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(c) To be retired bo soon as Ave years have elapsed
!»ince their last service, or, in the case of Officers pro-
moted to the rank of Paymaster after the 9th October,
1903, so soon as three years have elapsed since their
last service in any of the above ranks, or ranks com-
bined (including the rank of Assistant-Paymaster).
(d) On retirement. Officers with 20 years' service as
Secretary or Paymaster, Staff Paymaster, and Fleet
Paymaster, including all time as Acting Paymaster,
and to the extent of 4 years' service as Assistant
Paymaster, may be granted at the discretion of the
Admiralty, the rank of Paymaster-in-Chief.
(e) Staff-Paymasters and Paymasters retired from
those ranks lor any cause, except that of misconduct,
may be granted one step in rank, at the discretion
of the Admiralty, such advancement to take effect
from a date to be determined by the Admiralty in
each case, provided that the Officer does not thereby
obtain improvement in rank sooner than he would
have done had he remained on the active list.
3. Assistant Paymasters are to be retired at the
discretion of the Admiralty when physically unfit.
4. Assistant Paymasters who entered in or after
the year 1909 and who have been passed over for
promotion to Paymaster are to be retired on reach-
ing the age of 40 years
XIII.— Carpenter Lieutenants.
1. Carpenter Lieutenants promoted from Chief
Carpenter or Carpenter for acts of gallantry or
(a) To be retired at the age of 65, or, at any age, if
five years have elapsed since they last served.
(b) To have the option of retiring at the age of 4.5,
at the discretion of the Admiralty, providing they
have completed Ave years' service as Carpenter Lieu-
tenant or as soon after attaining that age as they
shall have completed such service.
(c) To be retired at any age, at the discretion of
the Admiralty, if found physically unfit to serve.
li. Carpenter Lieutenants promoted from Chief
Carpenter or Carpenter under Order-in-Council of
:!8th March, 1903:—
(1) To be retired at the age of 55. Voluntary retire-
ment may, however, be allowed from the age of 40, at
the discretion of the Admiralty.
(6) To be retired at any age, at the discretion of the
Admiralty, If found physically unfit to serve.
XIV.— Commissioned Warrant Officers and
Warrant Officers.
1. To be pensioned at the age of 56. Voluntary
retirement may, however, be allowed from the age
of 40, at the discretion of the Admiralty. At the dis-
cretion of the Admiralty, Chief Schoolmasters and
Head Schoolmasters may be retained on the Active
List up to the age of 60, if for the benefit of the Ser-
2. To be pensioned at any age, if found unfit for
3. Head Schoolmasters may be allowed to retire
at any age, at the discretion of the Admiralty.
4. Chief Gunners, Chief Boatswains, Chief Signal
Boatswains, and Commissioned Telegraphists, with
not less than three years' service in those ranks,
may be granted, at the discretion of the Admiralty,
the rank of Lieutenant, when pensioned.
5. Cluef Carpenters with not less than three years'
service in that rank may be granted, at the discretion
of the Admiralty, the rank of Carpenter Lieutenant
when pensioned.
6. Chief Artificer Engineers with not less than
three years' service as such may be granted, at the
discretion of the Admiralty, the rank of Engineer
Lieutenant when pensioned.
7. The above Officers, if re-employed after retire-
ment, to receive the rates of pay and allowances of
the rank last held by them on the active list.
8. The retired and honorary rank of Lieutenant
may be granted, at the discretion of the Admiralty,
to Chief Officers of Coastguard, when pensioned,
who have had service or combined service as fol-
lows : —
(a) Three years in charge of a Division, In com-
mand of a Coast Guard Cruiser or in charge of a
Eoyal Naval Reserve Battery.
(6) Five years in charge of a Wireless Telegraphy
Station or eight years in charge of a Visual War
Signal Station. In reckoning combined service, time
at a War Signal Station to reckon as half time at a
Wireless Telegraphy Station.
(c) In reckoning combined service under (l) and (2)
time served under (1) to count as full time towards
service at a Wireless Telegraphy Station or a War
Signal Station.
(d) Not less than two years' service as in (l) in ad-
dition to further service at a Wireless Telegraphy
Station (or a War Signal Station countinghall time)
making a total of 4 years' combined service.
9. Chief Schoolmasters with not less than 3 years'
service in that rank, may be granted, at the dis-
cretion of the Admiralty, the relative rank of Lieu-
tenant when pensioned.
Fresh Entries.
1. First appointments of Lieutenants are to be
limited to the number necessary to fill vacancies in
the establishments of Captains and Lieutenants
3. Lieutenants who have passed the prescribed
examination are, subject to the approval of the
Admiralty, to be promoted to the rank of Captain in
vacancies on the establishment, or, if not sooner
promoted, after eleven years' service on full nay.
3. Captains who have passed the prescribed
examinations are, subject to the approval of the
Admiralty, to be promoted by seniority to the ranic
of Major as vacancies occur on the establishment.
4. Captains of twenty years' service, or of eight
years' standing as Captain, are, while embarked in
His Malesty's Ships, to have the temporarj' rank of
Major, such rana to be retained when Officers and
Men are temporarily landed from the Fleet tor drill
or other duty, or when landed for warlike operations
as part of a combined force of Seamen or Marines
under the command of a Naval Officer but not in
cases where the Marines are acting with His
Majesty's Land Forces. A Substantive Major is,
whilsii serving afloat, to take seniority from the date
he was entitled to the temporary rank of Major.
6. Captains to be eligible lor promotion to the
rank of Major by Brevet alter 21 years' service on full
6. Majors are to be promoted by selection to the
rank of Lieutenant-Colonel a8 vacancies occur on the
7. Maj ors to be eligible for promotion to the rank of
Lieutenant-Colonel by Brevet after 28 years' service
on full pay, or after the completion of 7 vears' ger-
vioe as Regimental Major.
8. Colonels Second Commandant to be appointed
by selection from Lieutenant-Colonels.
9. Oolonels Onmmandant, Royal Marine Artillery
and Royal Marine Liorht Infantry, are to be appoiuted
by selection from Officers who hold the rank of sub-
HCantive Colonel, nr substantive Lieutenant>-Colonel on
their respective Lists.
10. Paymasters and Barrack Masters are to he
eligible for the honorary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel
afters years' service in their appointments.

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