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'] 56th (The West Essex) Rt. of Foot. 207
[Years’ Serv. “Moro”—“Gibraltar”—With the Castle and Key, “ Montis Insignia Calpe.”
47 Colonel.—$ John Earl q/Westmorland,
GCB. GCH., Ens. 17 Dec. 03; Lt. 5
fun Half Jan.04; 3 May, 05 ; JU7y.20 Dec. 10 ; Zt.-Coi. 12 Dec. 11 ; Col. 4 June,
Pay. Pay. 14 ; Maj.-Gen. 27 May, 25 ; Lt.-Gen. 28 June, 38; Col. 56th Regt. 17 Nov. 42.
Lieut.-Colonels.—William Hassall Eden, Ens. P31 March, 14; Lieut. P22 June,
33 m 20; Capt. p 13 July, 23 ; Major, P2!) Aug. 26; Lieut.-Col. p 10 Aug. 39.
25 0 r. Edmund Wm. Wilton Passy, Ens. 8 Apr. 25; Lieut. p30 Dec. 26; Capt.
P23 Sept. 36; Major, p 12 Sept. 43; Lt.-Col. 10 April 49.
37 0 Majors.—r. Nicholas Palmer,
Ens. 11 Nov. 13; Lieut. 3 May, 21; Capt. i’26
May, 25; Brevet-Major, 28 June, 38 ; Major, 20 Nov. 46.
22 0 John Wegg, Ens. P18 Dec. 28 ; Lieut. 10 Mar. 33; Capt. P20 May 36 ; Brev.-
Major, 9 Nov. 46 ; Major, 10 April 49.
Wm. Adam Conran...
Soulden Oakeley
r. Arthur William Byles
Samuel Symes Cox ....
r. George William Paty..
George Raban
r. Rich. Walter Lacy ....
Richard Anderson
r. John James Bull ....
r. Thomas Wallace Fraser
Edward Fred. Hare ....
Thomas Anderson
Wm. George Margesson
Hugh W. Austin, ad/'. ..
r.Fox Maule Ramsay, ad/,
r. George Scott Hanson..
Alex. George Woodford
r. Allan Macdonald ....
John Pye Pye
r. Henry John Tolcher ..
William Watkin Bassett
r.Francis Henniker Sykes
William Clutterbuck..
Geo. St. Leger G. Gordon
r. John Keys Humfrey .
Hugh Eccles
r. Morion Robert Eden.
Marcell Conran
r. Fred.Robinson Bernard
C. E. Johnson Palmer
r. George E. L. C. Bissett
Adam White Gray
John Warren ....
r. William Chas. Coghlan
Walter Bourke
John Martley .
Edwin William Philips ..
Walter FitzGerald Kerrich
Pll Oct. 31
P28 June 36
17 Nov. 37
p 13 Nov. 35
p 6 Sept. 39
31 Jan. 40
23 Mar. 32
8 Jan. 41
P 8 June 39
30 Aug. 39
9Jan. 41
16 May 34
P 16 July 41
28 Jan. 42
p 18 Feb. 42
p 7 Apr. 43
p 2 June 43
16 Nov. 41
p 20 Aug. 44
P28 Nov. 45
p 6 Feb. 46
p27 Feb. 46
p 3 Apr. 46
P 30 A ug. 44
30 Apr. 46
P20 May 36
p 6 Sept. 39
15 Apr. 41
p 12 June40
p 18 Feb. 42
p 30 Dec. 42
15 Sept. 37
P 7 Apr. 43
p 16 Nov. 41
10 Dec. 41
p 12 May 43
p 29 Dec. 37
p 12 Sept. 43
P22 Dec. 43
p 7 June 44
p 6 Feb. 46
p 3 Apr. 46
1 May 46
19 May 46
p 29 Dec. 46
p 28 Jan. 48
p 28 Apr. 48
3 Oct. 48
p 18 Aug. 48
p 15 June 49
1 May 40 P 15 June 49
19 May 46
P28 Jan. 48
p21 Aug. 49
r 12 Oct. 49
P 30 Dec. 42
p 22 Dec. 43
P20 Aug. 44
p 26 Apr. 44
p 6 Feb. 46
P 3 Apr. 46
1 May 46
p 29 Dec. 46
p 29 Dec. 43
3 Oct. 48
10 Apr. 49
22 Aug. 48
2 Major Palmer served the
campaign of 1814 in Holland,
including the attack upon the
village of Merxem, 13th Jan.,
also second attack and capture
2d Feb., when his regt. captured
two guns; bombardment of the
French fleet in the Schet t,from
3d to 6th Feb. Actively engag¬
ed at Fort Frederick on the
Scheldt, 22d March, in imped¬
ing the passage ot French line
of battleships to FortLillo, for
the purpose of Ihrowing provi¬
sions and assistance into the
garrison. Again employed on
the same duty 25th March
3 Apr. 46
p 4 Aug. 48
20 Oct. 48
10 Apr. 49
11 Apr. 49
p 15 June 49
P 16 June 49
6 July 49
P 18 Sept. 49
p 19 Oct. 49
Paymaster.—Stephen Lawson, 6 Jan. 43 ; Ens. 26 Dec. 34; Lieut. 22 Jan. 39.
Adjutants.—r. Lieut. Fox Maule Ramsay, 20 Nov. 46.
Lieut. Hugh Whitchurch Austin, 10 April 49.
Quarter-Masters.—William Dougherty, 3 May, 44.
r. Joseph Swaine, 20 Nov. 46. [Amxtf-lO Mar. 25.
Surgeons.—Michael Ryan, M.D. 9 Apr. 41; Assist.-Surg. 16 June, 25; Hasp.-
r. Luke Barron, M.D. 25 Sept. 49; Ass.-Surg. 10 July 40.
Assistant-Surgeons.—William Deeble, 27 Oct. 46.
r.Jas. Henry May, 22 Dec. 46.
Facings Purple.—
Agents, Messrs. Cox & Co.
1 Lord Westmorland served in 1805—6, as Aide-de-Camp to Lieut.-General Don on the expedition to
Hanover. In 1806—7, as Assistant-Adjutant-General in Sicily; on board Admiral Sir J. Duckworth’s fleet
in the action at the passage of the Dardanelles, and the destruction of the Turkish fleet, lying oft
the castles;
in the actions before Constantinople at the island of Prota, and at the repassage of the fleet through the
Dardanelles. In Egypt as Assistant-Adjutant-General with the force under Major-General Wauchope, at
the first storming of the town of Rosetta, and in the retreat; and subsequently in the second attack and
siege of that place, with the force under Major-General Sir W. Stewart. In 1808, served in Portugal as
Assistant-Adjutant-General in the army commanded by Sir Arthur Wellesley, in the attair in the front of
Obidos. and in the battles of Roleia and Vimiera. In 1809, served as extra Aide-de-camp to Lord Wellington,
and was present at the battle of Talavera. In 1810, with the 3rd Dragoon Guards, in the campaign in Por¬
tugal, including the retreat to Torres Vedras, battle of Busaco, and advance to Santarem. In Sept. 1813,
proceeded on a mission as Military Commissioner to the head-quarters of the allied armies, under Prince
[For continuation of note, see next page.

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