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In the fuUou'ing lisls M. signifies Morning, and A. Afternoon.
Deliveuv of Letters — The first General Post
Delivery commences at 7-30 m., and includes the letters
by the North and Glasgow (ni<j;ht) I\Iails.
The second delivery commences about forty minutes
after the arrival of the Curricle JMail, — and, in addition
to the London letters and newspapers, includes letters
from York, Newcastle, IMorpeth, Lauder, Coldstream,
Greenlaw, Blackshiels, and Ford.
The third delivery commences a quarter before 5 a.,
and includes the letters by the Stirling, Dumfries, and
Carlisle Mails.
The delivery on Sundays (to persons calling at the
Office only) takes place from half past 7 to half past
& m., and from 1 to 2 a., and from 4 to half past 5 a.
Pennv Post — The first delivery commences at 7-
30 m. ; Second, at 1 a. ; Third, at about 5-45 a. ; and
aU letters put in at the Penny Post Receiver, General
Post Office, up to any of the above-mentioned Hours,
are forwarded, together with such as are deposited in
the several Keceiving Houses in the City, at G m.
12 noon, and 5 a.; Sunday excepted, when the Box
clo-^es for Edinburgh Letters at 7 m. and 4 afternoon,
which are delivered at the window along with the Ge-
neral Post Letters.
Tile Paid Letter and IMoney Order Offices are open
from G-30 ni. to 9-15 a., except about half an hour after
the arrival of the Curricle IMail, and on Sundays from
« .'JO to a-30 m. and from 4 to 7 a.
The Secretary's, Accountant's, and Dead Letter Offi-
ces, are open from 10 m. to 3 a., " Sundays excepted."
The following arc iJw hours at which the Letter-box is
chisedfor making up the several Mails ; and the hours at
■which each Mail is dispatched, with their arrivals,
R(ix Mail Mails Arrive at
closes (lisphd. f Carlisle, Manchester, Li--j
verpool, Birmingham, and I
I all the west parts of Enpr-
6-30 7 m.^ land, the West Indies, North h 3-23 1.
i America, liisboii, Madpiia,
I Brazil, and the Mediter-
Lranean. J
fLoNDON, by Berwick and!
J Newcastle, the Continent of I
Europe, East Indies, Cape r- 2.23a.
I of Good Hope, the Mauri- I
Ltius. and China. J
f) 3f) <J-40m. London, by Morpeth. 1-23 a.
!•> 1-j in fGLASGOW (day), Paislev,") ^ i«
14: ^'^■^'^^- lGremoc^,Ayv,sinAlv>'.\anA.l o-lO a.
."3-30 4, fMiRLiNG,byLinlithgowand7 ,„ ^^
.i oJ '^ ^- ivM^n-k, j 12-4.2 a.
r North, by Perth, Aberdeen, t
S-30 4. a. ^ Inverness, and the north off n ^
t Scotland. 3 " '"•
r Glasgow (night), Ayrshire, •^
HI'S q Qfia- 3 '"aislty, Greenock, Inverary,f 3 m.
j-io cj-oud K Campbeltown, Stirling, Fal-f
Ckirk, and Linlithgow. J
Box Mail
closes disphd.
9-15 9-30 a
9-15 a.
f Dumfries, by Noblehousei
\and Motrat. |
(By steam to Klnghorn and
5" By steam to Leven and?
iKirkaldy. i
6 a.
Leith Bags are made up and dispatched at 7 m. ;
12-30, 3-30, and 5 a. ; and from Leith to Edin-
burgh at 6-30, 8-4.5, 11-30 m. ; and at 12-15, 3-45,
and 8-5 a. Letters for the last dispatch must be put
into the Penny Post Office.
No. GO, South Bridge, — Joiiy Crerar.
No. 28G, Canongate, — John Storrie.
No. 231, High Street, — James Cotton.
No. IIG, Head of Grassmarket, — James Taylor.
No. 1, Bread Street, — Hugh Turnbull.
No. 7, William Street, — John Henderson.
No. 21, South Castle Street, — John Clark.
No. 31, Hanover Street, — Jas. Robertson.
No. 9, Duke Street, — Mrs IMoon.
No. C, Fife Placu, — Richard Chalmers.
No. 3, India Street, — Mrs J. Campbell.
No. 3, Pitt Street, — James Pow.
No. 9, St Patrick Square, — .A.LEX. Todd.
No. 67i Lauriston Place, — James Faiulev,
No. 42, London Street, — John Hill.
No. 11, Elm Row, — J. I/indsay.
Holyrood, — I\!rs Alexander.
Stockbridge, — John Rogers, at 2-30 a.
Warriston, — Mrs Robert Spalding, at 6 m. 2-30
and 4-30 a.
Arniston Place, Newingtoft', — Adam Broomfield,
at 2-30 and 10 a.
The Box closes as follows, at such of the above Re-
ceiving Houses as have not the time specified.
At G m. for the Morning .Mails and first Penny Post
At 11 m. for Glasgow Mail and Ireland.
At 12, noon, for second Penny Post delivery.
At 2 a. for Stirling Mail and North Mail, Portobello,
and Musselburgh Posts.
At 5 a. for the third Penny Post delivery.
At 8 a. for Glasgow night and Dumfries Mails.
Boroughmuirhead — A. Kitchen, at y„ past 10 m.
and 4 a.
Newhaven — "\V. M'Candlish, at G m. and Z a.
N.B No Letter Bags are collected from the ditierent
Receiving Houses throughout the city from 8 on Sattir-
day evening until 6 on Monday morning.

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