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donald, res. secretary ; Keyden,
Strang, & Girvan, law agents ;
Professor John B. Cowan, M.D.
medical referee. — See Ad. in App.
Scottish Plate Glass Insurance Co.
(Limited), 37 West George st.
Gavin Irving Dickson, manager
Scottish Plate Glass Insurance Co.
chief agent, Charles Hamilton,
73 Renfield street
Scottish Plate Glass Insurance Co.
agency office, Hugh Maybury,
157 St. Vincent street
Scottish Plate Glass, John Parker,
accountant, agent, 116 St.
Vincent st
Scottish Provident Institution, A.
Craig Muir, agt. 19 Howard st
Scottish Provident Institution for
Life Assurance, 67 AV. Regent
St. ; Wm. Mudie, jun. CA. agt.
Scottish Provident Institution for
Life Assurance, 67 Sr. Vine. st. ;
Wm. Church, jun. secy. Agents
—J. & W. Graham, CA. 212
W. George st. ; Robert Calder-
wood. City of Glasgow Bank, 180
St. George's road ; J. Stoddart,
131 Buchanan st. ; R. M'Kinnel,
Clydesdale Bank, Paisley road ;
Wm. Mudie, jun. accountant, 67
W. Regent st. ; J. MacCallum,
116 St. Vincent st. ; J. M'Kin-
non, 92 St. Vincent st. ; E.
Alexander & Sons, -±3 W. Camp-
bell st. ; J. Wallace, National
Bank, Rutherglen; Carswell and
Murray, accountants, 20 St.
Vincent pi ; Andrew Kerr, Com.
Bank, Trongate ; J. Russell,
Clydesdale Bank, Eglinton st. ;
P. Rattray, 67 Buchanan st. ;
Spears & Jack, 138 Hope st. ;
Dunn & Young, 9 Montrose st.;
E. B. Bruce, 97 West George
st. ; Thomas Crawford, 156 W.
George st.; Sam. Goi-don, Bank
of Scotland, St. George's cross.
A. Craig Muir, 19 Howard tt.
— See Advertisement in Append.
Scottish Provident Institution ;
J. & Y/. Graham, CA. agents,
212 W. George st
Scottish Provincial Assurance Co.
(Fire, Life, and Annuities),
106 St. Vincent st. ; John T.
Fyfe, res. secy. — See Ad. in App.
Scottish Prudential Investment
Association (Limited), 163 St.
Vincent st. ; Jas A. Maclean,
Scottish Union Fire and Life In-
surance Offices ; Finlayson &
Auld, resident mana^^ers, Wm.
Ramsay, resident secretary, 156
W. George street. Agents —
C. Hamilton, 73 Renfield street
and 92 Gloucester street; H.
J. & D. T. Colquhoun, 158 St.
Vincent st. ; James Caird, 27
Virginia street; M. W. Strang,
226 W.George St.; Ales. Young,
97 WeUington st. ; J. Miller,
CA. 71 Queen street ; George
Rennie, 38 West George street ;
Ale.v:ander & Taylor, 194 West
George street ; A. F. Hamilton,
QQ St. Vincent St.; T. J.
Smellie, 175 West George
street ; D. T. Alexander, 107
St. Vincent street ; J. Lowry,
34 Dundas st. ; C M'Arthur,
43 RenSeld st. ; Alston Bros.,
27 James Wattst.; J. Carson, 72
Oswald St. Bridgt. ; A. Stewart,
73 Jamaica street ; W. S. Juhn-
stone, 45 Waterloo st. ; T. F.
Robertson, 5 Drury st. ; R.
Phillip, Bank of [Scotland; Rbt.
AValker, 108 West George st. ;
John Guthrie, Commercial Bank,
60 Oxford street. — See Adver.
in Appendix.
Scottish Widow's Fund Assurance
Society, 114 V/est George street ;
resident secy. J. G. C. Cheyne.
Scottish Vv'idows' Fund Life As-
surance Suciety, John Parker,
agent, 116 St. Vincent street
Scottish Widows' Fund, 65 West
Regent street; T. Brown, jun.
& Davie?, agents
Sovereign Life Assurance, Bell &
Paterson, agents, 22 Renfield st
Staffordshire Fire Office; resident
secretary, Robert Muir, 37 W.
