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Dundea & Hamburg, James Currie
& Co. 40 St. Enoch sq
Dunkirk, Dieppe and Glasgow,
Clias. H. Seligmann &, Co. bi) St.
Vincent st
Dunkirk and Glasgow, Geo. Gibson
& Co. 24 St. Vincent place
Dunn, Jas. & Sons, 107 St. Vin-
cent st
Dunoon and Kirn, 7 Bri<^ge wharf
Dunoon and Kirn, 119 Hope st
Dunvegan, 119 Hope st
Dutch Guiana Steam Packets, Caw,
Prentice, Clappertun & Co. 175
"West George bt
East Africa (Cazer, Irvine & Co ),
109 Hope st
East Africa, Charles H. Seligmann
& Co. 59 St. Vincent st
East London (Cattle Line), 40 St.
Enoch sq
East London Line of Steamers
(Cayzer, Irvine & Co.), 109
Hope st
Egypt, 47 Union street
Elderslie Steamship Co ltd. 8
Gordon st
Escombe, Bros. & Co. 51 St. Vin-
cent st
Exeter and South of England, J.
Eeid & Co. 1 Robertson st
Falls Line of Steam and Sailing
Ships, 111 Union street
Ferrol Steamers, J. & A. Roxburgh,
3 Royal Exchange sq
Fiume, 47 Union street
Flume S. P. Office (Buirell & Son),
54 George ?q
Forth and Clyde Shipping Co. ;
Jas. Currie & Co. 40 St. Enoch
Fort- William, 119 Hope st
Freemantle (Western Australia),
Thos. Law & Co. 123 Hope st
French & Peninsula (J. & P.
Hutchison), 31 Hope ht
Galway (J. & P. Hutchison), 31
Hope st
Gellatly, Hankey, Sewell & Co.
33 Gordon st
General Shipping Co. Aitken,
Lilburn, & Co. 80 Buchanan st
Genoa, 47 Union st
Genoa Steam Packet Office, Bur-
rell & Son, 54 George square
Ghent & Glasgow, Geo. Gibson &
Co. 24 St. Vincent place
Ghent Steamers, office, 21 Carlton
Gibraltar, 47 Union st
Gijon Steamers. J. & A. Roxburgh,
3 Royal Exchange sq
Glasgow & Aden, 47 Union st
Glasgow & Adriatic, do
Glasgow & Ancona, do
Glasgow & Ballina, 52 Robertson st
Glasgow to Barbadoes, Trinidad,
and other West Indian islands,
Demerara and Berbice; Caw,
Prentice, Clappertoa & Co. 175
West George street
Glasgow to Barcelona and Valencia,
175 West George street
Glasgow & Bari, 47 Union st
Glasgow & Belfast (via Greenock),
G. & J. Burns, 30 Jamaica st
Glasgow (via Ardrossan) & Belfast,
G. & J. Burns, 30 Jamaica st
Glasgow & Birkenhead Steamers,
Henry Lamont& Co. 70 WelHng-
ton st
Glasgow & Bombay, 47 Union st
Glasgow & Boston (U.S.) do
Glasf?ow & Bristol Channel (Wm.
Sloan & Co.), 8 Gordou st
Glasgow & Calcutta, 47 Union st
Glasgow & Canada, do
Glasgow & Catania, do
Glasgow & Ctileraine, 52 Robert-
son st
Glasgow to Demerara, Caw, Pren-
tice, Clapperton & Co. 175 West
George street
Glasgow & Douglas (Isle of Man)
Royal Mail Steamers, Henry
Lamont, agent, 70 Wellioglon
Glasgow & Dublin Steam Packet
Office, Henry Lamont, agent, 70
Wellington st
Glasgow & Dublin, 52 Robertson
Glasgow, Dublin, and Londonderry
S. P. Office, 52 Rubt-rison st
Glasgow, Dunoon, and Rothesay
steamers, 10 Bridge wha'f
Glasgow (The) Excursions Co. Ld.
49 Bath st
Glasgow & Fiume, 47 Union st
Glasgow & Galloway Steam Packet
Co. 86 Broomielaw
Glasgow & Genoa, 47 Union street
Glasgow & Gibraltar, do
Glasgow & Greenock Shipping Co.
86 Broomielaw
Glai-'gow & Highlands, 10 Ann st
Glasgow & Highlands Steam Packet
Office, D. MacBrayne, 119 Hope
Glasgow & India, 47 Union st
Glasgow & Inveraray Steamboat
Co. Limited, 5 Oswald street
Glasgow & Islay, Colonsay, Oban,
Mull, Coll, Tiree, West of Skye,
North and South Uist, Lewi8,and
Barra Steam Packet office, 10
Ann st. city
Glasgow & Isle of Man Royal Mail
Steamers, Henry Lamont, 70
Wellington st
Glasgow & Karachi, 47 Union st
Glasgow & Larne, G. & J. Burns,
30 Jamaica st
Glasgow & Leghorn, 47 Union st
Glasgow & Liverpool, G. & J. Burns,
30 Jamaica street
Glasgow & Liverpool Steamers,
Henry Lamont, 70 Wellington st
Glasgow & Liverpool, John Bruce
Murray & Co. 24 George sq
Glagow & L'mdon Steamers, «ia
Gianton, 101 St. Vincent St.;
Robert Sinclair, agent
Glasgow & Londonderry, 52 Ro-
bertson st
Glasgow to Londonderry, G. & J.
Burns, 30 Jamaica st
Glasgow & Manchester, G. & J.
Burns, 30 Jamaica street
Glasgow & Mediten-anean, 47
Union street
Glasgow & Messina, 47 Union st
Glasgow & Naples, do
Glasgow & New Brunswick, do
Glasgow & New York, do
Glasgow & Oban and West High-
lands, 119 Hope street
Glasgow & Oporto, 47 Union at
Glasgow & Portrush, 52 Robert-
son street
Glasgow & Port Said, 47 Union st
Glasgow & Ramsey (Isle of Man)
Royal Mail Steamers. Henry
Lamont, agent, 70 Wellington st
Glasgow, R' the-ay, and Kyles of
Bute. 7 Bridge wharf
Glasgow & Rotterdam, Amsterdam,
the Rhine, Antwerp, Ghent,
Terneuzen, and Dunkirk Steam-
ers, Geo. Gibson & Co. 24 St. J|
Vincent place 1
Glasgow Shipping Go. Aitken, Lil- "
bum & Co. 80 Bucbauan st
Glasgow & Sligo, 52 Robertson at
Glasgow & Spain, 47 Union at
Glasgow to Spuniih Mediterranean
ports, 17.5 West Georfje street
Glasgow and Suez, 47 Union st
Glasgow & Trieste, do
Glasgow to Trinidad, 175 West
George street
Glasgow & U. States, 47 Union st
Glasgow to Valencia, Caw, Pren-
tice, Clapperton & Co. 175 W.
George street
Glasgow to Venezaelan ports, 175
West George street
Glasgow & Venice, 47 Union st
Glasgow & Westport, 52 Robert-
son street
Gow, Harrison & Co. 19 Waterloo
Grand Canary (Castle Line), 40
St. Enoch sq
Granton & London Steamers, 101
St Vinceot st
Greenock & Hamburg, Ja?. Currie
& Co. 40 St. Enoch square
Greenock (The) Steamship Coy.
Ltd., 29 Waterloo street
Gulf Line of Steamers, 29 Water-
loo St.
Guthrie, M' Donald, Hood & Co. 29
Waterloo st
Halifax (N.S.); steamship office,
James & Alexander Allan, 25
Bothnell st

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