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Miscellaneous Advertisements.
(Opposite Bank Street).
Respectfully begs leave to express his sincere thanks to the Grocers, Apothecaries, and his numerous Cus-
tomers, for the very large share of Patronage which he has received in the West Bow and Lawnmarket,
takes this method of particularly directing the notice of the Public to his system of doing business, namely : —
The Ready Money System.
He buys with ready money; he sells for ready money; lie suffers no losses from bad debts, and requires
neither Clerk, Agent, nor Traveller. At A. F.'s establishment these very expensive items form no part cl
the cost oi manufacturing, and he gives the benefit of the great saving thus effected to those who buy from
him, and is himself sufficiently compensated by the great increase of his sales.
The immense demand for A. F.'s goods for these ten years past, is the strongest proof of their cheapness,
as well as of their superior quality; and in both respects he is determined to maintain his reputation.
Wholesale Dealers, Agents, and Exporters, who buy with cash, may have from a cvvt. to a ton of Con-
fections, carefully packed, and ready on a few days notice.
For Families, and tlio-e using Peppermint, Ginger, and other Stomachic Lozenges, A. F. prepares double
strong and highly flavoured sorts, which are strongly recommended as excellent tonics ; and he solicits those in
the practice of making small presents, to make a trial of his Superior Mixtures, put up alter the French fashion
in beautifully ornamented boxes, containing quarters, half pounds, pounds, two pounds, and four pounds. He
makes no charge for the boxes, and feels confident that the quality and price will stand a comparison with
those of any other Confectioner in the kingdom.
Acidulated Drops in pound, half pound, and quarter pound tin boxes, for which no extra charge is made.
GDSmnas Hummers,
107, South Bridge
{2d Shop from Hunter Square, Tron Church),
Respectfully intimatps, that from dealing exclu-
sively in Shawls, his Stock will be found at all times
large and well assorted, as also every thing new and
fashionablp. in that line is added immediately as
brought forward.
Shawl Borders, Middles, and Fringes sold sepa-
India and British Shawls dyed, cleaned, and
(&\\%\i%% tfvtntp auti Italian
MR MACLAGAN respectfully intimates that he
continues to give instructions in Singing in all the
above styles. His method of tuition combines
example with precept.
Teaching in Classes of a limited number. Board-
ing Schools attended.
Terms, which are very moderate, may be known
by applying to Mr Maci.agan, or at the principal
Music Shops.
35, Scotland Street, Edinburgh,

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