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Instituted 1838.
Its object is to afford temporary relief to natives
and widows of natives and their families who have
fallen into distress, and also to assist indigent natives
passing through the city.
It has four scholarships at Glasgow University,
value £10 a year, tenable for four years, for the
arts classes, open to natives and sons of natives.
It also assists in educating orphan children of
natives in Glasgow.
A contribution of £3 3s. constitutes membership,
payable either at entry or in three annual instalments
of£l Is.
The Bight Hon. the Earl of Dalhousie, patron ;
D. T. Alexander, president ; G. Crockatt, vice-presi-
dent ; J. Paris, National Bank, Anderston, treasurer;
S. Spence, 13 Virginia Street, secretary.
This society was instituted in 1780, and now
possesses a capital of £1240 19s. 3d. The object
of the society is to afford pecuniary aid to such of its
members or their widows as may be in destitute
circumstances. Any person who has been a deacon
of one of the incorporations of the city, or a preses
of a charitable society, is qualified for membership.
The entry-money is only £1 Is. 6d., and no other
charge is made thereafter. H. Bruce, preses ; T.
Granger, collector; W. Reid, late preses; J. Rattray,
late collector : D. Wilson, master in votes ; J. Scott,
J. Denholm, W. Steel, G. Smith, preses directors;
D. Kennedy, J. M. Warden, D. M'Alpine, D. Brown,
G. Alsing, society directors ; H- Taylor, J. Thomson,
extraordinary directors ; A. Morton, surgeon ; R. M.
Norrie, clerk, 33 Renfield Street.
Office, 8 Prince's Square, Glasgow.
Sir J. Lumsden, president ; D. Mitchell, 72 Glass-
ford Street, vice-president; J. Gourlay, treasurer;
J. C. Reid, C.A., 8 Prince's Square, secretary and
deputy-treasurer; T. Marr, A.I.A., 39 St. Vincent
Place, actuary; Professor Wm. Leishman, M.D., 156
Bath Street, surgeon ; D. Maclagan, M.D., 28
Heriot Row, surgeon for Edinburgh and its vicinity ;
W. Wight, J. Simpson, G. Hodge, J. Fisher, G.
M'Leod, A. Mellish, A. H. Robertson, J. Hodge,
A. M'Kenzie, J. Irons, J. Moffat, A. Dunbar, direc-
tors ; M'Grigor, Stevenson, & Fleming, 136 St.
Vincent Street, law agents.
A member of this society, who has been 12 months
enrolled, on being incapacitated by disease, accident,
or infirmity, from following his usual avocation, is
entitled to receive £1 per week. On the death of a
member, who has been 12 months enrolled, the society
pays £10 to the nearest of kin, or other person
taking charge of his funeral. Annual meeting in
Glasgow on the fourth Friday of January. The
directors meet on the first Tuesday of each month.
Number of m?mbers, 1076 ; annual contributions
of members, £2242 18s. ; total annual income,
£3131 7s. 7d. ; amount of funds invested or in bank,
£21,856 4s. 3d. ; benefits paid since the formation of
the society, £18,000. Forms of application and other
information may be had of the secretary.
For visitation of the destitute sick, and others in
extreme poverty.
A. Macgeorge, president ; J. Mitchell ; D. Ander-
son ; J. Blackie, jun., and J. A. Campbell, vice-
presidents ; Rev. J. Renfrew, Councillor W. Taylor,
J. Blackie, jun., R. A. Bogue, W. Logan, J.
M'Callum, A. Macgeorge, J. Miller, S. M. Penney,
Bailie J. Watson, W. Walker, R. Westlands, and A.
Sclanders, acting committee; R. A. Bogue, 113
Ingram Street, treasurer ; W. Logan and J. M'Cal-
lum, secretaries, Religious Institution Rooms, 75 St.
George's Place ; W. Crawford, 3 West Nile Street,
Colonel Alexander of Ballochmyle, president; J.
Lawson, Esq., vice-president; H. Jack, 265 Sauch-
iehall Street, treasurer ; A. M'Cracken, 103 St.
Vincent Street, secretary ; J. Thomson, R. Easton,
J. Dickie, M. Templeton, R. Porter, J. O'Beirne, G.
Campbell, W. Guthrie, C. Guthrie, A. L. Kelly,
M.D., A. Hood, R. Weir, R. Hillhouse, D. Bowman,
D. B. Kerr, J. Freebairn, J. Reid, A. Brown, com-
In Kilmarnock — J. M'Kie, J. Armour, D. Lawrie,
H. Shaw, J. Wallace, R. Hillhouse, A. Nisbet, and
J. Caldwell.
Instituted 1738.
W. Taylor, preses ; J. Taylor, treasurer ; J. M.
Taylor, writer, clerk. The object of this society is to
afford charitable aid to such of its members and then-
widows as may be reduced to destitute circumstances.
The fee or entry-money payable by a son or son-in-
law of a member, or by an apprentice indentured to
a member (a weaver by trade), is £2 2s., and the
entrance fee payable by all others is £3 3s., to which
entry-moneys is added one shilling per £1 Is. for
every year the member is above 30 years of age at
the date of admission. Members must not be under
the age of 14 when admitted, nor above the age of
45, and must be resident in the district formerly
known as the burgh of Anderston, or neighbourhood
Patrons, His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch, the
Right Hon. Lord Rollo and Dunning, and Right
Hon. George Young, Lord Advocate ; president, J.
Keyden ; vice-presidents, T. Murray, J. Deas, C.E.,
J. Chalmers, J. Thomson ; directors, J, Blackwood,
N. N. Graham, J. Webster, A. B. Inglis, W. Paton,
T. Laurie, J. Walker, W. Hunter, J. Imrie, C.
W T ilson, W. Bell, R. C. Graham, T. Wright, W.
Thorburn, H. D. Rogerson, and Dr. Charteris;
secretary, W. J. Thomson, 79 Buchanan Street;
treasurer, T. H. Carmichael, Ingram Street.
The objects of the society are — 1st. The cultiva-
tion of friendly intercourse among the members.
2nd. The encouragement of education in the county
by the foundation of bursaries, or otherwise. 3rd.
The relief of persons belonging to Dumfriesshire
residing in Glasgow, in indigent or distressed cir-
cumstances. 4th. The relief of special cases of
distress in the county.

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