Nile street. — See Advert, in
App. Agr-nts for Glasgow —
Jas. Aitken, 58 Holrahead st. ;
Wm. Baiid, 122 Wellington st.;
William Burns, 27 Hill street,
Auderston ; Richard Burns, 16
Steven st. ; Daniel Brown, jun.
10 Struthers st. ; Alex. Craig,
4 Woodlands road ; R. W. Car-
micbael, 754 Gallowgite ; R.
A. Cruikshank, 67 Bothwell
st. ; James Callender, 363
Caledonia road ; Clough Bros.
68 Trongate; Dunn & Young,
9 Montrose st. ; John Eason,
464 Duke street; D. B. Ewing,
24 Oswald St. ; Jas. Girdwood,
28 Bath St. ; Archd. Galloway,
61 Camden street ; D. A. Hay,
42 Mackinlay st. ; Alexander
Hamilton, 51 Govan road; Jn.
A. Hope, 45 Hope street ; Hair
&, Stevenson, 79 Robertson St.;
James Hendry, National Bank,
Partick; Tlios. Kinnaird, British
Linen Bank, 155 Canning st.
Calton ; George Kennedy, 42
Inglefield st, Cathcart road ;
Chas. La'ng, 7 Commercial rd.;
Archd. Livingston, 49 Bath st.;
Alex. Mahood, 193 W. Prince's
street ; Hugh Mayberry, 163
St. Vincent st. ; John Muir, 27
Hope St. ; R. W. Marshall, 214
Kent road; D. R. M'Lauchlan,
2 Ardine ter.. Crossbill ; Wm.
M'Dougall, 14;'^ Douglas street:
Alex. M'Lay, 132 West Nile st ;
Neil M Galium, 52 Virginia St.;
Thos. M'Creery, 48 Freston st.
Bridgetvn ; Alex. Mackay, 63
Renfield st. ; Wm. Neilson, 69
Whitevale ; Charles Provan, 121
Wellington St.; George Pearson.
3 Ashfield place, Hillhead ; T.'
Philips, 38 Fielden st. London
road; Robert Pettigrew, 390
Rutherglen road ; II ibert Reid,
7 Regent Paik terrace ; Thomas
Reid, 301 Dumbarton road; J.
B. Richard, 6 Bute ter. Stratb-
bungo ; Wm. Stark, 146 Hous-
ton street; Wm. Taylor, 175
Comely Park street; R. Wilson,
City of Glasgow Bank, Broomie-
law; M. Young, 269 Crown st
Standard Fire Office (Limited) 81
St. George's place; Wm. Howat,
district manatrer. — See Advt. in
Standard Marine Insurance Co. of
New Zealand, agent, E. S.
MacHarg, 7 Royal Bank pi
Standard Life Assur. Co. Board of
Directors in Glasgow — Sir J.
Campbell of Stracathro,chairmn.;
R. Balloch, Union st. ; J. King,
Esq. younger of Campsle ; J.
R. M'Arthur, Esq. 41 West
Geo. st; A. Robertson, Esq. Royal
Bank of Scotland, Glasgow ; J.
M'Laren, of Messrs. W. M'Lareii,
Sons, & Co. Hanover st.; J. B.
Smith, of M'Grlgor, Donald, &
Co. writers, 136 St. Vincent st.
Agents and secretaries to the
board, A. & C. T. Sloan, CA.
155 West George st. Agents in
Glasgow — L. & R. H. Robertson,
58 St. Vincent st. ; A. Waddel,
Royal Bank, 44 Canning street,
Calton ; W. Denham, Royal
Bank Branch, 130 Cowcaddens ;
H. Dallachy, Royal Bank, 27
Crown St. ; J. Hamilton, Royal
Bank, 105 Eglin. st. ; J. Waddel,
Royal Bank, 419 Gallowgate ;
Strang & Kirkwood, 7 Roy. Bank
pi.; Galbraith& Macpherson,116
St. Vincent st. ; G. Miller, 31
St. Vincent pi. ; J. Miller, ac-
countant, 71 Queen st.; H.Wyse,
Royal Bank, 107 Castle st. St.
Rollox; J. Laing, house agent,
70 S. Portland st ; A. B. Kirk-
patrick, 7 RjyalBank pi.; F. G.
Dougall, Clydesdale Bank, Can-
ning street ; M. T. Thomson,
300 Bath st ; J. A. Bow, Royal
Bank, Partick ; J. Graham,
City of Glasgow Bank, 66 Tron-

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