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Bordeaux and Glasgow, J. Gardiner
& Co. 24 St. Vincent place
Boston and New York Steamsliip
Office, Jas. & Alex. Allan, 25
Bothwell st
Boston (U.S.) Glasgow Stm. Packet
Office, 47 Union street
Brazil and River Plate Royal Mail
Steam Packet Co. 62 Robertson
Brazil Steamship Office, James &
Alex. Allan, 25 Bothwell st
Bremen, James Cm-rie & Co. 40
St. Enoch sq
Bremerhaven, James Currie & Co.
40 St. Enoch sq
Brindisi, 47 Union st
Brisbane (Queensland), Thos. Law
& Co. 1"23 Hope st
Bristol, Cardiff, Swansea, and
Newport (Mon.) S. P. Office, 8
Gordon street
British & African Steam Naviga-
tion Co. Ld. 175 W. George st
British and African Steam Navi-
gation Co. Ltd. 204 St. Vincent
British (The) Corporation for the
Survey and Registry of Shipping,
69 St Vincent st
British Guiana Steam Packets,
Caw, Prentice, Clapperton & Co.
175 W. George st
British India Steam Navigation
Co. (Lim.), 203 W. George st
British Line of Steamers to Cuba,
Clark & Service, 21 Bothwell
Biitish Steam Navigation Co. Ltd.
83 Buchanan st
Buchanan, Moses, 75 Buchanan st
Buenos Ayres Steamship office,
James & Alex. Allan, 25 Both-
well st
Buenos Ayres (Robert Mackill &
Co.), 29 Waterloo st
Cadiz (J. & P. Hutchison), 31
Hope street
Cadiz and Glasgow (J. Gardiner &
Co.), 24 St. Vincent place
Cadiz Steamers, J. & A. Rox-
burgh, 3 Royal Exchange sq
;Calcutta, via Suez Canal, George
Smith & Sons, 75 Bothwell
Calcutta Steamship Office, 47
Union st
Calcutta Line of Steamers, Cayzer,
Irvine, & Co. 109 Hope stj"
Campbeltown, Stranraer, and Ar-
ran, James Little & Co. 69
Buchanan st
-Canada, 47 Union st
Canada & United States, G. T. R.
offices, 107 St. Vincent street
Canada and United States, C. P. R.
offices, 67 St. Vincent st
Canadian Steamship Office, Jas.
& Alex. Allan, 25 Bothwell st
Canadiaa Steamship Office (Don-
aldson Bros.), 165 St. Vin. st
Cape Colony and South Africa ;
Moses Buchanan, 75 Buchanan
Cape of Good Hope, Natal, Mada-
gascar, Mauritius, and East
African Royal Mail Steamers,
Castle Mail Packets Co. (Ld.);
Donald Currie & Co. managers,
40 St. Enoch sq
Cape of Good Hope, Natal, and
East African Royal Mail
Steamers, Union Steamship Co.
Ltd.; agents, F. W. Allan &
Co. 125 Buchanan st
Cape Town (Cayzer, Irvine & Co.),
109 Hope st
Cape Town (Castle Line), 40 St.
Enoch sq
Cape Town & So. Africa, Thomas
Cook & Son, 83 Buchanan st
Cape Town and South Africa
(Bucknall Line), J. & A. Rox-
burgh, 3 Royal Exchange sq
Cardiff, Bristol, Swansea & New-
port (Mon.) 8 Gordon street
Carril Steamers, J. & A. Rox-
burgh, 3 Royal Exchange sq
Carron Co. 125 Buchanan street
Castle Mail Packet Co. Ltd. 40
St. Enoch square
Castlebay, 119 Hope st
Catania, 47 Union street
Catania Steam Packet Office,
Burrell & Son, 54 George sq
Caw, Prentice, Clapperton & Co.,
175 West George st
Cayzer, Irvine, & Co. Clan Line of
steamers, lu9 Hope street
Ceylon Line of Steamers, 109
Hope st
Charente (J. & P. Hutchison), 31
Hope st
Charente and Glasgow, James
Gardiner & Co. 24 St. Vincent pi
Chili, Thos. Law & Co. 123 Hope
Chiloane, E. Africa, (Castle Line),
40 St. Enoch sq
Chma& Japan, C.P.E. offices, 67
St. Vincent street
China and Japan (Mutual Line),
J. & A. Roxburgh, 3 Royal Ex-
change tq
China, Japan, and Java, Colin
Scott & Co. Ocean S.S. Co. 94
Hope st
Christiansand, James Currie & Co.
40 St. Enoch square
City Line, Ltd. managers, Geo.
Smith & Sons, 75 Bothwell st
City Line of Sailing Ships, 75
Bothwell st
City Line of Steamships to India,
via Suez Canal, 75 Bothwell
Clan Line of Steamers, 109 Hope
Clyde Shipping Co. Ltd. 21 Carl-
ton pi
Clyde Line of Steamers to Jamaica,
Burrell & Son, 54 George square
CoL'raine, 52 Robertson st
Colombo (Cayzer, Irvine & Co.),
109 Hope street
Colombo and Glasgow, 47 Union
Cook, Thos. & Son, 83 Buchanan
Copenhagen, James Currie & Co.
40 St. Enoch sq
Cork& Waierford Steamers, office,
21 Carlton place
Corunna Steamers, J. & A. Rox-
burgh, 3 Royal Exchange sq
Crinan and Caledonian Canals,
119 Hope st
Cuban Ports Direct Steamers
(Clark & Service), 21 Bothwell
Cunard S.S. Co. Ltd. American
Royal Mail (G. & J. Burns,
managing agents), 30 Jainaica
Cyprus, 8 Gordon st
DaLiel, James, 12 Waterloo st
Dantzic, James Currie & Co. 40
St. Enoch sq
Dantzic (J. & P. Hutchison), 31
Hope st
Delagoa Bay (Castle Line), 40 St.
Enoch square
Delagoa Bay, &c. Charles H. Selig-
mann & Co. 59 St. Vincent st
Delfzyl and Glasgow, Jas. Rankine
& Son, 130 W. Nile st
Deirieiara Steam Packet Office,
Burrell & Son, 5 4 George sq
Demerara and Berbice Steam
Packets, Caw, Prentice, Clap-
perton & Co. 175 West George
Dieppe (J. & P. Hutchison), 31
Hope st
Dieppe and Glasgow, 130 West
Nile st
Direct Line of West India Steamers,
Caw, Prentice, Clapperton & Co.
175 W. George st
Dominion Line, Moses Buchanan,
75 Buchanan st
Dominion Line 83 Buchanan st
Donald & Taylor, 15 Gordon st
Donaldson Bros. 165 St. Vinct. st
Douglas (Isleof Man) and Glasgow
Royal Mail Steamers ; Henry
Lament, 70 Wellington street
Dover Steamers, office, 21 Carlton
Dublin, 52 Robertson st
Dublin and Glasgow Steam Packet
Co.; Henry Lamont, agent, 70
Wellington street
Dublin (via Silloth) S.P. Office;
Wm. Sloan & Co. 8 Gordon st
Dundalk & Newry, Jas. Little & Co.
agents, 69 Buchanan st

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