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Stirling, Mrs, 143 High street
Stoiy, Robert (cashier Edinburgh Life Assurance
Co.), Eastfiekl
Stuart, J. & W. , cotton and hemp fishing-net
and t«ine manufacturers, Esk mills
Sutherland, Mrs, 31 Market street
Symons, Robert, baker, 90 Higli st., Fisherrow
Tait, George, clerk, 1 Smeaton grove, Inveresk
Taylor, Duncan, market gardener, Nev.'bigging
Tajdor, John, gardener, Midfield cottage, Iiiveresk
Tennant, Jas., cumer and leather mercht. (agent
General Insui-ance Co.), Dalrymple loan
Tennant, T. , corkcutter, 1 5 High st. , Fisherro-vv
Thompson, Joseph, Herkes loan
Thomson, Charles S. , 1 High street
Thomson, David, baker, 84 High st., Fisherrow
Thomson, R., dairyman, 99 High st., Fisherrow
Thomson, Th., surgeon, F.R.C.S.E., Shepherd
house, Inveresk
Thomson, Wm., assessor of lands and heritages
for the burgh of Musselburgh, 37 Market st,
Thomson, Mrs, private lunatic asylum, "WTiite-
house, Inveresk
Thomson, Mrs Rachel, 18 Eskside
Tinto, J., milhmght, High street
Topp, WiUiam, stationmaster, Niddiy station
Tosh, John, grocer and wine merchant, 128
High street, FisheiTow
Trotter, Mrs Jessie, 2 Millhill
Veitch, Jas. , spirit dealer, 52 New st. , Fishen-ow
Vemor, Mrs, 38 Newbigging
Vernor, Mrs James A., 10 Bridge street
Vetch, Geo. A., Cevlon Service (retu-ed), Hope pi.
"Wakehn, John {Riddock, W., <t Co.), Rosehill
house, Inveresk
Walker, John, printer, bookseller, and stationer,
33 High street
"Walls, John, draper, 117 High street
"Watt, "W. S., grocer, 154 High street, FisheiTo-w
"Wekh, "Wm., grocer, 16 Market street, Fisherrow
"\^^lite, John, contractor, grocer, and victual
dealer, 1 Bridge street
"VN'hite, William, manager Carberiy colUeiy ;
house, Backhill
"White, Mrs John, bootmaker, 82 High street ;
house, 84
"Whitelaw, "William, & Son, brewers, Fisherrow ;
house, Mansfield house
"Whitson, Mrs Andrew, gi-ocer, 18 Newbigging
"Whytock, A. , gardener, Victoria place
W'ilkie, J. & A., tanners, euniers, and leather
merchants. High street
Wilkie, Alex.. Heath villa., Hope place
"Williamson, Misses, Hem-j'ville, Links, Fisherrow
"Wilson, James, W'antou walls
"Wilson, James, junior, farmer, Newton
"Wilson, John, gardener, MonktonhaU
Wilson, John, Professor of Agriculture, Edinburgh
University, Eskgi-ove, Inveresk
"Wilson, Rev. William, Free Church manse,
W^ilson, Miss, Olive bank
W^ilson, Agnes, baker and confectioner, 58 High
street '^
Wood, Geo. W. , tailor, etc. , 95 High st. , Fisherrow
Wood, John, greyhound trainer. South venuel,
Wylde, Robert, manager, Eskside villas
Young, David, callector, gaswork
Young, John, manager Oilwork, Magdalen
bridge ; house, Wellington cottage
Young, Thomas, pawnbroker, 12 "\Vonder sti'eet
Young, Misses, 18 liridge street
See Tranent.
See Tranent.
Aberxethy, James, farmer, Howgate
Abernethy, Peter, farmer. Halls
Aberiiethy, Thomas, baker
Affleck, James, merchant
Alexander, James, merchant
Anderson, Alexander, tailor and clothier
Bain, Andrew, shoemaker
Bell, Miss, Penicuik infant school
Bertram, William, farmer, Arnazondean
Bin-ell, James, paper manufacturer, Uttershill
Black, James, newsagent, Biidge street
Brass, James, inspector of poor
Brock, Robert, baker
Brown, James, k Co., papermakers, Eskmills
Brown, Adam, cai"penter and builder
Brown, John, head clerk {A. Cowan d: Sons),
Brown, John, butcher
Brown, Thomas, millwright, Monksburn cottage
Brydon, Alexander, smith
Charles, ]\Iatthew, Brae house
Clappeiton, James, farmer, Maj'bank
Clerk, Sir George D., Bart., Penicuik house
Cossar, Andrew, fanner, Howgate
Cossar, James, grocer
Cowan, A. , & Sons, papermakers, Valleyfield mills
Cowan, Chas. Wm. (A. C. tt Smis), Valleyfield ho.
Cowan, George, Valleyfield
Cowan, Miss, Garden villa
Cowe, Archibald, grocer
Cox, Dr Charles, surgeon
Cranston, Adam, clerk, Eskmills
Craster, John, governor, W^ellington Refomiatorv
Dent, Ir\'ing, farmer, Ravensneuk
Donald, Robert Andrew, farmer, Spittal
Duncan, James, draggist and stationer
Dykes, James, farmer, Cuiken
Fasten, Jane, innkeeper
Ewart, John, & Sons, builders
Fauchie, Martin, surgeon
Fleming, James, farmer. Coats
Foulis, James, tailor and clothier
France, Chailes S. , overseer. Bank house
Fraser, Adam, farmer and innkeeper, Howgate
French, Robert, hotelkeeper
Fulton, Mrs Catherine, draper
Garuock, John, North Esk reservoir, Carlops
Gilroy, W^illiam, farmer, Auchendinny mains
Gib.son, John L., draper
Glen, James, plumber
Hay, John, Royal hotel
Henderson, John, grocer and spirit«aer. , High st.
Henderson, ]\Irs John, fanner, Auchincorth
Hislop, James, farmer, Nethertown

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