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Gilchrist, John, grocer, 52 Giles street — house,
37 Cable wynd
Gilchrist, John, agency oflSce, 14 South St
Andrew street
Gilchrist, John, 28 India street
Gilchrist, John, gardener, 119 Fountainbridge
Gilchrist, i.{G.R-0.), 14 Middle Arthurpl.
Gilchrist, Joseph, commercial traveller, 13
Albany street, Leith
Gilchrist, Mrs, 8 St Colme street
Giles, Mrs James, 17 Scotland street
Gilfillan, Henry {Customs), East Hermitage,
Gilfillan & Jackson, builders. Castle terrace
Gilkie, Alex, surveyor of buildings, 34 Han-
over street
Gill, George, hotel & tavern, 13 Leith st. ter.
Gill, John, hosier, glover, draper, &c.l Union
Gill, Thos. (Romanes Sf Patersoti), 49 York pi.
.Gillespie's Hospital, Wright's houses— Geo.
Meikle, treas. 66 Grassmarket
Gillespie & Cathcart, commis. agents, 8 &
10 Timber bush
Gillespie, Alex., M.D. 30 York place
Gillespie, Alex, tinsmith, 21 Frederick street
Gillespie, Alexander, gasfitter & smith, 62
Broughton street
Gillespie, Andrew & Co. general commission
merchants, 20 West Nicolson street
Gillespie, Andrew, com.merch. Grange road
Gillespie Brothers, grain merchants, 14 West
Maitland street
Gillespie, Gordon J. wine & spirit merchant,
14 and 15 Sandport street, Leith
Gillespie, James, accountant, 8 Hamilton pi.
Gillespie, John, W.S. 5S Northumberland st.
Gillespie, John, grocer, 16 St Anthony's pi. —
house, 5 Lothian road
Gillespie, John, M.D. 68 Constitution street
Gillespie, Michael, contractor and causeway-
layer, 23 East Drummond street
Gillespie, P. Bridge place, Bonnington
Gillespie, Thomas {Enncise), 2 Canning place
Gillespie, Thomas, gasfitter and smith,
Broughton market
Gillespie, Wm. 68 Constitution street
Gillespie, Mrs Alexander, umbrella maker, 58
Charlotte street, Leith
Gillies Brothers, silk mercers & drapers, 32
George street
Gillies, Rev. Francis, 17 Dean Terrace
Gillies, Mrs, 16 York place
Gillis, Right Rev. Bishop, Greenhill cottage
Gillon, David, sack, &c. manufacturer, 63
Grassmarket — house, 10 Graham street
Gillon, John & Co., preserved fresh provision
manufacturers, 3 Mitchell street — house, 3
Claremont park. Links
Gillon, James, spirit dealer, 205 Cowgate
Gillon, Wm. (Smail and Co.), 5 Fingal place
Gilmore, Andrew (National Bank), 2 South
Gray street
Gilmore, Wm. ropemaker, 56 Grassmarket
Gilmore, Mrs, 2 South Gray street
Gilmour, Hugh, tea & coffee dealer, 13 Leith
Gilmour, James, cowfeeder, 49 Abbey hill
Gilmour, Oliver, tanr. 49 South back Canong.
Gilmour, Wm. currier, 49 South back Canong.
Gilmour, Mrs Marg. lodgs. 3 Antigua street
Gilmour, Mrs, Mary cottage. Trinity
Gilroy, Robert, lodgings, 23 Downie place
Girdwood, Thos. surveyor & land valuator, 8
Hiil place
Girdwood, Wm. and Son, woollen warehouse,
2 Bank street — house, 7 Bellevue cres.
Girdwood, Wm. innkeeper, 26 Grassmarket
Girdwood, Miss Mary, matron, Gillespie's
Girkins, Mrs, baker, 35 Couper street, Leith
Girle, George H. tanner & currier, 125 High
street — house, 5 St John street
Given, John, vintner, & parcel van office, lO
Bernard street, Leith
Given, Robert, coach builder and coach hirer,
1 Rutland place — ho. 14 Charlotte street
Gladstone, Mrs, 4 Albany street, Leith
Glas, Mrs Stirling, 2 Norton place
Glasgow, John, victual dealer, 175 West port
Glasgow, John, spirit dealer, Watergate
Glass, E. printer, 44 South bridge
Glass, Robert, merchant, Victoria terrace-
house, 17 Buccleuch place
Glass, Wm. painter & glazier, 4 Hastie's cl.
Glass, William, writer, 8 So. St James' street
Glassford, Henry, of Dougalston, 11 Ann st.
Glassford, Miss Euphemia, 3 Gloucester place
Gleadhill, Benjamin, teacher of vocal music,
2 Canning place
Glegg, Capt., E.T.C.S. 8 Carlton street
Glegg, James (Exchequer), Blackford
Glegg, Robert (Exchequer), Banner place,
Glen, Alex, bagpipe maker, 30 St Andrew
Glen, Alexander W. A. chemist and druggist,
1 Earl Grey street
Glen, David, broker, 186 Cowgate
Glen, Geo. bootmaker, 33 Hanover street-^--'
house, 8 Dundas street
Glen, Geo. musical instru. maker, 26 Kirkgate
Glen, Rev. John, 28 Buccleuch place
Glen, John and Son, wrights, 2 King's stables
Glen, R. & J. coal merchants, 7 Port-Hamilton
Glen, Thos. and Sons, coal merchants, 5 Port-
Hamilton — house, 12 Semple street
Glen, Thomas, musical instrument maker, 2
North Bank street
Glen, T. painter & glazier, 17 Dundas street
Glen, Mrs Capt. 11 Teviot row
Glen, Mrs, 5 Upper Gray street
Glen, Mrs, 112 Lauriston place
Glen, Mrs, 3 Melville street
Glen, Mrs and Misses, haberdashers, stay and
straw-hat makers, 26 Kirkgate, Leith

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