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Porteous, Mrs, housekeeper, Calton Conven-
ing hall, 23 Calton hill
Porteous, Miss, 8 Atholl place
Porteous, Misses, 16 St Vincent street
Porter, James, furniture dealer, 10 St Anthony
Porter, James, 7 Maryfield place
Porter, Martin, circulating library, bookseller
and stationer, 42 Howe street
B Porter, Thomas, wright, West Northumber-
land street lane ; house, 9 Jamaica street
Porterfield, John H., gardener, 17 Lochend
Port-Hopetoun FOUNDRIES, 66 Fountain-
Post Office, General, "Waterloo place and
North bridge ; branch, 34 Bernard street
Pott, Misses, 9 Howard place
POTTAGE, JOHN C, homoeopathic chemist,
117 Princes st. ; ho. 11 Lothian road. ^ See
Adv. p. 46
Pottie, Mrs James, 25 Haddington place
Pottie, Grace, tobacconist, 4 Druminond st.
Potts, William & Henry, wholesale merchants,
Port-Hopetoun warehouses ; sole agents
for John Watson & Son's Bathville patent
paraffin oil ; James Hinks & Son, lamp
manufs., Birmingham ; and R. Manders &
Co., brewers, Dublin
Potts, George, cabinetmaker and upholsterer,
32 Frederick street
Potts, G. H., house painter and mosaic tile
agent, 92 Princes street ; ho. 71 Bristo st.
Potts, Robert C. (T. M. Pennant §• Co.,
Limited), 15 Henderson place
Potts, William (W. $■ H. Potts), Aln Lodge,
Blacket place
Potts, Mrs, lodgings, 3 Frederick street
Pourie, John, & Sons, coopers, 10 Sandport st.
Pourie, Jas. (J. P. Sf S.), Loudon villa,
Ferry road, Leith
Pow, James, surgeon, 42 Minto street
Powell & Auld, law and general printers, 30
Hanover street
Powell, Alfred, hatter, 7 Hill place
Powell, Frederick W. {Duncan, FloclcJiart, §f
P.), Leith mount, Leith
Powell, G. W. (super. Cal. Railway), Lothian
road station; house, 3 Ladyfi eld place
Powell, John, cabinet and chair maker, up-
holsterer, and undertaker, 107 and 109
I Pleasance
Powell, J., club-master, 14 Queen street
Powell, John William, 31 Lothian road
Powrie, John, pig dealer, Water of Leith
Powrie, Peter, 24 Howe street
llPrain, H. D., actuary (Scot. Union Insurance
I Vffice), 5 Meadow place
{ Pratt, David, grocer. 34 Sandport street
IPratt, Robert, tailor, 44 South bridge
IjPratt, Mrs J. Forster, Dalrymple crescent
jPreacher, Mrs John, 11 Henry street
■Prentice, Alexander, cowfeeder, 1 Nelson pi.
PRI 159
Prentice, Chas., C.A. and actuary, 37 George
street; house, 2] Howard place
Prentice, John, butcher anddairyman, To)
Prentice, John, chemist and druggist, 12G
Nicolson street ; house, 128
Prentice, J. Glass, 21 Howard place
Prentice, Robert, house painter, temperance
hotel, 7 Milne square
Prentice, Robert, jun., temperance coffee-
house, 5 Milne square
Prentice, Mrs A., 2 Allison place
Prescot, Thos., gun polisher, 5 N. St James' at.
Presenter of Signatures Office, Pa
ment square: hours, 10 to 1; Saturdays,
10 to 12; vacation, 11 to 12
Presgrave, Mrs, 16 Broughton place
Preshaw, Allan, gardener, Orphan hospital,
Preshaw, John, waiter, 168 Rose street
Preston, Geo., spirit dealer, 19 Cockburn st.
Preston, Captain Henry Lindsay, R.N., 27 St
Andrew square
Pretsell, Miss Margaret, 126 Lauriston place
Pridie, James D., surgeon, 47 S. Clerk street
Pridie, Peter Hamden, S.L., 44 Minto street
Pridie, Robert, M.D., 9 Roxburgh street
Priebke, F., tobacconist, 13 Sandport street
Prime Gilt Office, 4 Commercial street
Primrose, Hon. Bouverie F., 22 Moray place
Primrose, James (Davis Sf P.), 4 Union st.,
Primrose, John, coal merchant ; depot, 9
Stead's place
Primrose, Mrs E., 2 Kerr street
Prince of Wales Hotel, 44 and 46 West
Register street
Prince, Miss, 15 Gloucester place
PRINGLE & INGLIS, smiths and axle-
makers, York lane, -k See Adv. p. 81
Pringle, Alexander (Adjutant- General's Vffice),
5 Clarence street
Pringle, Alexander, wine and spirit merchant.
1 Salisbury terrace
Pringle, Alexander, 169 Foimtainbridge
Pringle, Colonel, 6 Bellevue terrace
Pringle, J. (Edin. Rop. Co.), 7 Claremont pk.
Pringle, James, 2 Baxter's place
Pringle, James, 22 Brunswick street
Pringle, Rev. John, 59 York place
Pringle, John, M.D., late Madras army, 27
Rutland square
Pringle, John (P. 8r Inglis), 11 Calton street
Pringle, John, Scottish agricultural imple-
ment depot, 1 Victoria street ; house. 13
Pringle, John, 40 North Richmond street
Pringle, John, wine and spirit merchant, 3
Dock place ; house, 2 Sandport street
Pringle, John, grocer and provision mercht.,
49 Hope Park end
Pringle, R. O. (editor of The Farmer), 11
Montague street
Pringle, Robert, W.S., 20 Young St.; house,
6 Maitland street

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