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S T.
S T.
2(1 JNIrs ^Moffat
29 -lames Wilson, of Brit. I,in. Co.
150 Peter Sawers, saddler
30 George Vallance, glover
.30 Geo. JJlack, niessenger-at-arnis
no John Norrie, painter
.30 ]\Iiss Foraian, milliner
30 Alex. iVI'Naughton, mcss-at-arms
30 jNIrs. Stillie, lodgings
31 Andrew Dickson, esq.
31 AValter Dickson, esq.
4 Archibald Gray, cabinetmaker
4 John Edgar, builder
4 John Bartholomew, engraver
4 John Hutchison, printer
1 Maurice Paterson, bookbinder
1 William Logan, Esq.
1 Douglas Crease, shoemaker
1 JMrs Thomas Venion, lapidary
6 Alexander Adams, tailor
.'> INIrs IMark, grocer
David ]M'Broom, grocer
10 .James O'Donnell, spirit-dealer
1 6 .John Snow, flesher
17 T. Fleming, billiard-table maker
17 James Palmer, teacher
17 Daniel Sinclair, japanner
18 Thomas Paul, grocer
19 Alexander Burgess, mail-guard
19 John JM'Intosh, mail-guard
22 James Johnston, grocer
14 David Smith, grocer
10 Mrs Hunter
10 Alexander Robertson, tailor
10 F. Townsend, engraver
10 .James Airy, tailor
6 Robert Chisholm, tailor
fi George Donaldson, wright
6 James Walker
. 4 \¥illiam "Walker, baker
Sr..JA.^lES STREET (North)
1 James Ritchie, watchmaker
2 James Anderson, postmaster
3 William Cartwright, printer
3 Robert Malcolm, letter-carrier
3 James Ewart, teacher
4 jMiss Bannemian
5 Dr W. B. Hamilton, surgeon
5 Miss Isabella Brown
■ 5 James Aitken, bookbinder
5 Thomas Chalmers, carver
i- J. Johnston, tinsmith
2 ]\Irs Lyon, lodgings
2 James Adams, mail-guard
2 James Duncan, lodgmgs
2 Mrs Wood, lodgings
3 Robert Bisset, shoemaker
4 .John Ormiston, baker
Relief Chapel
5 .James Crawford, wright
5 Mrs Stewart, dress'.paker
6 .James Watt, veterinary surgeon
8 W. Turnbull, mail-coachman
9 John Gellatly, engraver
9 .Tames Johnston, grocer
9 .John Dickson, gunmaker
9 .fames (iray, boot-maker
1 1 JMrs AVilliam Smith
1 1 .las. Anderson, jxist and job liorses
12 (ieorgc Anderson, wright
Crawford and Anderson, wrights
R. Naugliton, Venetian bl. maker
.Joseph Kniglit, lock factory
1 Archibald Campbell, postmaster
1 Thomas Ivitchie, sculptor
2 Andrew Stirling, bookseller
2 Robert Cirieve, furniture jirinter
3 Andrew 13alfour, printer
8 I{obert Disher, brewer
1 1 Thomas Craw, cabinetmaker
29 I'eter Cowan, currier
30 .John Ilutton, tailor
30 JNIiss Hutton, dressmaker
30 jNIrs Boyd, sick-nurse
io Thomas Wilson, spirit-deakr
I Mrs .John INIason
1 Cxeorge Duncan, esq.
1 D. Waterston, draper
1 Wm. Cameron, teacher of music
1 Archibald IjOgan, builder
1 John Holand, hatter
2 Thomas Christie, merchant
3 Rev. Dr Gilchrist
5 Rev. John Clark
6 .John Christie, grocer
7 J. Walker Arnott, esq W S.
8 ]\rrs Coutts
8 Rev. AVilliam Simpson
9 Robert Alexander, brewer
10 Wm. "Wallace and Son, builders
11 J. Yule, esq. W. S.
12 John Aitchison, esq.
13 William Muir, wine-nicrchant
14 Henry Scott, hatter
15 Thomas Trotter, esq.
l(i AVilliam Aitchison, esq.
17 Richard Young, brewer
19 Hovse of Industry, Mrs Jenkins,
20 Henry Scott and Co. hat-manufac,
21 .John Douglas, shawl-manufacturer
22 Alexander Forbes, cabinetmaker
5 IMrs Black
13 ]Mis William Johnston
St. Leonard's Hill
31 .John Caird, surveyor of taxes
R. Simpson, esq. Gibraltar house
6 .James Pringle, grocer
15 Hugh Dairy mple, tailor
5 Robert Ross, painter
II William Gordon, grocer
13 Mrs Robertson, victual-dealer
15 George Brown, cowdealer
1 7 Jietl's entry
19 John's place
Peter Milne, of Evening Pest
.John Ogle, esq.
25 Ge.orge Glasgow, cowfeeder
29 HamiltoiCn Fvliy
J.-imes Portcous, victual-dcakr
37 .lames Duncan, hairdresser
39 Charles Smitli, spirit-dealer
J9 .John Sonirncrville, engraver
41 William inglis, victual-dealer
43 Archibald iM'i)onald, saddler
45 .James Tlionison, baker
49 .James Scott, (Icsher
59 ]\r. l'''ox, coal-merchant
59 Thomas l>aidlaw, coal -merchant
59 .Joseph Luke, coal-merchant
59 .John Harthill, of Weekly .Journ.
Arniston Coal-oJ/icc, J{. Alexan-
der, agent
i^ Aitchson it Co. malt liquor shop
(i3 AVilliam Tough, smith
Ji'er/rie s entry
David Begrie, coal-merchant
Robert Renton, clerk
73 IMrs Isabella Begrie, victual-dealer
5 Christie's enti y
7 Mrs Baxter, cowfeeder
79 B. Douglas, victual-dealer
109 James Craig, spirit-dealer
111 James Bell, smith
^ Castle of Clouts ,
70 jMrs jMunro, spirit-dealer
64 Henry Brown, Excise- officer
fr^ He:,ry street
02 Peter Bulman, grocer
56 James Mein, spirit-dealer
54 James Messar, slater
54 "Wm. Amistrong, ,J. P. constable
38 William Stobie, victual-dealer
32 David JMann, engineer
30 W. jMurray, railway coal weigher
28 .J. Sommervile, coal-merchant
2G R. Affleck, grocer
26 IMullo & I\Iackay, coal-merchants
24 "William Niven, baker
22 Alex. Leechman, coal -merchant
22 Thomas Murray, coal-merchant
22 Robert Stenhouse, coal-agent
22 JMrs W. B. Page, 'shawl-cleaner
22 "\\'m. JMartin, commercial traveller
16 HaiTison & Co. hardware-manuf.
16 James Balmain, shoemaker
16 Mrs Haldon
12 Mrs Cooper
12 Mrs M'Naughton
12 John S. R. Briggs, coaLmerchant
12 Mrs Sinclair
6 Michael Fox, contractor
3Iino Park, J. Carmichael of tax.
2 A. Ramsa}', inspector of police
3 James JVIason, victual-dealer
5 John Wilson, grocer
9 .John Conway, clothier
1 1 P. Gibbons and Co. tailors
15 D. Warwick, broker
19 William Ralston, clothier
23 JMrs Thomas Brown, tailor
31 David Inglis, tailor
37 John Russell, broker
39 D. Duncan, tailor
45 "irilliam Park, tailor
49 I^uke "W'elsh junior, broker
55 A. -JM'Kcaliiig, shoemaker
63 .James Elder, spirit-dealer
65 & 67 Robert Young & Co., tailors

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