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Mitchell, Daniel, grocer, 128 Highst., Fisherrow Ronald, P., shoemaker, 132 High st., Fislierrow
Mitchell, Jas., veterinarv surgeon, M. R. C. V. S. L. i Ronald, Miss, draper and milliner, 58 High st.,
and E., 95 High street Fisherrow
Mitchell, James, gi-ocer, etc., 95 High street iRoss, "William, spirit retailer. High street
Moliat, Mrs A. , private lunatic asj'lum, New- 1 Russell, Alex. , 30 JMarket street
bigging house
Montgomery, Rt, grocer, 55 High st., Fisherrow
Moore, Thomas H. (Deans <t M.), coalmaster,
Smeaton park, Inveresk
More, David M., draper and clothier, 115 High
street ; house, 94
Muir, John G., inspector of poor, etc.. Market st.
Muirhead, G. , cab proprietor, Musselburgh Arms
Munro, A. , gardener, "West Holmes, Fislierrow
Murray, Mrs, Eskside cottage
Naamyth, A. H., manager Prestongrange col-
lieries ; house, St Clemeiit's weUs
Natioxal Bank of Scotland, 51 High street ;
Robert Legat, W.S., agent
Neilson, Isabella, spirit retailer, 22 Eskside
Xewlands, John R., baker, 137 High street
Newton, James, general merchant, "Wallyford ;
house, Levenhall
Nichol, James, grocer and wine merchant, 49
Nicholson, Mrs M. , private lodgings, 5 Eskside
Nisbet, Geo. , smith and ironmonger, 50 High st.
Nisbet, Mrs John, 12 High street
Orr, Alex., dairyman, 93 High street
Orr, Lieut. -Col. J. , Madras staff eorjis. Red house
Oswald, Lady Marj'', Manor house, Inveresk
Park, James, farmer, Stoneyliill
Park, "William, golf club and ball maker. Links
Park, Mrs, Arbury hoiise
Paterson, Mrs Lilias, 37 High street
Paterson, Hugh (H. P. d: Co., Edinburgh), Oak
lodge, Inveresk
Paterson, "William, 68 High street
Pitcairn, James L., Millhill
Russell, William, clerk, 35 Market street
Rutherford, John, china merchant, 92 High st.,
Sanderson, A. Macdonald, surgeon, F.R.C.S., 10
Bridge street
Sanderson, H., surgeon R.N., 19 Bridge street
Sandilands, Richard, plumber and gastitter, 104
High street
Sandilands, "Walter, wright, Moffat Park cottage,
Sandilands, AVilliam, smith, Inveresk
Sawers, George, saddlei", 172 High street,
Sawers, Misses, Ailieford cottage, Hope park
Scarlett, Robert, farmer and gardener. Mall house
Scott, Andrew, gas managei-, gasworks
Scott, R. M., grocer, 96 High street, Fisherrow ;
house, Millhill
Scott, T. R., ]\I.D., 9 High street
Scott, T. R., jun., M.B., CM., 9 High street
Scrymgeour, Henry, gardener, Beggar bush
Seaton, J., hat manufacturer, 90 High street
Shand, the Hon. Lord, New Hailes
Sharp, John C. , chemist, 73 High street ; house,
36 Newbigging
Shaw, Richard, tailor, 77 High street
Shedden, James, 155 High street
Simpson, Rev. Matthew, Congi'egational minister,
Jane cottage
Sinclair, Mrs J., Millhill
Smart, C., lathsplitter, 5 High street, Fisherrow
Smart, James, lathsplitter, 5 High st. ; house,
Forth cottage, Fisherrow
Smith, Rev. C, Episcopal clergyman, 2 Linkfield
Porteous, A. & J., smiths and cartwrights. Loch- 1 Smith, James, grocer, 105 High street
end, Fisherrow
Porteous, James, ale and porter merchant, 59
High street, Fisherrow
Porteous, John, blacksmith, Lochend cottage
Primerose, George, k Son, curled hair, skin mat,
and rug manufacturers, Dambrae ; house,
Primerose place
Primerose, Mrs Nicol, 3 Millhill
Proctor, James H., surgeon-dentist, Greenhall,
Proudfoot, Thomas, farmer, Pinkiehill
Purdie, iirs James, spirit dealer, Millhill
Purves, James, F.E. I.S., clerk to School Board,
3 Eskside
Purves, R. G., Lewisville .
Raebum, Miss, 27 Bridge street
Registrar's Office, births, deaths, andmarriages
for the district of Inveresk and Musselburgh,
47 High street, Musselburgh
Eeid, Dr, Eskgreen
Renton's Royal Hotel, 100 High street
Riddock, "Wakelin, & Co., seed-cru.shers, oilmills
Riddock, Jas. T. {R., WakeUn,<tCo.), Eskside ho.
Ritchie, James, Herkes loan, FisheiTow
Ritchie, Jiliss Euphemia, Herkes loan, Fisherrow
Roberts, Charles "William, MillhiU cottage
Robertson, John, .grocer, 63 High .street
Robertson, "Wm., baker and grocer. 111 High st.
Robertson, Mrs, smith & ironmonger, Newbigging
Smith, Peter, architect, Eliza cottage
Smith, William Beattie, surgeon, Linkfield cot.
Smith, William, baker, etc., 30 Bridge street
Smith, W., watchmaker, 71 High street
Smith, Mrs George, Eliza cottage
Smith, Mrs, Lochend house
Somerville, "William, millma.ster, Sea mill
Spears, "Wm., flesher, 87 High street, Fishen-oAv
Spears, Mrs M. , grocer and spirit dealer, Archi-
bald's place
Spence, Alexander Ogilvy, agent for Commercial
Bank of Scotland and Alliance Assurance Co. ,
Bridge street
Stagg, John, saddler, 53 High street
Standard Life Insurance Co., 51 High st. ;
Robert Legat, "W.S., agent
Steel, George, bootmaker, 80 High street
Steeples, "\Villiam, house painter, 78 High street,
Stevenson, William, governor, Inveresk com-
bination poorhouse
Stewart, Alexander, house painter, 23 Bridge
street; house, 24
Stewart, Charles, Sweethope
Stewart, James, C.E., Stoneybank house
Stewart, William, mole-catcher, Monktonhall
Stirling Brothers, wine merchants and grocers,
and agents for the Northern Assurance Co.,
147 High .street

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