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•ibaU be sufficient that the disabilitv s)iall have been
aontractedin the service.
"In the case of an OfBcer p'aoedupon tBiTniirary half
r»r in consequence of injuries caueed in and by tlie
•ervice. We may, provided a Medical Bo ira repoi i that
the Officer is unfit for further semee, place gach
Officer upon permanent half-pay, after not less than
one year upon temporary half-pay. In special cases
In which the circumstances may appear to TJs to call
tor exceptional consideration, it shail be sufficient
that the disability shall have been contracted in the
" But such Retired Allowances, by way of annuity,
are only to be granted in special cases, with the con-
sent of the Treasury, and the rates are to he made so
as to coincide, as far as iray be, with the principle of
a pension of 225!. s year at 42 years of aee."
lExtract from Order in Gouncil of 30th Nooember, 1S82.)
S8.— (o) Ad Officer who becomes temporarily unfit for
service in consequence of wounds or injuries received
while on duty, or ill-health certified by the Medical
Director-General to have been contracted in the Service,
may, if the Admiralty considers the circumstances
under which the disability was contracted are not such
as to preclude the grant of half-pay, be granted tialf-pay
until he recovers, and an opportunity occurs for his
"Such Officer shall not, however, remain on half-pay
beyond the date to which he would be otherwise subject
to retirement, and he shall be subject to retirement as
specified in the following clause.
Except in the case of wounds or injur es received on
duty, the officer must be of three years' seniority in the
Royal Marines.
(6) An Officer, after remaining not less than one
year on half-pay, if reported by the Medical Director-
General to be permanently unfit for further service, may
be placed on the retired list, with retired pay according
to the scale laid down at page 806. provided he has been
upon full pay for a total period of five years in the case
of an Officer whose disability has been incurred in and
by the Service, and of 12 years in other cases
(c) An Officer, who entared the Service before 1st
April, 1870, shall be allowed a rate of retired pay not
less than that which would have been granted to bim
under the Orders in Council of 22nd February, 1370, and
5th February, 1872 ; and an Officer who entered after
1st April, 1870, but before Ist July, 1881, may, at the
discretion of the Admiralty be granted a retired allow-
ance under the conditions contained in paragraphs 12
and 18 of the Order in Council of 16th January, 1878.
Retired Rank.
3fl. An Officer retiring on retired pay or gratuity may,
provided he has completed 50 years service, be granted
honorary promotion to the rank next above that held by
N.B —By A, L. N. 1BB4 of 12 June, 1891, this honorary
promotion is confined to Colonels Commandant
Good Service Pension.
40. An Officer who baa held a Good 8 s Pension
while serving as AdjutanI General and w ,e half or
retired pay, together with the Good Service Pension,
would amount to more than 950!. a year, is to
relinauish the Good .Service Pension on vacating the
appointment, and half or retired pay of 9M!. a year, is to
be awarded to bim.
41. An Officer who has not been in receipt of a Good
Service Pension whUe serving as Adjutant-General,
and whose halt or retired pay after vacating the
appointment falls short of 950!. a year, is to be
eligible for the award of a Good Service Pension,
subject to the condition that, if the half or retired
pay and the Good Service Pension combined be in
excess of £9B0 a year, a reduction is to be made in the
half or retired pay proportionate to such excess.
42. JLieutenant-Oolonels and Colonels of Marines to be
allowed to receive in retired pay together with Good
Service Pension a sum not exceeding COOJ. a year, but
should the two together exceed that sum they will be
retired on 600J. a year, relinquishing the Good Service
Note.— This does not apply to Colonels Commandant.
43. An Officer retired from the position of Colonel
Commandant is to be eligible for the Good Service
Pension of a General Officer.
The widow and children of such an Officer may,
subject to general regulations, receive pension ano
compassionate allowances at the rates provided for
widows and children of General Officers.
430. A Colonel Comm.andant placed on ths Reserved
List of Colonels under Order in Council of 10th August,
1909, will relinquish the Colonel's Good Service Pension,
but will be eligible for tlie General Officer's Good Service
Special Provision.
