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Inncs, Mr Edward, confectioner, who Mragered with
Mr Hamilton Bell, followng ^ard after him to
living, Alexander, (Lord Newton,) see Advocates.
Jamieson, Rev. Dr, late of the Antiburghcr Con-
gregation, Nicolson Street, author of a Dictionary
of the Scottish Language.
.Tamieson, Deacon William, see IIi(/h Street.
Jamieson, Professor, see Craft in Danger.
Jai'dine, Sir Henry, see Promenade.
Jardinc, John, Esq., Sheriff of Ross and Cromarty,
sec Advocates.
Jefferson, Thomas, President of the United States.
Jeffrey, Francis, (now Lord Jeffrey,) done in 1816,
sec Advocates.
Johnston, Mr Robert, in conversation with Miss
Sibilla Hutton.
Johnston, Bailie Robert, see Craft in Danger.
Johnston, Rev. Dr, of North Leith.
Johnston, Mr Henry Erskine, the " Edinburgh
Roscius," in the character of Hamlet.
Johnston, Ensign, of the Hopetoun Fencibles.
Jones, Rev. Dr, of Lady Glenorchy's Church.
Justice, Captain, of Justice Hall, and a lady in the
costume of 1790.
Kay, John, drawn and engraved by himself in 1786,
sec Examinatimi.
Kay, Robert, Esq. architect, see Friends.
Kemp, Rev. Dr, of the Tolbooth Church.
KeiT, James, Esq. of Blackshiels, banker.
King, Rev. Mr, of the Relief Congregation, Dalkeith.
Knapp, Mr, clerk of arraigns on the trial of AVatt
and Downie.
Knighthood, Patent for — or, Wha wants me ?" —
Provost Stirling and Henry Dundas.
Knox, Rev. John, the Scottish Reformer.
Lady, The, who minded her own affairs.
Laing, Dr, see Roc.
Lapslie, Rev. James, of Camjisie, author of an
" Essay on the Management of Bees."
Lass, A Newhaven Oyster, with basket and creel.
Latour, De, the French painter, with Kay's favourite
Lauder, Mr John, see Lawnmarkcl Coach.
Lawnimarket Coach, The ; or a Journey along the
Moimd — commemorative of the erection of the
Mound, or " Mud Brig," between the Lawnmar-
ket and Princes Street. This burlesque etching
represents a scene that should have taken place.
The p.irties portrayed are those who were most
active in originating the Mound. Mr John Lau-
der, coppersmitli — Mr James Lawson, leather
merchant — Mr Alex. Ritchie, cloth merchant —
Jlr Andrew Hardie, baker — Mr MalcolmWright,
haberdasher — Mr Henry Watson, hardware mer-
chant — Sir William Hall, merchant — Mr George
Boj-d, clothier — Mr William Yetts, hair-dresser
■ — Mrs Robert Dunn, of the " Hotel" — Mrs
Penny — Miss Sibilla Hutton — Mrs Grieve — Mrs
AV right, &c. Jamie, or Bailie Duff precedes the
procession, carrying a flag and the Lirkrr used by
the Club in their libations in " Dunn's Hotel."
Lrwsou, Rev. James, of Belvidere, or the " Job of
Modern Times."
liawsor, JTr James, sec LatvnmarJcet Coach.
Lennox, Right Hon. Colonel, afterwards Duke of
Leslie, Hon. Lieut.-CJeneral Alexander, colonel of
I tlic 9th regiment of foot.
Leslie, The Hon. Captain, see Ripg.
Leslie, Mr John, sec Scptoinriri.
Leslie, Sir John, Professor of Natural Philosophy.
Levcn and Melville, Right Hon. the Earl of".
Lewes, Mr and Mrs Lee, in the " Road to Ruin."
Lothian, Bailie Jolui, in conversation with Provost
Loughborough, Right Hon. Lord Chancellor, after-
wards Earl of Rosslyn.
Louverture, Toussaint, Governor of Hayti, with
tents and soldiers in the distance.
Love. Captain Dahyuiple and Miss M'Donald of
Clanronald, see Dalrymplc.
Lunardi, Vincent, about to ascend in his balloon.
Lunardi, surrounded by a group of friends — Mr
James Tytlcr, Mr John Mitchell, Mr James
Neilson, Bailie Spottiswood, and Miles M'Phail.
Macdowall, Bailie Archibald.
Maconochie, Allan, (Lord Meadowbankj, see Court
of Session.
Mackouil, James, alias Moffat, before the High
Court of Justiciary, in June 18"20, for the rob-
bery of the Paisley Union Bank in 1809.
M.aconochie, Alexander, (Lord Meadowbank), see
Co?trt of Session and Colqiihoun.
Macpherson, Mr William, W.S. see Heads.
Margaret, Maurice, one of the delegates to the
British Convention.
Marjoribanks, Sir John, Bart. Lord Provost of Edin.>
burgh, in his robes, with a plan of the Regent
Bridge and the New Jail in his hand.
Marshall, James, Esq. W.S.
Martin, Mr William, bookseller and auctioneer.
Masson, Wm., Esq., grand secretary to the Grand
Maule, Hon. William Ramsay, of Panmurc.
Maxwell, Misses, of Monreith, see Promenade.
Maxwell, Mr, see Pirrie.
Mealmaker, George, weaver in Dundee, author of
the " Catechism of Man," and a leading membc;
of the political associations in 1797. He w-is
tried and transported.
Meclv, the Irish piper, see Caniphdl.
Meiklc, Mr Robert, grand clerk to the Grand
Melville, Right Hon. Lord, in the uniform of the
Edinburgh Volunteers.
Millar, James, Esq., see Advocates.
Miller, Sir William, Bart. (Lord Glenlee), sec
Court of Session.
Mingay, Captain, with a porter going behind, carry-
ing little Geordie Cranstoun in a creel.
Mitchell, Mr John, see Lunardi.
Moderation, Modern. Dismissal of a Sabbath
Evening School by the Rev. Mr Moodie in 179.9.
aioiia. Right Hon. Earl, Commander-in-Chief in
Scotland, 1804.
Moira, Right Hon. Earl, addressing the Edinburgli
Spearmen at Duddingstone House.
Monboddo, Lord, in enntenijilation, see Davidson.
Moncreiff, Rev. Sir H. W. Bart, of the West Church.

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