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Grieve, Mrs John, grocer, 115 Pkasance
Grieve, Mrs W. 3 West Newington
Grieve, Miss, 25 Charlotte street, Leith
Grieve, Miss Helen, 48 Lothian street
Grieve, Miss Margaret, Newington cottage
Grieve, Misses, dressmakers, 40 Frederick
Griffith, James, accountant, 30 St James'
Griffith, Mrs, 30 St James' square
Griffin, Joseph, clothes commission agent, 21
Blair street
Grindlay, Cowan, & Co. corn- factors, 4 Ber
nard street, Leith
Grindlay, John, tauner, 39 Gilmore place
Grindlay, Richard, 16 Carlton terrace
Grindlay, Thomas, 26 Royal circus
Grindlay, Mrs, Grange loan
Grindlay, Mrs, 26 Royal circus
Grindlay, Mrs, lodgings, 7 Hill place
Grinly, Miss, 2 Queen's place, Leith walk
Grinton, Geo. diaper, 2 Shandwick place
Grinton, James, silk mercer, 52 South bridge
— house, 18 Nicoleon street
Grinton, Wm. draper, 1 Brighton street — ho.
41 Lothian street
Griveson, Mrs Ralph, dairy, 20 Heriot place
Groat, Alex. G. advocate, 12 Hart street
Grogan, William, 10 West Claremont street
Grosset, James, wine and spirit merchant, 1
Lauriston street
Groucock, Cope»take, Moore, and Co , lace
manufacturers, 46 No. Hanover street
Grubb, J. S. musicseller, 1 Gayfield place
Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Co. 11
Queen street — James Wilkie, accountant
agent. — See Adv.
Guarantee Society, London — James Mar-
shall and Sons, Roxburgh place
Guild, Mrs, 17 York place
Guild, Mrs John, 12 Raeburn place
Guillertz, A. F., F.E.I.S., teacher of French,
50 North Castle street
Gulland, Andw. corn dealer, 20 Greenside
street — ho. 21 Broughton street
Gulland, James, woollen draper, hatter, and
hosier, 2.3 South Hanover street
Gulland, Mrs Geo. baker and confectioner,
158 High street
Gulland, Mrs, 7 St John street
Gulland, Mrs Laurence, baker, 216 Canongate
Gundlach, Henry, teacher of German, 53
George street
Gunn, Alex, shipmaster, 29 Couper street
Gunn, Alex, watchmaker and jeweller, 10
Leith street
Gunn, Alex, spirit dealer, 1 2 Yardheads
Gunn, Daniel, builder, 3 West Preston street
Gunn, Daniel, clothier and cap manufacturer,
6 and 8 High street
Gunn, George, agent, 25 W. Nicolson st.
Gunn, James, copper, zinc, and patent metal
agent, 80 Shore, Leith
Gunn, James, mercbact, 6 Picardy place /
Gunn, James C. civil engineer, 6 Picardy pi.
Gunn, John, boot and shoemaker, 19 West
Register street
Gunn, John, bookbinder, 1.3 George street —
house, 4 St Patrick square
Gunn, Peter, painter, paper-hanger, and gla-
zier, 3 Calton street — ho. 4 Calton hill
Gunn, Robt. boot and shoem. Dm/and Dumb
Institution, Henderson row
Gunn, Rob. solicitor & accountant, 1 Hope st.
foot of Leith walk
Gunn, William, spirit dealer, 60 Shore, Leith
Gunn, William, tavern, 21 Fltshmarket close
Gunn, Mrs Don. lodgings, 27 No. Richmond
Gunn, Mrs Ellen, grocer, 38 Clerk street
fiiinn, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 49 Broughton st.
Guthrie, Chas. coal merchant, 79 St Leonard
Guthrie, And. leather merchant and boot-
maker, 146 Kirkgate
Guthrie, David, printer and publisher (North
British Agriculturist), 377 High street
Guthrie, James C. 25 West Nicolson street
Guthrie, James, coal merchant, 127 Causey-
Guthrie, John, damask weaver, 6 Heriot's br.
Guthrie, Michael, spirit merchant, Coalhill,
Guthrie, R. boot and shoemaker, 52 Bridge
Guthrie, Thomas, D.D. 2 Lauriston lane
Guthrie, Mrs Alex. 48 London street
Guthrie, Mrs, dressmaker, 8 Thistle street
Guthrie, Miss, of Craigie, 2 Carlton terrace
Hackett, John, baker, 53 Yardheads
Hadden, Robert, painter, 97 Constitution
street, Leith — ho. 8 Coatfield lane
Haddow, Hugh, coal merchant, Newhaven
Haddow, Thomas, dairy, Comely bank
Haddow, Wm. dairy, 10 N.-W. Circus place
Haddow, Wm., White Hart inn, 32 Grass-
Haden, George, engineer and manufacturer
of warming and ventilating apparatus, &c.
6 St Andrew square
Hadley, Mrs, English hotel, 10 So. St Andrew
Hagart, Jas. Valentine, of Glendelvine, 6 In-
verleith row
Hagart, William D. 1 Bellevue crescent
Hagart, Mrs, 13 Atholl crescent
Haig & Co. distiller?, Leith distillery, Leith
Haig, Thomas, Bonnington house, Leith
Haig, George, flesher, 1 7 7 Cowgate
Haig, James D. 3 Gloucester place
Haig,T. School for the Blind, 2 Gayfield sq.
Haig, Robert, 1 Randolph place
Haig, Robt. carver and gilder, 44 Nicolson Bt.
Haig, Robert George, Bonnington
Haig, Mrs David, 13 London street

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