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Northern Assurance Co. Head
Office in Glasgow, 19 St. Vin-
cent place. Jas. Smith, mana-
ger. Agents : Wm. Sneddeu,
47 Canning street; John Kirk-
wood, 33 Buchanan street ; W.
B. & J. Kidston, 71 West Nile
street ; David Bird, 107 Bu-
chanan street ; John Reid, sen.,
136 Buchanan street ; Robert
Anderson, Virginia buildings ;
G. H. Smith, 5 Prince's square;
Johnston & Mitchell, 112 Fife
place; D. M'Callum, Chamber-
lain's office ; Jas. Thomson, 4
Oxford street ; Jas. Naismith,
George's place ; Joseph Bain,
33 West Nile street; G. H.
Smith, 5 Prince's square; Jas.
Clark, Charing cross ; J. P.
Eraser, Cowcaddens ; J. IM'Far-
lane, 112 George street; G. W.
M. Bremner, 97 No. Fredk. st.
Norfolk Farmer's Cattle Insurance
Co., 41 London street. J. & T.
Kelt, agents.
Northern Fire & Life Assurance
Co., Western Bank of Scotland,
Sauchiehall street. Jas. Clark,
Norwich & London Accidental
Insurance Co., 118 Union st.
Wm. M'Donald, agent.
Norwich Equitable Assurance Co.,
98 West George street. Steel
& Mackinlay, agents.
Norwich Union Fire and Life In-
surance Society. H. M'Lach-
lan, 71 Queen street, and R.
M'Gowan, 17 Gordon street.
Palladium Life Insurance Society.
John Baird, 83 Jamaica street,
and Adam Monteith & Earston,
73 St. Vincent street, agents.
Patriotic Fire and Life Assurance
Co. of Ireland ; Scottish branch
office, 14C Buchaiian st. Wylie
& Mitchell, resident secretaries.
John Boyce, jun., & Co., 43
Virginia street ; J. B. Gillmer,
118 Union street; Taylor &
Craig, writers, 20 St. Vincent
place ; J. & W. Murdoch,
writers, 48 West Nile st. and
Wm. Burn, auctioneer, 9 Ex-
change place, agents. — See Ad-
vertisement Appendix.
Pelican Life Office. John Loudon,
G8 St. Vincent street, and John
Stiven, 52 Howard st. agents.
People's Provident Assurance for
Life Assurance and Fidelity
Guarantee, 42 West George st.
George Wink, agent.
People's Provident Assurance So-
cietj'. Reid & Thompson, 36
Exchange sq. and W. M'Donald,
118 Union street, agents.
People's Provident Life and Guar-
antee Insurance Co. 1 18 Union
St. W. MDonald, agent. — See
Advertisement in Appendix.
Phceuix Fire Office. Ju. London,
G8 St. Vincent street, agent.
Phoenix (Foreign) Fire Office, 32
St. Vincent Place. James Wat-
son & Smith, agents.
Plate Glass and Accidental Death
Co. 77 St. Vincent street. D.
Fisher, agent.
Plate Glass Universal Insurance
Co. Head office for Scotland,
100 West George street. James
Connell, secretary, 100 West
George St.; Wm. Sneddon, 47
Canning st. and Robert Affleck,
52 Charlotte st. agents. — See
Advertisement in Apipendix.
Promoter Life Assurance and An-
nuity Co. of London. J. Paul,
108 Hutcheson street, agent.
Providerit Clerks' Mutual Life As-
sociation. W. L. M'Phun, 112
West George street, agent.
Provident Life Office of London.
Eobert Gow, jun. 71 Queen st.
Railway Passengers' Assurance Co.
116 St. Vincent street. M'Far-
lane & Houston, agents.
Rock Fire Insurance Co. 3 Royal
Bank Place. W. J. Carswell,
accountant and secretary.
Ro3'al Exchange Fire and Life As-
surance Co. Ritchie & Murdoch,
145 Ingram street, and Charles
Reddie, 133 We. George st. agts.
