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Glen, Miss, 22 Rutland square
Glendinning, Robt. coach proprietor, 54 Ber-
nard street, Leith
Glendinning, Miss Janet, 55 Cumberland st.
Gloag, James, LL.D. teacher of mathematics,
11 Duncan street
Gloag, Feter, writer, 6 Saunders street
Globe Life and Fire Insurance Co. London
—J. G. Hopkirk, W.S., and J. W. Lyon,
agents at Edinbure;h — W. M. Goddard, and
A. M. Miller, 4i North bridge, and 13
Mitchell street, Leith. — See Adv.
Globe tavern, 24 Sandport street, Leith
Glover, Geo. surgeon, 9 Dundas street
Glover, James, painter, and dealer in paper-
hangings, 47 London st — ho. 7 Union st.
Glover, Rev.Dr (ofGreenside), 19 Howard pi.
Glover, Wm., M.D. surgeon, 4 Blenheim place'
Glover, Wm., W.S. sheriff clerk depute, 18
Charlotte street — house, 1 Albany st. Leith
Glover, Miss, Elizafield
Goalen, David, R.N. 2 Darling's buildings
Goalen, Thomas Wright, 8 Morton st. Leith
Goalen, Rev. Walter M. Starbank house.
Godby, Fred. {General Pos^- O^^)— house,
Spylaw bank, Slateford
Goddard, Wm. M. merchant and agent, 56
Giles street, Leith — house, 6 John's place
Goddard, Miss, 2 John's place, Leith
Goguel, Wm. Fleming, cashier Scot. Equit.
Life Assurance Society, 9 Salisbury place
Goguel, Mrs, 9 Salisbury place
Goldie, Archd. W., W.S. 8 York place
Goldie, George, accountant, 2 West Newing-
ton place
Goldie, Robert, shoemaker, Newhaven
Goldie, William, W.S. 34 Melville street
Groldie, Mrs, Granton pier
Goldie, Miss, Seafield baths, Leith
Goldsmiths' Hall, 98 South bridge
Goldwyre, Henry, lodgings, 29 Stafford street
Good, Mrs M . provision shop, 24 Raeburn pi.
Goodall & Sanderson, builders. Old Broughton
Goodall, Alexander, builder. Old Broughton
Goodall, John, advocate, 24 Nelson street
Goodburn, Mrs, lodgings, 1 St Vincent st.
Goodlet, George, postmaster, 7 John's place,
Goodlet, Wm. lace and sewed muslin ware-
house, 27 Hanover street — house, 14 Rae-
burn plaxie
Goodlet, Miss, 7 John's place, Leith
Goodsir, A. secretary British Linen Co. 3
Queen street
Goodsir, Henry, 3 Jamaica street, Queensferry
road, North Leith
Goodsir, John, F.R.C.S.E. professor of ana-
tomy in the University, 2 Shandwick place
Goodsir, Misses, dressmakers, 1 1 Dundas st.
Goodsman, Rob. Golf tav. 27 Wright's houses
Goody, Mrs, dressmaker, 33 India place
Goold, Rev. Wm. H. 28 Buccleuch place
Gordon, Alexander, teacher. Water of Leith
Gordon, Alfred Robert, 2 Shore, Leith
Gordon, Alexander, builder, Buccleuch street
Gordon, Alex. M. accountant Rot/. Bank, 30
Bernard street, Leith — house, 14 Northum-
berland street
Gordon, Sir Charles, & Co. W.S. 25Heriot r.
Gordon, Capt. Chas. 20 Claremont crescent
Gordon, David, M.D. surg. 33 Buccleuch pi.
Gordon, Major Duncan, 16 Walker street
Gordon Ed. Strathearn, advocate, 2 Randolph
Gordon, Francis W. Lockhart, 43 Moray pi.
Gordon, Gilbert M. 20 AthoU crescent
Gordon, James, W.S. 35 Drummond place
Gordon, James F., W.S. 1 Nelson street
Gordon, James, writer, 1 Lauriston terrace
Gordon, James, jun. W.S. 21 Castle street —
house, 20 Duncan street, Drummond pi.
Gordon, James, 9 Newington place
Gordon, James, merchant and agent, 2 Tower,
Shore, Leith
Gordon, James, sen. artist, 11 Brandon st.
Gordon, James, portrait painter, 68 Brough-
ton street
Gordon, James, jun. artist, 68 Broughton st.
Gordon, John Thomson, sheriff of Midlothian,
sheriff chambers, county buildings. High st.
— house, 6 Gloucester place
Gordon, Sir John Watson, R.A. President of
the Royal Scottish Academy, and limner
to the Queen in Scotland, 123 George st.
Gordon, John^ 21 East Claremont street
Gordon, John, woollen draper, 33 North
bridge — house, 27 Rutland street
Gordon, Lt-Col. John, of Cluny, 4 St Andrew
Gordon, J. chemist and druggist, 32 Bristo st
Gordon, Joseph ( G., Stuart, and Chej/ne), 5
Royal terrace
Gordon, Richard, accountant, 45 Northumber-
land street
Gordon, Rev. Dr Robt. 14 Northumberland st.
Gordon, Robert {Bank of Scotland), 6 Cla-
rence street
Gordon, Robert, tobacco manufr. 5 Heriot
bridge — house, 23 Gilmore place
Gordon, Robert {Munro ^ Drysdalt), 23 St
James' square
Gordon, Stuart, & Cheyne, W.S. 5 Royal ter.
Gordon, Wm. builder, Lothian road
Gordon, Wm. spirit merchant, 39 Cowgate
Gordon, William, tailor, 27 South bridge
Gordon, William, collector, 17 West Rich-
mond street
Gordon, William, provision merchant, 19
Quality street
Gordon, Wm. spirit mercht. 3 So. College st.
Gordon, Mrs Major, 14 Saxe Coburg place
Gordon, Mrs Catherine, midwife, &c. 3 Car-
negie street
Gordon, Mrs G. 7 East Preston street
! Gordon, Mrs Harrv, 2 Doune terrace

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