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Rates of Postage.
A single letter from any Post-office in Scotland, Eng-
land, or VVales, to any place not exceeding lo miles from
such office, (Is. 4d.
For anv dist. above 15, and not exceed. iiO miles, 5
And so on in proportion, the postage increasing pro.
gressively one penny for a single letter for every like ex-
cess of distance of 100 miles.
GENERAL POST — Letters containing one En-
closure are chargeable v.-ith two Swingle Rates. Letters
containing more than one Enclosure, and not weigliing
one Ounce, aie chargeable with three single Kates.
Letters weighing one Ounce, whatever the contents
may be, are chargeable with four Single Rates; and
for every quarter of an Ounce above that weight, an
additional Single Rate is chargeable.
Ireland, by way of Holyhead, M., Donaghadee, 4d.,
packet-rate, over and above all other rates.
Vessels to and from Ireland, or Coastwise, are not
allowed to convey letters, under a heavy penally.
Guernsey and Jersey, 3d., packet-rate, over and above
all other rates.
By an act of 53d Geo. III. all letters and packets
whicli shall be conveyed, during any part of tlieir pro-
gress through Scotland, by a mail-coach, are liable to
an additional rate of one halfpenny to the ordinary rate
of postage ; but not to be doubled or trebled on double
or treble letters.
*«* By an act of Parliament recently passed, mer-
chants' Accounts, Bills of Exchange, Invoices, Bills of
leading, and Proceedings at Law, written on the same
piece of paper with a letter, are no longer liable to sepa-
rate rates of postage, but are to be charged as single only.
-■V single piece of paper is only chargeable with single
Postage, whatever may be written upon it.
PENNY-POST — Letters for the Penny and Two-
penny. Post delivery must be under four ounces in weight.
SHIP LETTERS By the Ship Letter Act it is
enacted, that every master of a vessel, immediately on
his arrival in port, shall take the whole of his letters
to the Post-Oliice, under penalty of L.200, and the
captain must sign a declaration that every letter has been
so delivered, before his vessel can be permitted to report
to the Custom-house.
Letters coming from onboard any ship are chargeable
with an additional rate, for a single letter, of 8d.
Letters conveyed outwards, in sealed bags, are charge-
.•ible with half packet postage, which must be paid when
put into the office.
' Tlie returns of the packets are calculated thus: — to
Jamaica and back, 1(1 weeks; America, 15 weeks;
Iveeward Islands, 13 weeks; I^Ialta, 14 weeks; Brazil,
20 weeks; Lisbon, four weeks.
From July to December inclusive, the packet touches
at Pernambuco and Bahia, on her outward passage to
Rio Janeiro ; the other six months on h^'r homeward
In November, December, January, nnd February,
the packets touching at Bermuda, go to New York di-
rect ; the other eight months thev go 4md return by
lietters for places abroad, to which there are no
packets — as China, New South Wales, .Sierra Leone,
Cape Coast Castle, Goree, Senegal, St Helena, and many
parts of South America — are forwarded in sealed Ship
Letter Bags, by vessels sailing from London or the Out
Pons. Postage from Edinburgh, la. lid.
EAST INDIES. — Letters to and from, are regularly
forwarded by ships. — The postage must be paid liere.
The rate outv/ards is 2d. per package under three
ounces; if above that weight, one shilling per ounce.
The rate inwards is 4d. per package under three
ounces; if above that weight, one shilling per ounce.
lor letters to India, via Egypt, see Foreign List— ,
^lediterrancan packet.
SOLDIERS AND SEAMEN can send and receive
Single Letters on their own private concerns only, for
One Penny, (within any part to and from which there
are regular I\lails.) to be paid when put into the Po.-t
Office. The name of the Soldier or Sailor, hi-i Class or
Description, and the name of the Ship or Regiment,
must be given by himself, and the Officer havmi^ the
command must sign his name, and the name of tiie
Ship or Regiment to which he belongs.
Their />e^/ers are also forwarded to the East Indies and
New South Wales, on payment of One Penny at the time
of putting in; and Letters from the East Indies are
chargeable with One Penny, or Three Pence, according
to circumstances ; to Places Abroad, where there are no
regular Packets, on pavment of Three Pence.
Duties and duly Stamped, may be sent uy Packet
Boats to any of his Majesty's Colonies ana Possessions
beyond Seas, //re of the Duty of Postage, provided the
same be put into any General Post Office in the United
Kingdom, or any day -vitJiin scvci days next after the
day on xehich the same shall he puhlisJied, such day to
be ascertained by the date of the Paper.
Newspapers printed in the British Colonies and Pos.
sessions beyond the Seas, and brought to Great Britain
and Ireland ly Packet Boats, are to be delivered to
their first Address ly the General Post within the
United Kingdom, //re of the Duty of Postage.
Newspapers printed within the British Colonics and
Possessions heyond the Seas, and brought by Private
Ships into the United Kingdom, and delivered at any
Post Office with the Ship's Ivetters, are to be charged
and forwarded with a Postige of Three Pence upon each
Paper as heretofore.
The above applies to all the Colonies excepting the
East Indies, the Cape of Good Hope, and Nctv South
Wales — Newspapers to which are charged as follows :
Under one ounce Id., under two ounces 2d., under three
ounces 3:1., and so on, charging One Penny for every
additional ounce.
Printed Newspapers may be received at any General
Post Office in the United Kingdom tor conveyance by
Packet Boats to Foreigx Parts, on Payment of
Twopence for every such Paper, such payment to be
made at tlie time when the Paper is put into the Post
Office — provided every such Paper be put into a Pest
Offi'ce within Sei-en Days next after tlie Day on lehich
the same shall le jmlUshcd, such day to be ascertained
by the daie of the Paper.
Newspapers printed in any Kingdom or State beyond
Sea, other than his Majesty's Colonies and Possessions,
and brought into the United Kingdom fay Packet
Boats, (if printed in the language of the Foreign
Kingdom or State from which the same shall he for-
warded, hut not othet wise,) are to be charged with a rate
of Tiro Pence each, on Delivery by the General Post in
any part of Great Britain and Ireland, at the pLce of
their first Addres-s, in addition to any Postage charged
thereon by any Foreign Post-Office.
No Newspaper is to be considered within the afore-
said privilege, unless the same be sent without a Cover,
or in a Cover open at the sides.
If the Person to whom any such Paper (ffom the
Colonies or Foreign pans) is directed, shall have re-
moved from, or quitted the place, to which such News-
papers shall be addressed, prior to the delivery thereof

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