 8 Tobago st
M'Kenzie, John, 107 Main st. s.3.
M'Killop, A. 215 Dumbarton rd
M'Killop, John, 47 Kent street
M'Killop, Wm. 104 Cornwall st
M'Kinlay, Chas. & Co. Leitb ;
aseot, Archd. M'Millan, 4 West
Nile street
M'Kinlay, John, 52 W. Milton st
M'Kinlay, Robt. 113 Main street,
M'Kinlay, Robt 112a Dumbarton
rd. and 9 Claremont st
M'Kinnon, Alex. 80 Caledonia rd
M'Kinnon, A. D. 360 Scotland st
M'Kinnon, R. 242 Craig st 213
to 217 W. Scotland st
M'Lanchlin Bros. 19 Elderslie st
M'Lachlan, D. 286 Possil road
and branches
M'Laughlin, E. 143 Bridgegate
M'Lachlan, Geo. & J. (wholesale),
office, 25 and 27 St Enoch
M'Lachlan, H. 55 Clyde street,
M'Lachlan, John, 144 Park rd
M'Lachlan, John, 244 Garscube rd
MacLauchlin, J. H. 175 Finnieston
M'Lachlan, Peter, & Co. straw en-
velopes, capsules, bottles, corks,
and machinery of all descriptions,
134 St. Vincent st
M'Laren, Alex. & Son, 13 Candle-
riggs and 103 Gallowgate
M'Laren, Alex. 146 Stirling rd.
M'Laren, And. 359 Cumberland
• st s.s.
M'Laren, D. Evans (broker), 137
W. George st
M'Laren, Jas. B. 15 Glebe st
M'Laren, Jolm, 97 George st
M'Laren, Mrs. 145 London st
M'Laws. George, 156 Garngad rd
M'Lay, Mrs. J. 769 Springburn rd
M'Lean, Alex. 50 Stewart st
Maclean, Donald, 11 Clyde ter
M'Lean, Duncan, (wholesale), 79
Robertson st
M'Lean, Hugh, 31 Pollok street
M'Lean, Robert A. 79 and 124
Crown St. and branches
M'Lean, Mrs. Mary, 104 Shamrock
St. and 44 Carnck street
M'Lean, Mrs. 356 Gallowgate
M'Lellan, .lohn, 22 Abercromby st
M'Lennan, W. 78 Stevenson st
M'Leod, A. 370 Main st. Maryhill
M'Leod, Angus, 74 William street,
M'Leod, A. W. 2 Herbertion st.
and 429 Eglinton st
M'Leod, D. 203 Main st Bridgeton
M'Leod, Jno. 46 W. Bothwell st
M'Leod, Wm. 394 Parliamentarr
rd. 281 Gairbrnid st and 210
Main st Maryhill
M'Leod, Wm. 50 Rottenrow
M'Lerie, S. 30 Forth street
M'Menemy, Dan. 517, 519 Dum-
barton road, Partick, and 267 S.
Wellington street
M'Millan, Archd. (broker), 4 West
Nile st
M'Millan, Mrs. 426 Springburn rd
M'Moran, R. P. 221 Main street,
M'Mullan, Wm. 6 Findlay st
M'Nab, Malcolm, 1 Errol st
M'Nee, Alex. 672 Duke st
M'Nee, Jas. 172 Stirling road
M'Nee, John, 1 Victoria road
M'Nee, Jno. 190 Castlebank st
M'NicoI, John, 27 Duke street
M'Nicol, John, 539, 679 Gallow-
M'Nish, Robt & Co. 92 Dunlop st
M'Phee, Hugh, 145 Bernard st
M'Phee, Hugh, f40 Eglinton st
M'Pherson, Alex. F. 476 Ruther-
glen road
M'Phersou, Allan, 91 to 95-
Elderslie street
M'Pherson, And. 218 Crookston st.
286 Scotland street
M'Pherson, Jas. 8 Nor. Claremont
M'Pherson, John, 20 Squire street,
M'Pherson, M. 276 Main street,
M'Pherson, Mrs. M. 387 Argyle st.
and branches
M'Quade, Hugh, 93 Kirk street,
M'Quarrie, Robt. 118 Gt Eastern

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