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gate ; W. Downie, Royal Bank,
104 Trongate ; James M'Aulay,
Royal Bank, Spiingburn ; Win.
M'Dougall, 14^ Douglas st ;
Thomas Dick, Union Bank, St.
George's pl.'JCinuing park ; R. &
T. Sinclair, writers, 14 Miller st;
Thomas Lightbody, Bank of
Scotland, 676 Gallowgate; J.
M'Connochie, writer, 150 St.
Vincent street; J. M. Threshie,
writer, 72 Hutcheson street ;
Neil M'Callum, 52 Virginia st. ;
Daniel Getting, writer, 125 W.
Regent st. ; Meldtum & Oatts,
writers, 55 Bath st. ; Thomas
Ferguson, 137 West George st.;
"William Gillie.=, writer, 157 W.
George street ; Alex. H. Aiton,
writer, 169 West George street;
T, E. BrowD, aecouctant and
stockbroker. West Regent St.;
Wm. Middleton, Connty Build-
ings ; And. Mackay, writer, 160
V/est George sfreet; J. M. Tay-
lor & Foulis, writers, 180 St.
Vincent St.; R. Dun'.op, C.E.
9 Broomloan road, Govan ; W.
E. Carmichael, house factor, 754
Gillowgate; Thos. M'V/illiam,
Nicolson, & Co. writer^, 183
St. Vincent st. ; Thos. Graham,
writer, 49 Bath bt. — See Adv.
in Ap.
Star Life Office, 81 St. George^s
San Fire and Life Lisurance Office,
J. Watson & Smitl), agents, 40
St. Vincent place
The Equitable Fire Insurance Co.
Limited ; surveyor for Scotland,
'iCO. Dutliie, 125 Buchanan st
The Fire Ee-Iosurance Ci-rp^ra-
tion (Limited), Jss. Girdwood,
sscretary, 28 Bath street
The Glasgow Industrial Assurance
Society, 68 Tronga'e
The Glasgow Plate Glass Insurance
Co. head office, 82 West Nile st ;
J. Whitten, secy. — See Adver-
tisement in Appendix
The Mutual Insurance Corporation
Guarantee of Manchester ; H. G.
Smith, agent, 30 Rosebery pi.
Lan^downe cres. — *^ee Adv. in
The North China Marine Insur-
ance Co. 3 North Court, Royal
Exchange ; R. Monteith, resi-
dent agent
The Scottish Amicable Heritable
Securities Association (Lmtd.),
M'CleHand, MKinnon, & Blyth,
managers, 115 St. Vincent st
United Assurance Society, Glasgow
and district office, 6 Gt. Clyde
St.; manager, James Horgan
United Reform Friendly Society, 47
Oswald street
United Kingdo.na Temperance and
General Provident Institution,
22 Renfield st ; J. Robertson,
managerfor Scotland. — See Adv.
in Appendix
Union Assurance Office, Fire and
Life, London, a.d. 1714; local
office, 141 Buchanan st ; W.
M'Gavia M'Cullocb, local
manager — See Advertisement
in Appendix
Union Insurance Society of Can-
ton ; Escoinbe, Brothers, & Co.
agents, 51 St. Vincent street
Union Marine Insurance Co.
(Limited) of Liverpool, 22
Royal Exchange square ; Brown,
Easton, & Co. agents
Univer-al Fire Insurance Co.
(Limited), West of Scotland
branch, 153 Queen street; Adam
Henderson, district manager.
Agents — -William Anderson, 60
George sq. ; Henry Bruce, 77
Renfield st.; James Bra^h, 12
South Apsley place ; Blair &
Laing, 7 Commercial road
John Brown, 209 St Vinccut st.
James Black & Son, Royal Ex.
W. R. Crombie. 174 Argyle st.
W. Dean<:, 109 West George st.
J. Craig, 68 Bath st. ; D. Gil-
lespie, 7 Coomasbie place; F.
H. Geisner, 4 Aytoun road, Pol-
lockshields ; D. Harley, 36 John
St.; C. Hamilton, 73 Renfield
St.; J. Hutcheson, 40 Union st.;
K. C. KeiT, 21 Claremont st.;
H. B. M'Farlane, 48 Gordon st.;
M. M'Ca'jl, 92 St. Vincent st.;
H. Mayberry, 157 Sr. Vincent
St.; J. Parker, 116 St. Vincent
street; W. M. Robertson, 153
Queen st.; R. J. Selkirk, 110
Ingram St.; M. T. Thomson, 85
West Regent street.
West of England Fire and Life
Insur. Co. ; agents, W. Ward-
law Smith, 44 St. Vincent pi.
and Alex. Black, 14 Prince's sq.
— See Advt. in Appen.
West of England Fire and Life
Insurance Co. (1807), Bell &
Paterson, sohcitors, 22 Ren-
field street
Westminster Fire and Life Agency
Office (1717), Hugh Mayberry,
157 St. Vincent street
Westminster Fire Office (1717),
119 St. Vin. St. — See Adv. in Ap
Westminster Fire Insurance Co.
116 St. Vincent street; John
Parker, accountant, agent
Westminster Fire and Life Offices
(1717), Walter Bell, writer, 22
Renfield strce*", agent.
Westminster General Life Associa-
tion (estab. 1836), 119 St. Vin-
cent st. — See Adv. in Appen.
Yorkshire Boiler Insurance Steam
Users Co. (Limited), chief
Scottish office, 141 Buchanan
St.; M'Cullocb & Mackie, local
Yorkshire Insurance Co.; P. V/hite,
115 Buchanan street
Yorkshire Fire and Life Insurance
Co.; agents, J. & W. Graham,
C.A. 212 W. George st
Anderson & Rankin, 70 and 72
Purt Dundas road
Brooks, Josiab, jun.; John Jamie-
son, agent, 12 Dixon st
Gardner, A. & Son, 36 Jamaica
Grant, Alex. & Co. 54 Gt. Clyde st
Howell, Edw. 108 St. Vincent st
M'Geachy, James, 11 Stockwellst.
371 Gallowgate, 254 Paisley rd.
and 93 Canning st
M'Crae, R. & J. 32 Union street
M'Millan, Archd. 52 Giabam st.
Nisbet, Robert, 7 & 9 Cathcart sfc.
E.s. 7 and 9 Bishop st. Ander-
ston, 53 Kent st. 13 G. Hamil-
ton St., and Portland Buildings,
Peyton & Alsop, 96 Union st
Sharp, Andrew, 119 Duke st
Smith, Francis and James, Gor-
don and Union streets
Stewart, Archibald, & Co. 42 and
48 Union st
Taylor, James, 124, 126, 128
Ure, George, & Co. Bonnybridge ;
house of call, Wm. M'Geoch
& Co. 108 Argyle street
Wylie & Lochbead, 45 Buchanan st
Forsyth & Sons, 40 Union st
Herbertson, Jas. B. 17 Gordon st
Kinnear, F. M. 423 St. Vincent st.
Lester, Wm. 25 Bath striet.
Thomas, Chas. jun. 67 W. Nile st
Wilson, W.m. 63 St. Vincent st
Braby, Fredk. & Co. and house,
20, 22, 24 Great Clyde street.
Morton, Francis, & Co. (Limited);
agent, H. C. Paterson, Bank of
Scotland buildings, 18 George sq
Paterson, H. C. 18 George sq
Pearson, Thomas, & Co. 48 West
Campbell st. and 50 Waterloo st
Bash & Co. Glasgow Safe Works,
137 Great Hamilton st. and 2,
4, 6 Risk street

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