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Times & Albert Assurance Co.
John Cook, 56 Dundas street ;
Archibald Allison, 69 Oswald
street ; David Clark, 40 Union
street ; John JMartin, 50 Wel-
lington street; R. Affleck, 62
Charlotte steet ; James Martin,
107 Hope street ; John M'Far-
lan, 112 We. Geo. st., agents.
— See Advertisement in Apjien.
Travellers' and Marine Insurance
Co. W. J. Carsvrell, agent,
3 Koyal Bank place.
United Guarantee and Life Assur-
ance Company of London. W.
Mudie, jun. 109 Fife pi., West
George street ; and H. Wright,
17 Gordon street, agents. — See
Advertisement in Appendix.
United Kingdom Life Assurance
Company. Setous & Stirling,
120 St. Vincent St.; Harper
& Son, 99 Waterloo St., agents.
— See Advertisement in Appen.
United Kingdom Provident Life
and Fire Office, 1 60 Hope st.
J. Robertson, agent. — See Ad-
vertisement in Appendix.
United Kingdom Temperance and
General Provident Institution ;
office, 160 Hope St. ; J. Robert-
son, agent. — See Adv. in Appen.
Wellington Reversionary Annuity
and Life Assurance Society ;
R. A. Burnside & Co., agents,
65 Jamaica street.
West of England Fire and Life
Insurance Co. Ralph Ward-
law, Company's Offices, 44 St.
Vincent place; A. Black, 13
Prince's square ; and H. M.
Sinclair, 36 Rentield St., agents.
Fire-Engine station, 30 East
George lane (^behind the Com-
pany's Offices in St. Vincent pi )
— See Advertise7neni in Appen.
Western Life Assurance and An-
nuity Societ}', London.. Neil
Johnston, 126 Renfrew st., agt.
York and London Life Insurance
Co., 106 Virginia pi. Kelly &
Co., agents.
Yorkshire Fire and Life Insurance
office, 130 Buchanan st. Lang
& Graham, agents.
Yorkshire Fire and Life Insurance
Co. Peter White, 20 Buchanan
street; Wm. Smith, 42 George
square; John Carmichael, 97
Union street ; agents.
Yorkshire Fire and Life Insurance
Co. 62 Trongate. William Ro-
bertson, agent.
Hernulewicz, Main, & Co. 34
Bothwell street.
Stewart, John K. 93 Fife place.
West George street.
Young, C. D., & Co. 54 St. Enoch
Young, Peddle, & Co. 24 West
Nile street.
Aitken, James, & Co. Cranstonhill
and Flill street Foundries.
Allan, Jas. sen. Elmbank Foun-
dry, Kent road.
Allan, Brothers, & Co. 52 New
Alliance Foundry, 147 East Mil-
ton street.
Alma Iron Works, 74 Paisley rd.
William Miller & Co.
Alston & Gourlay, 598 Gallowga.
Anderston Foundry Compan}', 100
Cheapside st. : office, 124 St.
Vincent street.
Atlas Foundrj', Market st. Gallow.
Bennie, James, & Co. Caledonian
Foundry, 1 24 West st. Tradest.
Boyd, William, 114 John street.
British Iron Foundry, 598 Gal-
lowgate. R. Gourlay.
Caledonian Foundry, 124 West st.
Calton Foundry', 69, 71 Canning st.
Camlachie Foundry, Gallowgate.
Mitchell & Wallace.
Canal Basin Foundry Company,
Port-Dundas and 135 Buch. st.
Carron Company, 123 Buchanan
street. Thos. Dawson, agent.
Christie & Smith, 20 E. Market st.
Clyde Foundry, 33 Anderston
quay. Tod & M'Gregor.
Cowie, Archd., & Co. Rae street,
Crawford, J. & E. Eagle Foundry,
Crawhall & Campbell, Pinnies, la.
Cumberland Foundry, 168 Gal-
lowgate. M. M'CuUoch & Co.
Dalmarnock F^oundry, 375 Dal-
marnock road.
Downie, J., & Co. North Woodside
Iron V>^orks, Garscube road.
Drummond, R. Calton Foundr^v,
71 Canning street; office, 51
George street.
Dunn, Wm. 110 High John st.
Eagle Foundry, Port-Dundas.
Edington, G. B. Victoria Foundry.
Edington, Thos., & Sons, Phoenix
Foundry, 60 Garscube road.
Falkirk Iron Co. 22 Di.xon street,
John F. Burnside, agent.
Finlay, John, 33 Gt. Hamilton st.
Glasgow Foundry, Broomhill st.
Glennie, Geo., & Co. Springbank.
Gorbals Foundry Co. 246 Blain st.
Gray, J., & Co. 54 Washington st.
Hayfield Foundry, Robinson & Co.
Hydepark Foundry, Neilson & Co.
Finnieston street.
Inglis, A. & J. 60 Warroch street,
Konnard & Son, 22 Di.xon st.
Laidlaw, R., & Son, 14 Buchanan
Law, J. & A. Rae Street Foundry,
Law, Jo., & Co. Glasgow Foundry,
Broomhill street, Port-Dundas.
M'Connell, R., & Co. 18 Kenfield st.
works, 112 Port-Dundas road.
M'Culloch, M., & Co. Cumberland
Foundry, 168 Gallowgate.
M'DowaU & Co. Milton Foundry,
3 Corn street, Port-Dundas.
M'Farlane, Walter, & Co. rain
pipes, Saracen's la. 207 Gallow.
M'Laren, Robert, Saracen's Foun-
dry, Canal street.
Mitchell & Walliice, Camlachie
Foundry, 709 Gallowgate.
Muir, Mat. A. Anderston Foundrj-.
Napier, James, Vulcan Foundry.
Napier, R.,& Sons, 75 Washington
St. and Lancefield Foundry, 68
Anderston quay.
Neilson & Co. Hydepark Street
Foundrj', Finnieston street.
Phoenix Iron Wks. 50 Garscube rd.
Port-Dundas F'oundry Co. 112
Port-Dundas road.
Randolph, Elder, & Co. 12 Centre
Ritchie, Watson, & Co. Lillyb. rd.
Roberton & Wilson, 246 Main st.
Robinson, Thomas, & Co. Hayfield
Foundry, 101 Ruthergleii road.
Rowan & Co. Atlas Works, 120
East Jlilton street.
St. James' Foundry, Smith &
Rodger, 49 Anderston quay.
St. RoUox Foundry Co. 236
Castle street.
Shaw, John, & Co. Maryhill.
Sheriff & Anderson, Peel street,
London road.
Shotts Iron Co. 22 St. Enoch sq.;
Robert Brown, agent.
Smith, A. & W., & Co. Cook st.
Smith, Bros., & Co. 32 Kinning st.
Smith & Rodger, 49 Anderston qj'.
Steven, Thomas, Milton Foundry.
Stewart, D. Y., & Co. 79 Charles st.
Tod & M'Gregor, Clyde Foundry,
33 Anderston quay and Mea-
dow.side, Partick.
Weir, M'Elroy, & Co. St. James
street. Paisley road.
Whitehall F'oundry, 60 Warroch
street, A. & J. Inglis.
Whitesmith, Isaac and William,
29 Govan street.
Wilkie, John, 33 Renfield street.
Wingate, Thomas, & Co. White-
inch Foundry, Partick.
Young, C. D., &Co. 54 St.Enochsq.
Addie and Rankin, 133 West
George street.

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