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Main, David, commission agent, 81 Wilson street ;
house, 365 Bath crescent.
Main James A. R. (of Main, Kempt, & Co.), ho.
16 Shaftesbury terrace.
Main, James, dairyman, 73 Havannah.
Main, John, pawnbroker, 9 Spoutmouth ; ho. 5 do.
Main, John, office porter, 112 West George street.
Main, John, 26 St. James' street, Kingston.
Main, Kempt, & Co , merchants and manufacturers of
patent continuous bar fencing, iron bridges, grates,
and wire netting, 5 & 7 Renfield st., & Caledonian
Iron & Wire Works, 57 Scott st., Port-Dundas.
Main & M'Lean, Rosevale Soap Works, Scotland St.,
Kinning park.
Main, Robert, mail contractor and general carter, 54
Burnside St., off Duke st. ; house, 73 Havannah.
Mains, Thomas, spirit dealer, 59 Wallace street ; ho.
13, Crown street.
Main, William, accountant, Clydesdale Bank, Moore
place ; house, 9 Willowbank street.
Main, Wm., clothier, 16 Hope street, city.
Main, Mrs., 5 Gladstone place, Kelvinhaugh street.
MA1R, Hugh, merchant, West Ingram court, 163
Ingram street.
Mair, Hugh, boot and shoe manufac, 69 Jamaica st.
Mair, John, laceman, hosier, shirtmaker, licensed
valuator, 106 Argyle street and 178 Trongate;
house, 1 Windsor place, 83 Sauchiehall street.
Mair, John (of Smith, Mair, & Co., millwrights and
engineers), house, 106 St. George's road.
Mair, John, & Co., manufacturers, West Ingram ct.,
163 Ingram street.
Mair, Peter, spirit merchant, 657 Gallowgate.
MAIRS, Charles, brass, copper, and lead merchant,
19 Anderston quay; ho. 126 Clyde St., Anderston.
MAITLAND, Alexander, baker and confectioner, 341
Argyle st. and 176 Paisley rd. ; house, 180 do.
Maitland, A., city crier, 20 Steel street.
Maitland, Charles (of J. & C. Maitland), house, 28
Devon street.
Maitland, James, & Co., coachbuilders, 122 Renfield
street ; show rooms, 23o£ Buchanan street ; work-
shops, 17 Renfrew lane.
Maitland, James, & Co., wine merchants, 78 Mit-
chell street.
Maitland, James, church officer, Jobn Street U.P.
Church ; house, 12 Frederick lane.
Maitland, John (of William Mirrlees & Co.), house,
7 Sandyford place.
Maitland, J. & C., tailors & clothiers, 109 Argyle st.
Maitland, John (of J. & C. Maitland), house, 92
Abbotsford place.
Maitland & Ker, leather merchants, 34 Candleriggs.
Maitland, William (of Maitland & Ker), house, 1
Brighton place, Copeland road.
Maitland, William, boot and shoe maker, 50 Cum-
berland street ; house, 52 do.
Maitland, W. H. (of John Cree, jun.), house, 15
Hill street, Garnethill.
Maitland, Margaret, tobacconist, 75 Crown street.
Maitland Free Church, South Rose street; Rev.Jas.
M'Naught, minister ; ho. 33 Abbotsford place.
MALCOLM, Alexander, wine and spirit merchant, 4,
6 Howard street ; house, 109 Pollok street.
Malcolm, Alexander, stationer and bookbinder, 176
Hope street ; house, 176^- do.
Malcolm, Alexander, 102 South Portland street.
Malcolm, Alexander, wine and spirit merchant, 20
Lancefield quay ; house, Pollok street.
Malcolm, Alex., jun., agent for Liverpool, New York,
and Philadelphia Steam Ship Co., 13 Dixon St. ;
house, Hamilton crescent, Partick.
Malcolm, James, temperance missionary, 79 Parlia-
mentary road.
Malcolm, John (of W. Hood & Co.), 4 Royal Ex-
change square ; house, 136 Woodlands road.
Malcolm, L. O. (at Alex. Paton & Co.'s), house, 150
Eglinton street.
Malcolm, M,, boot and shoe manufacturer, 145^-
Gallowgate; house, 141 do.
Malcolm, Nicol, wine and spirit merchant, 150 Gal-
lowgate; house, 168 do.
Malcolm, Samuel S. (of William Malcolm & Co.),
22 Royal Exchange square; residence, Carnock
house, near Larbert.
Malcolm, S., sheriff officer and J.P. constable, 10
Royal arcade.
Malcolm, W. (of William Malcolm & Co.), 22 Ex-
change square ; residence, Glenmorag, Dunoon.
Malcolm, Wm. S., publisher, Christian News, 142
Trongate ; house, 8 Gayfield street.
Malcolm, William, & Co., merchants, Mexican and
Guatemala consulate, 22 Royal Exchange square.
Malcolm, William, fish and ice merchant, 115 West
George street ; house, 11 Great Western road.
Malcolm, Elizabeth, dressmaker, 26 S.Wellington st.
Male Home for Working Men and Strangers, 28
M'Alpine street.
MALLOCH, Charles (of C. & J. Malloch), house,
Malloch, C. & J., plate-glass merchants, 12 Croypl.
Malloch, John (of C. & J. Malloch), house, 272
Renfrew street.
Malloch, Mrs. J., hosiery and furnishings, 176 Great
Hamilton street; house, 13 Craignestock place.
Malta Steam Packet Office ; Handyside & Hender-
son, agents, 45, 51 Union street.
MALTMAN, George, & Co., manufacturers, 127
Brunswick street.
Maltman, John, grocer and spirit dealer, 39 Well
road; house, 37 do.
Maltman, John, coal agent, 28 West Milton street.
Maltmen, Office of Incorporation of, 11 South Fre-
derick street ; Robert Douie, clerk.
Manchester Fire Office ; John Finlayson, 48 North
Dundas street, agent.
Manchester Fire Office ; Bell & Paterson, 22 Ren-
field street, agents.
Manchester Guardian Office, 15 Royal Exchange pi.
MANDERS, Robert, & Co., brewers, Dublin; agent,
J. M. Borthwick, Madeira court.
Manders, Robert, & Co., brewers, Dublin; M. Fer-
guson, 54 St. Enoch square, agent.
Manders, Robert, & Co., porter brewers, Dublin ;
John Dove, agent, 49, 51, 53 Hope street.
MANDERSON, Jas., victulr., 29 Hill st., Anderston.
MANFORD, John (at Kerr, Bolton, & Co.'s.), ho.
284 Bath street.
Manford, Stuart (of M'Arthur Brothers), 47 Oswald
street ; house, 230 West Regent street.
MANN, James, merchant (of Mann, Byars, & Co.),
Fairfield house, Bothwell.
Mann, John, chartered accountant and agent for the
Caledonian Insurance Co., and Accidental and
Marine Insurance Corporation (Limited), 83 West
Regent st. ; ho. Queenslea, Battlefield, Langside.
Mann, John A., musical instrument maker, &c, 21
Argyle street.

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