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Miscellaneous Advertisemen Is.
Mr CORBETT, Surgeon-Dentist, begs respectfully to
intimate that he continues to practice at No. 59 Queen
Mr C. having been for twenty years with Mr Na-
sniyth, and fifteen years his first assistant, trusts that the
long experience he has had in such eminent practice
combined with strict attention to business, will obtain
for him a share of public patronage.
Advice to the poor, gratis, from 9 to 10 morning.
Edinburgh, 1836.
Mv SMjnstwi,
43, Princes Street, Edinburgh,
Begs leave respectfully to intimate to his Friends and
the Public that he continues to carry on all the various
departments of his Profession, and from the great
experience he acquired while with the late Mr Wal-
lace, and latterly with Mr Hutchins, he is confident
he will give ease and comfort, combined with the
utmost facility for Articulation and Mastication, to
those honouring him with their Patronage.
Fees str icily Modtrate.
Please observe 43, Second Stair east from St
David Street.
Artificial ®tzt\).
MR MEIN, Surgeon Dentist, 102, George
Street (formerly with Messrs Clark and Howard,
London), respectfully acquaints the Nobility, Gentry,
and his Friends, that he continues to fix NATU-
on his improved principle, without the least pain,
from a single Tooth to a complete Set, which he gua-
rantees shall restore to the wearer every comfort in
articulation and mastication, and at the same time
preserve the original torm of the mouth. Tne ANO
DYNE CEMENT STOPPING for decayed Teeth
is strongly recommended. Terms moderate.
Advice to the poor gratis, from 9 to 10 morning.
. mx mm,
Respectfully intimates his removal from 10 to
No. 17, Roxburgh Street, opposite side, where he
still continues to supply deficiencies of the TEETH
on the most approved principles, at little m ore than
half the usual Charges.
Every operation pertaining to Dental Surgery per-
formed on equally moderate terms.
Advice to the poor gratis, from 8 to 10 Morning.
&am*3 jfortuur,
No. 29, Broughton Street, Edinburgh.
J. F. constructs all kinds of Stays, Back-boards,
Inclined Planes, &c. &c. for Curvature of the Spine
— Bandages for Deformed Limbs and Club Feet —
Artificial Legs and Arms. As also, Rupture Trusses,
and Splints for every kind of Fractures — Laced
Stockings, Braces, Spring Crutches on improved prin-
ciples, &c. &c.
Mrs FORTUNE has been long in the practice of
as recommended by Professor Hamilton.
For ready money only.
29, Broughton Street, Edinburgh.
Robert ^Fortune,
Respectfully intimates to Medical Gentlemen and
the Public, that he makes Elastic Stay9 for cur-
vature of the Spine, Bandages for every descrip-
tion of Deformed Limbs, Artificial Legs and Arms,
Patent and Common Trusses, new instruments for
Prolapsus Ani that require no springs or bandages,
Laced Stockings for Swelled Legs or Varicose Veins,
&c. &c, on improved principles.
N. B. — Mrs Fortune makes Ladies* Belts and
67, Nicolson Street, Edinburgh.
entry east of st. Andrew's church.
The principal London, English Provincial, Irish,
and all the Edinburgh and Scotch Provincial Papers
The Journal de Paris et des Departemens daily
from Paris.
The Edinburgh, Westminster, Foreign, and Lon-
don Quarterly Reviews, and the most celebrated
Magazines and Periodicals of Literature and Science,
Rooms open from Half-past 7 a. m. to 10 p. M.
subscriptions moderate.
May, 1836.
Mil gtveet mtlj&.
These Baths are most comfortably fitted up. The
following prices will be found moderate (especially to
subscribers for a set), when the superior comfort and
accommodation are taken into view.
Hot or Cold single Bath, 2s. or ten for 15s.
Warm Shower, Is. 6d, 12s.
Cold Shower, Is. 8s.
Vapour, 2--. 6d. 21s.
Salt may he had for an addition of Is. for common,
and 6d. for Shower Baths. No gratuity to any of
the attendants. Open from 8 morning till 10 evening.
Edinburgh, 17 and 19 Hill Street.
20rato ing SttstttutufcT.
Mr Perigal, late principal Master of the Edin-
burgh Drawing Institution, begs respectfully to an-
nounce to his Friends and the Public that he has re-
moved to the next house, No. 21, Hill street; and
that, assisted by Lis Sons, he intends to continue giv-
ing instruction in Drawing, and Painting in Oil and
Water Colour, both in classes and privately, and ear-
nestly solicits a continuance of that patronage which
has hitherto been so kindly afforded.
21, Hill Street.
3&olsert ^utfjerforU,
138, George Street, Near Charlotte Square,
Respectfully intimates that he has always on hand
a Select Assortment of Ladies' Walking and Dress
Boots and Shoes of first-rate quality, at moderate
Every description of Boots, Shoes, Clogs, Gaiters,
&c. made to Order on the Shortest Notice.

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