Royal Fire and Life Insurance Co.
Wm. Wardlaw, 62 Buchanan
st. Thos. Frame, 7 Royal Ex-
change place, James Adam, 24
Hutcheson st. and Wm. Hodge,
49 Adelphi st. agents. — See Ad-
vertisement in Appendix.
Royal Insurance Co. Western
Branch of Scotland: T. Frame,
local manager, 8 Gordon street.
Agents: Wm. Wardlaw, 02
Buchanan st. ; Wm. Urquhart,
29 St. Vincent pi.; J. Cree, 21
Exchange sq. ; James Steven,
82 West Nile st, ; Geo. Hodges,
49 Adelphi St.; James Adams,
546 Gallowgate; Jas. Smith,
sen. 54 St. Vincent st., James
Strapp, jun. 13 Dixon street.
Royal Liver Friendly Society, 249
Argyle st. W. Sinclair, agent.
Scottish Amicable Life Assurance
Office, 78 St. Vincent street.
William Spens, manager; W^m.
Skirving, cashier; Jas. Adam,
546 Gallowgate, iigent ; A. G.
Ramsay, secretary'. — -See Adver-
tisement in Appendix.
Scottish Equitable Life Assurance
Society, 103 St. Vincent street.
Thomas Somerviiil, and W. J.
B. & J. Kidston. 71 West Nile
street, agents.
Scottish Provident Institution for
Life Assurance. Wm. Church,
jun. 67 St. Vincent st. agent
and secretary ; Andrew Dunn,
135 Buchanan street, agent. —
See Advertisement in Appendix.
Scottish Provincial Fire and Life
Assurance Co. Ill St. Vincent
street. John Cabbell and Wm.
D. Sellar, secretaries. David
Tainsh, 55 West Nilestreet, and
Carswell & Christie, 7 Union
street, & Wm. M'Donald 118
Union street, agents. — See Adv.
Scottish Union Fire and Life In-
surance Office. Finlayson &
Moncrietf, 28 St. Vincent place;
Charles Hamilton 112 St. Vin-
cent street; Wm. Mathison, 37
West George street ; Dundaa
Hamilton, 64 Buchanan street ;
John Macgeorge, 135 Buchanan
street ; and John Fleming, 21
St. Vincent place, agents. Also,
formerly for Hercules, now Scot-
tish Union, W^illiam Neilson, 69
Glassford street ; Alex. Young,
138 Hope street ; John Miller,
71 Queen street ; and H. B.
Lacy, 54 St. Vincentst. agents.
Scottish Widows' Fund and Life
Assurance Societj'. Wm. Bruce
and John Muiraj', 30 Eoj-al
Exchange square, agents.— -^See
Advertisement in Appendix.
Standard Life Assurance Company,
35 St. Vincent place. William
Brown, jun. resident secietary.
John Miller, 71 Queen street;
and N. Purves Western Bank,
agents. — See A dv. in Appendix.
Standard Life Assurance Co. 62
Trongate, W. Robertson agent.
State Fire Insurance Co. of Lon-
don, Andrew Marshall, agent,
17 Exchange square.
State Fire Bank of Deposits, Na-
tional Assurance, and Invest-
ments, 52 Gordon st. Millar &
Millar, agents.
Sun Fire & Life Insurance Office,
98 West George st. John Fer-
guson, writer; Archd. Ferguson,
James Watson, 28 St. Vincent
place; Nicolson »Sb Stiven, 20
Buchanan street ; and John
Stiven, 52 Howard street, agents.
See Advertisement in Appendix.
Times Assurance Co. Agents: Ar-
chibald Allison, 69 Oswald st. ;
David Clark, 40 Union street;
John Martin, 50 Wellington st.;
RobertAffleck, 52 Charlottest. ;
James Martin, 107 Hope street;
John BI'Farlane, 112 West Geo.
street ; John Rae, 138 Hope st.
See Advertisement in Appendix.

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