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President, Charles Tennant, Esq., of the Glen,
M.P. ; vice-presidents, the Plon. the Lord Provost,
Sir William Thomson, LL.D., D.C.L., George
Anderson, Esq., M.P. ; Charles Cameron, Esq.,
M.D., LLD., M.P. ; William Holms, Esq., M.P.;
Extraordinary directors. Very Rev. Principal Caird,
D.D., Professor Edward Caird, M.A., Professor
W. T. Gairdner, M.D., Professor John Young, M.D.,
Sir Peter Coats, Colonel Buchanan, J. A. Campbell,
Esq., LL.D., A. Kirkwood, Esq., LL.D., Alex. B.
M'Grigor, Esq. LL.D. James Mitchell, Esq., LL.D.,
J. C. Bolton, Esq., J. Campbell, Esq., D. S. Cargill,
Esq., Peter Clouston, Esq., M. Connal. Esq., J. N.
Cuthbertson, Esq., Thos. Henderson, Esq., Jas. King,
Esq., Walter Macfarlane, Esq., Stephen Mason, Esq.,
R. T. Middleton, Esq., M. E. Robinow, Esq., A. B.
Stewart, Esq. Trustees, Sir James Watson, Wm.
Eae Arthur, Esq., Robert Dalglish, Esq. Ordinary
directors, Rev. J. Dodds, D.D., chairman; John
Carswell, vice-chairman; James Provan, treasurer;
Alexander Bo3-ack:, R. L. Brown, William Campbell,
Gavin Chapman, M.A., Thomas Fairie, James Gray,
Arthur Herriot, J. Hutchison, M.A., Henry Johnston,
Duncan Lament, Robert Leggat, Dr. John Macintyre,
Daniel M'Laren, George M'Leod, Walter Paton, W.
Robertson, Noah Smith, Sheriff Spens, A. M. Stewart,
Jas. J. D. Watson, J. Watt. J. Lauder, secretary.
The object of the institution is to place within the
reach of the public the fullest and most recent infor-
mation on all subjects of general interest, whether
commercial, literary, or scientific ; to provide an
agreeable place of resort in the intervals of business ;
to excite, especially among young men, a taste for
intellectual and elevating pursuits; and to secure
the means of its gratification by affording the utmost
facilities for systematic study, in various branches of
useful knowledge. The reading room is abundantly
supplied with the earliest telegraphic intelligence,
newspapers and peiiodicals ; and the library contains
upwards of 11,000 volumes. Amusement rooms for
the use of members only. Writing accommodation,
post-office, private letter boxes, and many other
conveniences are provided for the members. Terms of
subscription, life member's ticket, transferable, fifteen
guineas ; do. do., not transferable, ten guineas ; for
gentlemen above 21 years of age, 20s. annually; do.,
do. 12s. 6d. half-yearly; do. do., 7s. quarterly; for
gentlemen under 21 years of age, 15s. annually; do.
do., 8s. half-yearly; do. do., 4s. 6d. quarterly; ladies
(for use of library only), 7s. 6d. annually; country
subscribers, 12s. 6d. annually. A discount of 20 per
cent, will be allowed on annual tickets, when purchased
in lots of not less than six, by firms for the use of
their employes.
For the printing of rare old manuscripts, and the
reprinting of scarce and interesting works of old
authors. Members restricted to 200. Annual sub-
scription, two guineas. Council, Professor Dickson,
D.D., University, Glasgow, Professor Young, M.D.,
University, Glasgow, Rev. J. Dodds, D.D, 15 Sandy-
ford Place, Glasgow, J. B. Murdoch, Hamilton Place,
Langside, T. Russell, Cleveden, Kelvinsido Gardens,
Glasgow ; lion, treasurer and secretary, J. Alexander,
68 Regent Street, West.
Offiee-Bearers for 1880.— Hon president,^ The
Lord Provost ; president, W. Connal ; vice-president,
Wm. Ker; directors appointed by the proprietors,
Dr. Andrew Fergus, Alex. B. Stewart, J. B. Flem-
ing, H. Beckett, Robert Miller, Robert Eraser;
appointed by the University, Prof. J. Cleland, Rev.
Prof. Dickson, Prof. Bayley Balfour; secretary and
treasurer, Alexander Sloan, C.A., 140 Hope Street ;
curator, Robert Bullen.
The Gardens and Art Palace, Great Western Road,
are open to the public from 9 a.m. till dusk through-
out the year. During summer and autumn, .after-
noon and evening, promenade concerts are given.
Annual subscription— Family tickets, one guinea;
single tickets, half a guinea ; non-subscribers, Gd.each.
Instituted 9th November, 1802.
For the advancement of the mathematical, physical,
and natural sciences, with their applications ; and to
promote the diffusion of scientific knowledge. Meets
fortnightly, from November to April inclusive, in their
Buildings, Adelade Place, 207 Bath street. Posses-
ses an extensive scientific library. Consists of 750
members and associates— honorary, corresponding,
and ordinary. Connected with the society are chemi-
cal, physical, biological, sanitary and social economy,
and architectural sections. Library, 207 Bath st. ;
Mr. T. Napier, sub-librarian.
Office-bearers for 1879-80:— Dr. And. Fergus,
M.R.C.S.Eng., president; Dr. A. Buchanan, Dr. H.
Muirhead, and Mr. Thomas Muir, M.A., F.R.S.E.,
vice-presidents ; Dr. Allen Thomson, LL.D., F.R.S.,
Prof. Grant, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., Prof. Sir William
Thomson, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., honorary vice-
presidents ; Mr. John Robertson, librarian ; Mr. John
Mann, C.A., treasurer; Mr. E. M. Dixon, B.Sc.,,
secretary. Presidents of sections, Mr. D. Thomson,
LA., F.R.I.B. A., architectural section; Dr. J. StirtOD,
F.L.S., biological section; Mr. J. Mactear,F.C.S, chemi-
cal section; Dr. J. B. Russell, B.A., sanitary and social
economy section. Mr. A. Scott, Mr. W. R. W. Smith,
Prof. J. G. M'Kendrick, M.D., CM., F.E.C.P.Ed.,
F.R.S.Ed., Mr. J. Honeyman, I.A., F.R.I.B.A., Mr.
A. Robertson, Mr. J. J. Coleman, F.I.C., F.C.S.,
Mr. D. C. M'Vail, M.B., Mr. John Kirsop, Dr. W.
Wallace, F.R.S.E., F.I.C., F.C.S., Mr. Michael Con-
nal, Mr. John Jex Long, Dr. E. Watson, M.A., other
members of Council.
Instituted 1862.
Hon. President, Thomas Stout, Esq.; president,
David Holland, Esq ; secretary, Mr. L. H. S. White,
National Bank, St. Enoch Square; assistant secre-
tary, Mr. T. Holland, 100 Grove street; treasurer,
Mr. Jas. Haj', 140 Bellfield street; interim librarian,
M. J. B. Smith, 1 Stanley Place.

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