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This Fund, institutfid in 1911, is intended to aasiat Regular Officers of the Royal Navj
Royal Marines, Army, Royal Air Force, Royal Indian Nary and the Ecclesiastical Establish-
ments on the active or retired lists, by assisting to defray the expense that may be incurred
by their wives and children owing to residence in, or attendance at, any recognised Nursing
Home or Hospital in Great Britain or Ireland, in any station abroad, in Indif or in any
Dominion, Colony, Protectorate, or Mandated Territory.
It also assists widows of such officers, their unmarried daughters if over the age of
21 years, and the mothers and sisters of unmarried officers if dependent on them.
The amount of each Grant will be for actual expenses, up to £5 58. Od. weekly after the
first week. Where a Nurse is engaged privately, the Grant will be for actual expenses up
to £3 13s. 6d. weekly.
The Annual Subscription, payable on the 1st January, is : —
Royal Navy and Royal /Lieutenant and under, £1 Ts. 6d.
Indian Navy. \Lieut.-Gommander and above, £1 lis. 6d.
Army — Captain and under, £1 Ts. 6d.
Major and above, £1 lis. Sd.
Royal Air Force — Flight- Lieut, and under, £1 7s. 6d.
Squadron Leader and above, £1 lis. 6d.
The subscription for widows and unmarried daughters is One Guinea.
Members joming after the 30th June pay only half the Subscription for the year.
Further particulars and Copies of tne Rules may be obtained from the Secretary,
1, Glazbury Road, London, W.14.
King Edward Vn*s Hospital
for Ollicers,
17, Grosvenor Crescent, London, S.W.I.
Patron : H.M. THE KING.
President; H.R.H. THE DUKE OF GLOUCESTER, K.G., &c.
Vice-President; H.R.H. THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT, K.G., &c.
Chairman ; Sistbb AGNES, Foumskb.
This Hospital was founded by " Sister Agnes " in December, 1899, and is for Hritish
Officers of the Royal Navy, Army, Indian Army and Royal Air Force on the Active List.
No charge is made for maintenance or nursing, but officers are responsible for the payment
of their physicians, surgeons, and treatment. There is no honorary Medical StaS. Patieats
may be treated by any Physician or Surgeon on the StaS of a London Hospital.
Officers on the Retired List, who were on Active* Sf>rvice during the war, can be admitted
if there is a vacancy and the case is suitable, on payment of 5s. a day_
Officers wishing to be admitted, or requinng further informsition, should call at the
Hospital or write to Sister Agnes.
Officers are asked to subscribe lOs. or more annually. Subscriptions may be sent either
bv units or individuals to- Lloyds Bank, Ltd., 6, Pall Mall, or to Sister Agnes, IT, Grosvenor
Crescent, S.W.I, from whom Bankers' orders can be obtained.
Subscriptions and donation are also invited from anyone interested in the hospital.

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