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S T.
S T.
4 George Wise, grocer
5 William "Wright, surgeon
7 John IMeiklejohn, teacher
7 3Irs A. Cleland
7 John Gillespie, grocer
7 William Gordon, builder
8 Alexander Dickson, victual-dealer
Robert Kay, spirit-dealer
10 Miss Susan Findlay
1 Thomas Seaton, lodgings
10 James Thomson, candlemakcr
10 James M'Ewan, wright
10 Mrs George Lauder
11 John Michael, bootmaker
13 David Palmer, hairdresser
15 Mrs Crombie
1 5 Mrs Pringle
1 5 J. M'Pherson, stone-merchant
1 5 Alexander Walker senior, esq.
1 5 Thomas Foggo, mason
15 James Scott, builder
16 William Imray, flesher
3 A. C. B. Crawfurd, esq. of Ard-
5 Rev. Dr William jMuir
7 Rev. Dr Hutchison
9 James Campbell, e; q. advocate
1 1 Colonel Robert Campbell
13 Alexander AlLan, t^q.
15 Captain Wilkie
17 Henry Raeburn, esq.
19 G. F. Carnegie, esq.
21 Captain David Carnegie
23 aiajor Mitchell
23 Miss MitcheU
25 Captain Philip Hay
27 John WTiitehead, esq. S.S.C.
33 Miss Simmie
35 Miss ]\Iilne, boarding school
1 4 Mrs Morrison
10 Robert Campbell, esq.
10 jAIiss Maxwell
8 Miss Hamilton Dundas
6 Mrs Millar
6 Alexander Donald, esq. W. S.
2 Dr Eb. Gairdner
2 James Miller, surveyor
3 Mrs "^Vilson, sick nurse
3 Mrs IM'Farlane
^3 Miss Walton
3 Andrew TurnbuU, wright
5 Richard Jenkins, esq.
6 Mrs Farquharson
7 John Stirling, esq. of Royal Bank
a James Heatlie, esq. A. C. S.
9 j\Irs Johnston, lodgings
9 David Paterson, agent
St. Bernard's CoUagc
Thomas AVeir, esq. W. S.
1 George Angus, architect
1 Dr J. D. Hunter
1 Mrs Dr Hunter
2 Miss I^.Iillar
3 Miss Keay
4 Miss Campbell
5 Adam Urquhart, esq. advocate
G T. G. "Wright, esq.
8 Dr W. Ainslie
9 And. Rutherfurd, esq. advocate
19 Mrs Tower
■20 ]Mrs William I>och
20 yiiss Arrow
2.". 3Irs Campbell
42 Rev. Dr Robert Gordon
43 Captain Orr, Nav. and Mil. Acad.
45 Rev. .James Clow
Davie and Newton, saddlers
Henry IMuir, wine-merchant
Andrew Watt, saddler
Alexander Dow, spirit-merchant
H. Elder, commission-agent
Mrs Wilshire, lodgings
Alexander Macredie, bookseller
A. Dundas, cabinetmaker
James Welsh, bootmaker
I^even and Alison, esqs. W. S.
iMichael Carr, tailor
David M'Laren, tailor
Thomas Griffith, grocer
John I'^inlay, bootm.aker
George Crawford and Co. tailors
J. Bonar, painter
John IM'Gill, S. S. C.
]Miss Campbell of Newfield
Evening Post, newspaper office
M. and J. Swinton, dressmakers
Turkish Divan, V. Fadeuilhe
Sommerville, White, and Co. sta
Peter Sawers, saddler
Peter Simpson, spirit-dealer
William Nelson, tailor
1 Thomas Keegan, merchant
3 Gibson and Hector, esqrs. W. S.
3 J. B. Robertson, writing-master
3 John AV^hite, teacher
3 M. and E. Finlay, milliners, &c.
5 Hunter, Campbell, and Cathcart,
esqrs. W. S.
5 Alex. M-Donald, esq. Reg. office
7 Mrs Cowan
7 R. B. Selby, solicitor
7 iVIrs Dr Greive
9 j\Irs Thomas Woolard, lodging;
12 J. Kemp, chimney-sweeper
10 Edward Tuting, shoemaker
10 .lames Trotter, writing-master
10 Richard Dick, writer
8 E. B. Sherriffs, surgeon
() Ministers' Widows Fund-office
G Harry IngUs, esq. W. S.
4 James Hogg, shoemaker
4 W. Elgin, bookseller
4 Miss Dick, dressmaker
2 Henry Muir, ladies' shoemaker
1 Miss Ferguson, dressmaker
1 Smith Ferguson, silk-mercer
1 M. Aitken, printer
1 Ben. Mackay, of High School
1 Thomas Young, tailor
1 William Wood, mason
I John M'Kean, tailor
1 William Campbell, writer
3 W. H. Lizars, engraver
4 Alexander Kidd, esq. writer
4 Munros and Drysdale, messengers-
4 Thomas Prophit, fish-dealer
4 James Macdonald, messenger-at-
4 Erskine Conally, mess.-at-arms
4 William Hume, shoemaker
5 A. C. Coulson, house-painter
5 Alexander Wilkie, mes.-at-arms
5 George Lindsay, portrait-painter
i^ South St. James street
8 James Aitken, bookbinder
8 John Milne, architect
8 .John oM'Kenzie, teacher of music
8 James Dickson, wright
1 1 Aitken & Campbell, wine-merchts.
12 William Murray, upholsterer
13 James AVelsh, of General Post-
13 Mrs Web-
13 Richard Arthur, of Register office
13 Peter M'Ewan, esq.
13 John Milne, agent
13 .John Thomson, writer
13 James Sinclair, mess.-at-arms
13 Alexander Dickson, iromnonger
14 John IMuir, accountant
15 James ]M'Gregor, watchmaker
David JVI'Neile, esq. W. S.
1 5 David Baulks, mess.-at-arms
ES? North St. James sticel
IG Nicol Boyack, bookseller
16 Peter Porteous, esq.
17 Robert M'Andrew, esq.
17 John Young, surgeon
1 7 John I^aws, of linen- warehouse
1 7 Thomas Trotter, flesher
17 Daniel M'Gown, esq. S. S. C.
17 James Wilkieson, teacher of mu:-ic
18 (Jeorge Gray, solicitor
20 :\Irs W. Grindlay
20 3Irs Hardie, lodgings
20 JIrs Eraser
21 George Lawrence, of G. P. O.
21 R. Grieve, saddler
21 Mrs David Thomson, lodgings
22 Thomas Clerk, engraver
23 John Craig and Son, clothiers
23 J. INI'Glashan and Son, danc. mas.
23 C. Purves and Son, bootmakers
23 Mrs E. C. Young
23 Mrs Stewart's lodgings
eW Elder street
24 A. G. Wighton, jeweller
25 AA'illiam Ritchie, printer
25 John INIabon, accountant
25 John Butter, jewel casemaker
25 A. M'Dougal, messenger-at-anns
25 A. Pattison, bookkeeper
26 Archibald Wilson, wine-merchant
26 Cosmo G. Ferguson, writer
2G James Laurie, S. S. S.
G A. G. Somerville, Esq. of G.P. O.
2G C. Falconer, esq. of Hartwoodhill
27 Robert Johnston, esq. late merch.

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