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j models stamped in relief (except for Russia and Sweden), plans, maps,
[ catalogues, iirospectuses, announcements, and notices of various kinds,
whether printed, engraved, lithograi)hed or autographed, and in general
all impressions or copies obtained upon paper, parchment, or card-board
by means of printing, lithographing, autography, or any other mechanical
process easy to recognize, except the copying press and type writer, and
anything usually appurtenant to any of the before-mentioned articles in
the way of binding, mounting, or otherwise, and anything convenient
for their safe transmission by post which shall be contained in the same
packet ; also printed, engraved, or lithographed circulars, notwith-
standing that such circulars may be letters or communications in the
nature of a letter. Stamps for prepayment and all printed articles
constituting the sign of monetary value are however excluded.
The two classes are subject to the same rates of postage, excejit that when
addressed to countries in the Postal Union the minimum rate for Commercial
Papers is 2T2-d in every case. If there be any mixture of the two in the same
packet the whole packet is treated as Commercial Papers.
A Book Packet may be posted withovit a cover or in a cover open at both
ends. It may be tied at the ends with string.
The limit of size for Packets addressed to countries of the Postal Union is
18 inches in length by 1 foot in width or depth ; and for Packets addressed
to other places abroad 2 feet in length by 1 foot in width or depth. The limits
of weight are 4 lbs. for countries of the Postal Union ; 3 lbs. for New South
Wales, Queensland, and Fiji ; and 5 lbs. in all other cases.
All Books and printed matter imported into the United States through the
Post, however small the values, are subject to a duty of 25 per cent, of that value.
The following articles are still exempt from Custom duties : — 1. Newspapers
and periodicals already exempt from duty ; 2. Photographs and printed papers,
other than Books, received in the United States ia such small quantities as
to suggest that they are intended for personal use and not for sale.
Books and Periodicals addressed to the Republic of Colombia are liable to
Customs d\ities unless intended for the personal use of the addressees.
The rates of i)ostage, which must be prepaid, on packets to places abroad
are given in the Table of Foreign and Colonial Postage.
There is a Pattern and Sample Post to Foreign Countries and the Colonies
generally ; but it is restricted to bond fide trade patterns or samples of merchau'
dise. Goods sent for sale, or in execution of an order (however small the
quantity may be), or any articles sent by one private individual to anothef
which are not actvially patterns or sami^les, cannot be forwarded as patterns.
No article liable to Custom Duties can be sent as a sami)le or pattern.
The rates for Patterns are the same as for Books, except that the lowesi;
charge is Id for a packet addressed to any of the countries to which the jDost-
age is ^d per 2 oz. for Books. (See List of Postal Union Countries.)
Patterns or Samples, when j)racticable, must be sent in covers open at the
ends, and in such a manner as to be easy of examination. But samples of
seeds, drvigs, and such like, may be posted enclosed in boxes or bags fastened
in such a manner that they may be readily opened.
There must be no writing or printing upon or in any Sample Packet for
non-Union countries, except the address of the person for whom it is intended,
the address of the sender, a trade mark or nvimber, the price of the articles,
the weight or size, and the quantity to be disposed of, or such as may be
necessary to indicate the place of origin or the nature of the merchandise.
Samples of saleable value must not be sent to any foreign country, or io
any of the British j)ossessions which are comprised in the Postal Union.

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