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U. A Quartermaater shall on appointment receive
the honorary rank of Lieutenant.
12. A Quartermaster may, after completing 10 years'
service as such, be granted the honorary and relative
rant of Captain.
):J. The Quartermasters at the Marine Office to re-
ceive an allowance of 6s. a day, in addition to their
pay as Quarter-Masters.
U. A Quartermaster employed in an appointment
of trust and responsibility to which the Admiralty
may asBisrn the honorary rank of Major, may be
granted suchhonorarv rank.
Special Promotion.
15. An Officer of any rank may be promoted as a
reward for special merit and promise, but such speciaj
promotion shall not exceed one in each year for the
whole corps, and in every case the promotion is to ne
aotifled in the " London gazette," with a statement of
the special merit for which it has been granted.
18. Service as Cuiouei Oommaudant is to be for
three years only. Other stall appointments (except
as specified in para. 17) are to be held for five
years, but must be vacated on completion of
two years' service as Major, except those of Pay-
master, Barrack-Master, and Quartermaster. Adjut-
anciesare to be held by Captains or Lieutenants in
«uch proportion as the Admiralty may from time to
time fix, having regard to the state of the Lists,
An Adjutancy is not to be held after promotion to
Che substantive rank of Major.
17. Appointments of Assistant Adjutant, Assistant
Instructor of Gunnery and Musketry, and Superin-
tendent of Swimming Inatruoiinn are held for a
period of three years, or for not more than one year
after the promotion of the Oaiceis holding them if
the period of three voars has not expired.
General Reflations.
18. An Officer shall not be permitted to remain in the
Royal Marines unless during the first three years of his
service his retention therein is shown to be in every
respect desirable.
19. An Officer shall not have any claim to the half-pay
retired pay, or gratuity established for Officers of his
rank or service unless the Admiralty is satisfied with
the manner in which he has performed his duties.
20. Officers of Royal Marines who shall be placed on
Half Pay are to be borne on a Supplementary List
while on Half Pay, and the vacancies thus created on
the Active List shall be filled.
Officers placed on the Supplementary Half Pay List
are not to he replaced on Full Pay until vacancies
occur on the Establishment.
21. Any Officer shall be liable to removal from the
Active List at any time for misconduct or incapacity,
and, if so removed, he shall receive a retiring allowance
or gratuity calculated upon the normal amount earned
by service subject to a deduction of not less than 10 per
cent, or more th in 25 per cent, according to the nature
of the misconduct.
22. The sentence of a Court-Martial, placing an Officer
at the bottom of the list of his rank, involves the loss of
previous time of service in that rank ; so also when the
sentence of a Court-Martial takes away any seniority
from an Officer, it thereby affects his full, half, and
retired pay and gratuity in cases where the same depend
upon seniority ; and it carries with it the loss of the
benefit of the service, included in the seniority forfeited
in cases where the full, half, and retired pay and
gratuity depend upon actual service.
28. An Officer placed upon the retired list is in no case
to be replaced on the Active List.
24. An Officer dismissed the Service by sentence of
Court-Martial for misconduct, or allowed to resign his
commission to avoid trial by Court M."vrtial, may, at the
discretion of the Admiralty, be granted a compassionate
allowance provided that such allowance shall in no case
exceed one third of the amount of half -pay to which the
Officer was entitled at the time of removal, and provided
also that such allowance shall not in any case exceed
£100 per annum.
25. All service for the purposes of gratuity,
peDBioD and retirements to count from the age of 18
(Prior to the issue of Order-in-Council of 29th Novem
1881, the age was 2U, except in tiio case of Officers who
entered me service prior to 1st April 1870, and
who, under Order-in-Councii of 5thof Kebruary ia72,
retained the right of counting time fmm theageof is
if appointed before that age, and frum the date of
their Oommissinn if appointed after 18).
26. An Officer retired may, at his own request and
with the consent of the Admiralty, compound hia
retired pay under the rules laid down by the Lords
Commissioners cf His Majesty's Treasury for
Administering Act .^2 and 3S Vict., cap. 32.
No pension, except a pension for wounds, can be
Compulsory Retirement
27. General Officers lo Be retired at the age of 65.
28. Colonels Commandant to be retired at the age of
80 or on expiration of command, except as provided in
clauses 29a, 296, and 29c.
29. A Colonel Commandant who has not attained the
age for compulsory retirement to have the option, on the
expiration of his command, of being placed on the
Reserved List of Colonels, with the f uU pay of a Colonel
29a. A Colonel on the Reserved List to be eligible up
to the age of 65 for the appointment of Adjutant-
General, Royal Marines, but to have the option of re-
tiring at any age with the Honorary rank of Major-
General If selected for the appointment to be grinted
the temporary rank of Major-General.
296. A Colonel Commandant to bo eligible for a General
Officer's Good Service Pension on transfer to the Re-
served List, but to relinquish the Colonel's Good Service
Pension or the appointment of Aide-de Camp to the
King if he holds that appointment.
3D. Colonels Second Commandant to be retired at the
age of 80. A Colonel Second Commandant passed over
for appointment to the command of a Division may be
retired at the discretion of the Admiralty.
31. Lieutenant Colonels to be retired at the age of 64
or after six years' service in that rank. A Lieutenant-
Colonel with six years' service in that rank may, how-
ever, at his option, be placed upon a special half pay
list and be eligible for promotion and employment on
the staff up to the age of 64.
32. Majors to be retired at the age of 48. A Major who
is specially intended in the interests of the Service for
Lieutenant Colonel's rank and command, may be re-
tained on the list of Majors, beyond the age of 48, for
such period as the Admiralty may consider desirable.
33. Captains who have not passed the examination for
Major t.0 be retired at the age of 42. The case of a Cap-
tain who may be prevented from passing by illness or
other unavoidable cause will be specially considered.
34. Paymasters and Barrack Masters to be retired at
the age of 54,
Yoluntary Retirement.
36. Voluntary retirement to be allowed, at the discre-
tion of the Admiralty, after the service or at the age
laid down at page 805.
Retirement for Physical Unfitness.
36. An Officer, above the rank of Captain, who is found
by a medical board to be permanently incapacitated for
further service is, if his service entitles him to retired
pay on voluntary retirement, to beat once placed upon
the retired list, receiving retired pay. as laid down at
pages 806 and 806.
{Extract from Order in Council of 25th January, 1878.)
37. "Officers incapacitated by illness, &c., after only
short service to be granted instead of temporary half
pay as allowed by Order in Council of 4th August 1873,
Retired Allowances, by way of Annuity, upon the
following conditions, which are the same conditions
as those imposed upon Army Officers by the 151 and
162 Articles of the recent Rcyal Warrant, viz. :—
"An Officer who may become unfit for service in
consequence of wounds received in action, or of ill.
health contracted in and by the performance of
military duty, as certified by a Medical Board, may be
granted temporary half-pay until hesnall recover, and
until an opportunity shall occur for his re-employment ,
Except in the case of wounds received in action, the
Officer must, however, have served with a commisBio"
in Our Marine Forces for three years, unless he shall
have been promoted from the ranks, when one year s
service only as aOommissioBed Officer shall be required.
In special cases in which the circumstances msy
»ppe»r to TTa to call for exceptional consideration, it

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