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340 ■ Insurance Companies »
Thomas Thomson, Esq.
G, L. Fiiilay, Esq.
Thomas Mansfield, Esq.
Thomas Burns, Esq.
Thomas Duncan, Esq.
Adam RoUand, Esq.
J. A. Cheyne, Esq.
F. L. Roy, Esq.
Walter Jollle, Esq.
Sir James Gibson-Craig, Bart. I Thomas Duncan, Esq.
John Anderson, Esq. 1 Eagle Henderson, Esq.
Robert Christie, Esq.
The Royal Bank. I The National Bank
J. G. Hopkirk, LL.B., W.S., Chambers, 12, Duke Street, Edinburgh.
THIS Company has been instituted exclusively for the purchase of Reversionary Rights — abso*
lute or contingent — Annuities or Liferent Interests — Policies of Assurance on Lives — Shares
in Government and Private Tontines — and in general of all rights extending over Property Funded
or Real, or otherwise well secured — the emergence, or term of payment of which, depends upon some
contingency of life or survivorship, susceptible of calculation.
Every Man of Business must have found, in the course of his experience, much difficulty in secu-
ring or realizing those rights belonging to his Clients, which, among the manifold relations of society
and individuals, now so frequently arise, under Contracts of Jlarriage — Entails — and other Destinations,
Family Settlements, and similar Deeds, where limited rights of Liferent and Fee, depending in many
oases on complicated contingencies, are secured to Parties having separate and frequently conflicting
interests. Even where the contingencies by which such rights may be defeated, are comparatively of
a remote and improbable nature, they nevertheless are found to affect their marketable value in perhaps
a very disjiroporlionate degree. For although a certain class of contingencies may be guarded
against by Counter Assurances, through the medium of some one or other of the numerous Life Offices
now established, still it is not easy at all times for individuals, imaccustomed to the consideration of
such matters, either to devise tlie most efl'ectual means, as applicable to any particular case, of securing
the protection of Life Assurance, or to provide the necessary Funds for the payment of the requisite
Premiums. Parties are thus frequently under the necessity of leaving themselves without the protec-
tion of Life Assurance, and thereby running the hazard of having their otherwise valuable rights entirely
defeated, or are forced to bring them into the market, under every disadvantage. But these difficulties,
so formidable, and frequently so oppressive to individuals, disappear, or are greatly modified, when a
number of such contingent or reversionary rights are held by a Public Body or Company, who can,
with compai'ative safety, on a large and collective scale, undertake the risk of contingencies, which, in
any individual ease, it would be most imprudent to hazard ; or, if judged expedient, can readily com-
mand the means of resorting to the protection of Life Assurance, in the most convenient and effi-
cient form.
The NORTHERN REVERSION COMPANY has accordingly been established with the view of
meeting the exigencies above alluded to. The accurate observations which have now been made on the
duration of human life — the valuable jjracticable taltles which have been deduced from these observa-
tions — and the well ascertained formula' by which such computations are regulated, enable correct
calculations to be made, in almost every case, of the true worth and value of any reversionary or life-
rent right, depending on particular or combined contingencies of life or survivorship. While, in this
Wiiy, the Capital of a Company may be safely invested with a reasonable prospect of remunerating jjrofit.
Parties having such rights to dispose of, and v.ishing to realize tlieir fair marketable value, have the
means of doino; so afforded to them through the medium of this Company, without undergoing the
expense and delay, and very frequently the disappoininient, attending a Public Sale.
In order, as far as possible, to facilitate the transaction of business with the Company, Forms,
adi')'ted to various Cases, have been prepared, for enabling Parties, or their Agents, to tender proposals
i:f Sale. Cojiies of tliese forms, as well as every other necessary information, may be readily had on
iipplication to the .'secretary of the Company, at his Chambers, 12, Duke Street,
4U Communimtio7is are rt<ii(ested to le post paid.

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