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Friendship. Provost Elder and his son-in-law, the
Rev. Principal Baird,
Garden, Francis, (Lord Gardenstone), on horseback.
George the Third, His Majesty, a profile likeness.
Gerwrd, Rev. Alex., see Septemviri.
Giants, Three Irish. BjTne, in the centre, was
seven feet eleven inches high. The other two
were seven feet. Andrew Bell, engraver, and
three Parliament-house worthies in the back-
Gilchrist, Mr Archibald, see Volunteer.
Gillespie, James, Esq. of Spylaw, the founder of
Gillespie's Hospital, and his brother John.
Gillies, Adam, (Lord Gillies), see Advocates and
Court of Scsaion.
Glen, Dr, a rich miser, in conversation with the
Daft Highland Laird.
Glenbimie, The Fiddler of.
Gordon, Right Hon. Lord Adam, on horseback.
Gordon, Right Hon. Lord Adam, arm-in-arm with
His Royal Highness Count d'Artois.
Gordon, Captain, of the City-guard, see Grieve.
Gould, Sergeant, drilling an Edinburgh Volunteer-
Government, Petticoat, or the " grey mare is the
better horse." Lord and Lady Breadalbane.
ffraham, John, see Cuui-l of Session^
Graham, Dr James, delivering one of his eccentric
lectures to a group of about eiglUy well known
Graham, Dr James, who generally woie white
clothes and black stockings, going along the North
Bridge in a btowy day. The lady is in the cos-
tume of the time, see High Street and Broivn.
Grant, General, of Ballindalloch.
Grant, Sir James, of Grant, with a distant view of
his regiment, the Strathspey or Grant Fencibles.
Grant, Isaac, Esq. of Hilton, W.S. see Rigg.
Grant, Colquhoun, Esq., W.S. see Alacdoicgall.
Grant, Dr Gregory, late physician in Edinburgh,
Grant, Rev. Mr, St George's Chapel, York Place.
Grant, Colonel, M.P. of the Inveniess-shiro Militia,
1804, with the regiment ia the background.
Gregory, Dr James, in the miifonn of the Edin-
burgh Volunteers.
Gregory, Dr Jas., full-length, sec Craft in Danger.
Grey, Rev. Mr Henry, of St Mary's Church.
Grieve, Rev. Dr, see Service.
Grieve, Provost, and Captains Gordon and Robert-
son, of the City Giuird.
Grieve, Mrs, see Launmarket Coach.
Grinly, Mr William, broker, Leith, see Volunteer.
Grose, Captain, the antiquary.
Grose, Judge, London.
Guest, Quarter-Master, of the Pembrokeshire Ca-
Guthrie, Mr John, bookseller, see Coh:.
Haddington, Right Hon. Earl of — Sir Wm. Forbes
of Pitsligo, Bart. — Sir James Hunter blair.
Haddo, Riglit Hon. Lord, see Friends.
Haggart, John, Esq., see Advocates.
Haldane, J. A., Esq. of the Tabernacle, Leith Walk.
Hall, Rev. Mr James, of Broughton Street Chapel.
HaJl, Mr William, see Lmmmarket Coach.
Hamilton, Dr Alexander, Professor of Midwifery,
see Broifn.
Il.anitlton, Dr James, sen., physii.ian.
Hamilton, Dr, see Preachers.
Hardic, Andrew, see Laivnmarket Coach.
Hardie, Rev. Mr Thomas, of Haddo's-holc Chuivh,
and Professor of Divinity and Ecclesiastical His-
Hart, Mr Orlando, shoemaker, see High Street.
Hay, Charles, (Lord Newton), see Court of Session.
Hay, Chirles, Esq. advocate, full-length portrait.
Hay, Mr Thomas, surgeon — Sir James Stirling,
Lord Provost of Edinburgh.
Hay, Dr James, physician, see High Street and Roe.
Hay, Captain, see Promenade.
Hay, Miss, of Montblairy, see Retaliation.
Heads, Exchange of, Hugo, Amot, Esq. and Mr
AVilliam Macpherson, W.S., with a back view
of Roger Hogg, Esq. banker.
Heads, Reverse, Lord Monboddo.
Heads, Reverse, before and after marriage.
Heads, Reverse, lawj'er and client.
Henderson, Mr, in the character of Falstaff, and
Mr Charteris, as Bardolph.
Hieroglyphic Portrait of the Governor of the
Island of Elba.
High Street, Contest about Levelling the, of Edin-
burgh in 1785. Orlando Hart, deacon-convener
— Deacon Jamieson — Bailie M'Dowall, holding
the Plan in his hand. In the background. Pro-
vost Hunter Blair, who was a great promoter of
the improvements of Edinburgh, is represented
as digging out the earth, while Mr Hay, deacon
of the surgeons, a violent anti-leveller, is throw-
ing it ba<;k.
Hill, Rev. Rowland, preaching on the Calton Hill.
Hind, Captain, of the 55th regiment.
Hogg, Roger, Esq. of Newliston, see Shadows.
Home, Henry, (Lord Kames) — Hugo Arnot, and
Lord Monboddo, see Shadoivs.
Home, Dr Francis, Professor of Materia Medica.
HonejTnan, Sir William, (Lord Armadale), see
Coicrt of Session.
Hope, Sir Archibald, of Pinkie, Bart.
Hope, Right Hon. Charles, Lord President of the
Court of Session ; done when Lord Advocate.
Hope, Right Hon.Chas., Lieut.- Col. of the Edinburgh
Volunteers, on horseback, see Court of Session.
Hope, Dr John, Professor of Botany.
liope. Professor, see Craft in Danger.
Hopetoun, Right Hon. James Earl of, with a dis-
tant view of his regiment, the Hopetoun Fencibles.
Hume, John, Esq. of Ninewells, brother of David
Hume, the hisiorian.
Hunter, Alex., Esq. of Polniood, banker in Edin-
burgh, and Roger Hogg, Esq. of Newliston.
Hunter, Colonel, brother to the late Sir James
Hunter Blair, Bart.
Hunter, Rev. Dr, of the Tron Church, and ono of
the Professors, see Alls and Carlisle.
Hunter, jMr James, sec Anderson.
Hunter, Mr George, sec Anderson.
Huntingdon, Lady.
Huntly, The Right Hon. the Marquis of, when in
the 42d regiment, [late Duke of Gordon.]
Hutton, Dr, physician, with a number of likenesses
cut in the rock, sec Davidson and Philosophers.
Hutton, ]\Iiss Sibilla, see Lawnmarket Coach and
Johnston. ''•

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