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Greathead, Miss, straw-hat maker, 78 Nicol-
son street
Green, Alexander, artist, 59 South bridge
Green, Charles, macer, 102 Causeyside
Green, George, wine and spirit merchant, 35
Commercial pi. and 1 Admiralty st. Leith
Green, James M'Innes, deputy purveyor for
military hospitals, 8 Annandale street
Green, John M. teacher of writing, arithmetic,
and book-keeping, 37 George street
Green, Mrs, 26 Dundas street
Greenaway, James, grocer and wine mer-
chant, 33 Elder street
Greenfield, James, grocer, 7 Canning place
Greenfield, James, 9 East Claremont street
Greenhill, James, manager, Clydesdale Bank,
10 George square
Greenhill, John, stationer, 10 Bank street
Greenlaw, John & son, bakers, 35 Sheriff brae
Greenoak, Robert, bootmaker, 42 Leith street
— house, 7 Bellevue terrace
Greenslade, Mrs Williamina, milliner & straw-
hat maker, 5 East Register street
Gregg, John, Kirkbank villa, Morningside
Gregor, D. Clunie {Colonial Assurance Office'),
22 St Andrew square
Gregor, John, writer, East Fowderhall
Gregor, TV. A. warehouseman, 10 Arniston pi.
Gregorson, Mrs, 13 Howard place
Gregory, John, advocate, Canaan lodge
Gregory, William, professor of chemistry, 114
Princes street
Gregory, Miss, 22 Elder street
Greig, Alexander, writer, 14 Leven street
Greig, Andrew, 29 Gay field square
Greig, Andrew, Chain Pier inn, and office
(Box), North Bridge
Greig, Benjamin, C Pitt street
Greig, D & J. printing press and steel plate
manufacturers, smiths, and machine makers,
Lothian road
Greig, Daniel, boot maker, 36 Lothian street
Greig, David, smith, 22 Buccleuch street
Greig, David (D. J. $ G.), St Cuthbert's glebe
Greig, George, W.S. 84 Great King street —
house, 9 Abercromby place
Greig, George M. artist, and teacher of draw-
ing and painting, 10 South Charlotte street
Greig, George, writer, 53 Castle street
Greig, Jas., of Eccles, W.S. 9 Abercromby pi.
Greig, James, 14 Minto street
Greig, James, china warehouse, 1 and 2 Low
market street
Greig, Jas. boot and shoe maker, 46 Bristo st.
Greig, John, baker, 7 To] booth wynd, Leith —
house, 59 Constitution street
Greig, John (Jas. Dickson and Sons), 134
George street
Greig, John, merchant, 122 West port
Greig, John & Son, booksellers and publishers,
2 Melbourne place
Greig, John Rutherford, of Lethangie, 12 Re-
gent terrace
Greig, John & Son, printers, 433 Lawnmarket
— house, 15 Graham street
Greig, John (D. Sf J. G.), 2 Lothian road
Greig, John & Son, coach lace manuf.World's-
end close
Greig, John, shipmaster, 14 Albany st. Leith
Greig. Peter M. {of Jas. Dickson and Sons),
134 George street
Greig, Robt. Vice- Pres. (G.P.-O.), 6 Pilrig st.
Greig, Wm. smith, 156 Rose street — ho. 166
Greig, William, 10 Atholl place
Greig, William, baker, 2 Jamaica street
Greig, Mrs, 29 Albany street
Greig, Mrs, of West Cambus, 134 George st.
Greig, Mrs, 1 Albyn place
Griener, Charles, German clock maker, 178
Greliche, A. hotel, 100 Princes street
Gresham Life Assurance Society, 16 Dundas
street— H. J. Rollo, W.S. agent
Greville, Robert K., LL.D. 33 George square
Grey & Son, veterinary surgeons to the Royal
Cal. Hunt, 31 Pleasance, and 119 Rosest.
Grey, Alexander (G. frStm), 5 Roxburgh st.
Grey, Alex. jun. (G. Sf Son), 31 Pleasance
Grey, Rev. Dr Henry, 5 East Claremont st.
Grierson, Andrew, W.S. 15 St Andrew square
Giierson, John S. smith, Broughton market —
house, 34 London street
Grierson, Robt. jeweller & silversmith, 36
Leith street — house, 38 Rankeillor street
Grierson, Samuel, 20 Heriot place
Grierson, Mrs Robert, 11 Keir street
Grierson, Miss E. 40 Broughton street
Grieve and Oliver, hatters to the Queen, 19
Princes street
Grieve, Andrew, W.S. 3 Manor place
Grieve, David, joiner, 2 Keir street
Grieve, Gideon, wine and spirit merchant, 87
Rose street
Grieve, James, ladies* and gentlemen's outfit-
ting warehouse, 9 North bridge — house, 27
Salisbury street
Grieve, James, plasterer, 49 Thistle street
Grieve, John, agent, Eastfield court
Grieve, John (Nat. Bank), 28 Brunswick st.
Grieve, John, tavern keeper, 3 Veal market
Grieve, John, letter-carrier, 177 Pleasance
Grieve, Robt. spirit merchant, Bank st. Leith
Grieve, Robt. & Co. furniture printers, damask,
moreen, carpet, paper hanging, and bedding
warehouse, 83 George street
Grieve, Robt. coach currier, patent leather &
oil-cloth manufacturer, 599 Castle-hill—
house, 10 Lauriston lane
Grieve, R. S. (R. G $r Co.), Blacket place
Grieve, Robert, of Noble hall, Biacket place
Grieve, Wm. wright, 23 Bernard street
Grieve, Wm. carter, 4 Bedford street
Grieve, Wm. (Innes fy <?.), Blacket place
Grieve, Mrs James, 22 Abercromby place
Grieve, Mrs Dr, 26 Dundas street

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