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Pringle, Eobert, grocer, 16 Annfield
Pringle, Thos., cowfeeder, 8 South St James'
Pringle, Thomas, 27 Montague street
Pringle, Thos. (Ross Sf P.), 10 Windmill st.
Pringle, William, cowfeeder, 4 Elbe street
Pringle, Mrs James, spirit merchant, 15 St
Leonard's hill
Pringle, Mrs William, St Katherme"s villa,
Murray street, Sciennes hill
Pringle, Mrs, 9 Wharton place
Pringle, Miss Mary, 1 West Maitland street
Pringle, Miss, Merchiston terrace
Pringle, Miss, 24 Nelson street
Pringle, Misses, 5 Randolph cliff
Prison Managers, H.M., for Scotland; office.
11 Melbourne place
Pritty, John, printer, 28 Barouy street
Pritty, John, draper and clothier, 174 High
street ; house, 53 Dick place
AGENCY OFFICE, conducted by H.
Stewart. 20 Gayfield sq. ^ See Adv. p. 76
Privy Seal Office, 19 Register House — (2
to 3 ; Saturdays, from 11 to 12) — Alexander
Murdoch, sub-keeper
Privy Seal, Writer to the, A. Carnegie
Ritchie, advocate, 8 Broughton place
Procter, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 3 Spence's place,
Proctor, Adam, plumber and gasfitter, 8
Church lane ; house, 11 Dean street
Proctor, T. R.. 7 St Vincent street
Proctor. William, contractor, Black's entry,
Comely bank
Proctor, Miss, chess and cloak maker, 8 Home
Professional and Civil Service Supply As-
sociation (Limited), 7 St Andrew square
SCOTLAND (James Knox, manager), 47
Hanover street. ^ See Adv. p. 39
Property and Income Tax Office (./". Balfour,
W.S., clerk to the Comrs.), 12 Waterloo pi.
Protestant Electoral Union of Scotland
(hon. sec. W. G. Cassels) ; office, 17 George
iv. bridge
Protestant Institute of Scotland (J. A.
Wylie, LL.D., professor ; secretary, Rev.
G. R. Badenoch), 17 George iv. bridge
Proud, Peter, working jeweller, 2 N. bridge
Proud, Mrs. grocer, 98 Pleasance
Proudfoot, Geo., & Co., meters and weighers,
2 Dock place
Proudfoot, Alexander, joiner, Morningside ;
house, Esplin cottage, Morningside
Proudfoot, David C, burgh surveyor of streets
and buildings, 19 Charlotte street, Leith ;
house, 10 Union street, Leith
Proudfoot, Jas., clerk of works, 8 Parkside st.
Proudfoot, John, grocer and wine merchant,
11 and 12 West Newington ; house, 2 Salis-
bury place
Proudfoot, John, grocer and wine merchant,
4 Grange road ; house, 3 Sciennes hill place
Proudfoot, Robt., shoemaker, 11 Davie street
Proudfoot, Thomas, 14 Fyfe place
Proudfoot, Thomas, 20 Meadow place
Proudfoot, W. (G.P.O.), 11 Drummond street
Proudfoot, Miss M., dressmaker, 2 Blackford
Proudfoot, Miss, basketmaker, 65 Tolbooth
wynd, Leith
Prout, Rev. Robert, St Patrick's, Cowgate
Proven, David, Balmoral hotel, 91 Princes st.|
Provest, Mrs, lodgings, 34 Dundas street
Provident Clerks' Mutual Life Assurance
and Benevolent Fund. Agents : Steele &
Campbell, 3 N. St Andrew st. ; A. Pater-
son, 55 Frederick street ; William Gray, 10
Montgomery street
Provident Life Office (John Bryce, secy.).
68 Princes street Agents : Thos. Millar, 9
Bernard street ; J. H. Stott, 12 Niddry st.
Provincial Insurance Company. Agents:
James Goalen, 6 Morton street ; Robert J.
Selkirk, 21 Lothian road
Provincial Union Insurance Co. (Limited).
(J. J. Farquharson, secy.), 1 Hanover street
Prudential Assurance Co. Agents: A. K.
Morison, 10 Hanover street ; Andrew Bell.
Johnston terrace
Pryde, David, M.A., lecturer on English
literature in the School of Arts ; house, 1
Wardie avenue
Pryde, James, teacher of mathematics, 50
South bridge
Pullar, John, & Sons, dyers and cleaners to
the Queen, 23 Waterloo place
Pullar, David, house carpenter and builder.
Gilmore park
Pullar, James Y., S.S.C., 17 Broughton place
Pulsford. Rev. John, Dalrymple crescent
Pump, The, spirits and wines, 52 Lothian
Punton, John, shipmaster, 47 Albany street.
Purdie, Bonnar, & Carfrae, house painters.
gilders, and decorators, 77 George street
Purdie, Charles, 2 Foxe's lane
Purdie, James, furnishing ironmonger. 23
Leith st. ; house, 2 Wellington place. Leith
PURDIE, JOHN, London pianoforte and
music warehouse, 83a Princes st. ; ho. 12
Buckingham terrace. ^ See Adv. p. 45
Purdie, Christina, toy bazaar, 53 Hanover
Purdie, Misses, 25 Pitt street
Purnell, Henry, engineer (successor to George
Haden 8p Co.), patentee and manufacturer
of warm water apparatus, and manufacturer
of warm air stoves, 37 Frederick street
Purves & Halliday, paper-staining works.
Lower Gilmore place
Purves, J. & P., tailors and clothiers, 31
South bridge

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