44. The regulations contained in Order in Council of
29th November, 1881, are to be applicable to Officers who
entered the Service before the 1st April, 1870, but no
such Officer is to receive less retired pay on,,retirement
than he could have claimed under the Orders in Couneil
of 22nd February, 1870, and Stli February, 1872.
45. To be retired at the age of 56 or if physically unfit
for further service.
48. At the discretion of the Admiralty, to be retired
on completion of 10, IB, or 20 years' service as Quarter-
master. Retirement is to be optional after 20 years
service (counting service in the ranks, or as Warrant
Officer as half-service), of which 10 years have been
served as Quartermaster.
47. At the discretion of the Admiralty, a Quarter-
i master may be granted a step of honorary rank on
I retirement, provided he has completed 20 years' service.
I Warrant Ofllcers.
48. The following appointments will be held by
Warrant Officers, Class I. •—
I Royal Marine Gunner.
Superintending Clerk, Marine Office.
Trained Bandmaster.
Superintending Clerk, Commandant's Office.
Superintonding Clark. Paymaster's Office.
Schoolmaster, after 12 years 'service as such.
A Marine is not as a rule eligible for appointment
as Warrant Officer, Class I., it below the rank of
I Sergeant, or over 40 years of age ; but in cases
j de'^erving of special consideration the Lords Com-
1 missioners ot the Admiralty have power to extend
j the limit of age for promotion to such Warrant rank
' to 45 years of age (Order-ln-Council 11th August, 1884.)
I 49. "To be retired at the age of 56, or ii physically until
tor fui'tber service, and to be retired at an earlier age
should it be deemed expedient.
50. A Warrant Officer. t:iass J., is not to be granted
iiQ annuity for meritorious service and distinguished
oonctuci, uor amedal or gratuity for long service and
good conduct ; but ha may retain an annuity he has
t.een granted before promotion for distinguished and
inontorious conduct, or for conspicuous gallantry in
action ; and he may keep and wear his medal for long
service and good conduct. He may also receive a
special pension with the Victoria Cross.
51. Bandmasters with previous service in the Royal
Navy who have been transferred to the Royal Marines
for service as Bandmasters in His Majesty's Fleet, may,
at the discretion of the Admiralty, be exempted from
the operation of the general limits of age for promotion
to Marine Warrant rank.
52. Bandmasters R.M. and Divisional Bandmasters
Royal Marines may. at the discretion of the Admiralty,
be exempted from the Marine rule as to retirement for
age, and be retained in their appointments Tho
retention in the case of Bandmasters R.M. is to be for
a limited period, not in any case to exceed 5 yearn
nor necosBitating their retention beyond the age of flo.
53. The following appointments will be held by
Warrant Officers, Class II. (Urder-in-CoiincU lOlh
November, 191S):—
Staff Clerks, London.
Rarraek Qnartermaster-Sergeants.
(iuartennaster-Serlteant Instructor of Gunnery.
„ „ „ „ Musketry.
„ „ „ „ Physical
„ ,1 „ ,. Infantry.
„ „ ,. Swimming.
Schoolmasters (under 12 years' seifice).
Company Sergeant-Major.
Commissioned Bandmasters.
54. To be designated " Musical Director." The
number of Musical Directors, R.M.. is fixed at 2,
exclusive ot the Musical Director of the R. N . School
of M.u."iic to whom these provisions do not apply,
56. Musical Directors on promotion to that rank
to be granted the honorary rank of Lieutenant. The
honorary rank of Captain may be given after lOyears'
commissioned service on fall pay. The honorary
rank of Major may be given after 16 years' com-
missioned service on full pay.
fG. Musical Directors to be eompulsorily retired
at the age of 65.
67. Pay, allowances. Retired I'ay, Widow's Pension,
and Compassionate Allowances to children to be on
the same scale as for Regimental Quarter-masters.
Previous sendee in the rank of 2nd Lieutenant to
count towards increase of Full and Retired Fay on
the Quartermasters' scale.

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