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Colonels Retired on Full or Retired Pay or on a Fension.—War Servi-es. 667
'"' Colonel H. B. Hanna served n.s a volunteer and loeal Lieutenant throughout the mutinies of 1857-55,—the
latter rauk was conferred on hi'ji for services in the field. In the Rohilcund campaign he received a sal)re and
a bullet wound and his charger turee sabre cuts, and ho wiis mentioned in despatches. In the Oude cam-
P3ia:n he was brought to the notice of the General Commanding for gallant conduct in the field (reins and
aojcutreiueuts cut). Accompanied Sir A. Horsford in his advance into Nepaul, and afterward* with the outposts
left on rhe River Ujipte; (Medal). Received a complim'_'mary letter froai Lord Stanley, then Secretary of State
for India, confer'-ing on him a c )'rimission for his services iluring the mutiny. Served wit'ithe Army that cicupied
Tientsin at the ci/nchision .-.f tha China war of 1S60-61. Served in the Hi«araca:npaign of i3-53 1 Medal withClaSp).
Served in the Afghan war in 187S-79 in Southern Afghani-itan and in the operations around Cabul in December
1879 including the in 'estmen*. o' Suerpore (mentioned in desimtches, Breve: Lt.Colonel (Medal \vi:h Clasp).
""''■' Colonel A. F. P. Harcourt served in the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1358, and was present at the siege of
Lucknow (Medal with Clasp).
*''J Colonel E. A. Hardy served at the siege of Mooltan in 1S48-49 (Medal with Clasp). Also served in the Indian
Mutin3' campaign in 1857-58, including the actions of Nusserabad (wounded) and Awah (charger killed), and siege
of Kotah as Assistant Adjutant General of Division under Major General Roberts (mentioned in despatches. Brevet
of Major, and Medal with Clasp).
2"' Colonel H. W. Harris served in the field force which was present at the assault and capture of the fortified,
village and entrenched po-ition of Rowa, the siege and capture of the fort of Ahwa, sie^re storm and captureof Kotah,
the reoccupation of Char.dairee, battle of Kotah-ke-Serai, storming of the various heights occupied by the enemy,
general action and attack and capture of tlie Lushkur and city of Gvvalior, battie of SiiuUvKho, pursuit of the enemy,
battle of KuiTai, and pursuit of the enemy ; action of Koondrai and defeat of Maun Sing's Force; served as Baggage
Master in the force under Brigadier Smith during the operations in Central India, and in the field force under
Colonel de Salis commanded a detachment of the loth Bombay N.I. at the action near Hoorda; served in theBaroda
/Field Force under Major Roome, nnd was present at the action of Goonapoora, and commanded the Infantry por¬
tion of the Force at Goripooree (mentioned in despatches); served under command of Lt.Colonel Boyle, and was Staff
Officer to the Seronge Field Force (Medal with Ciasp for Central India). Commanded and Squadron ist Bombay Light
Cavalry on field service, Kattiawar, under Colonel W. W. Anderson, Politiojvl Agent, in the successful attack on the
Wagheer rebels onTabur Hill on29th Dec. 1S67 (mentioned in despatches,and thanked bvthi Govenuiria Council).
"'•- Colonel R. D. Hassard served in the campaign in the Southern Mahratia Country 1111844-45, and was present
at the storm and capture of Punalla. Sei-ved with the Persian Expeditionary Force in 1356-57, includitig tne assault
and capture of Reshire, surrender of Bushire expedition to Borazjoon, and action at Khooshab (Medal with Clasp).
-"3 Colonel J. W. Hassell served at the siege and fall of Sebastopol from 20th August 1855 (Medal with Clasp, and
Turkish Medal). Served with the Bechuanaland Expedition under Sir Charles Warrsn in 1884-85 in command of
the ist Battalion of the Royal Scots.
-'' Colonel G.S. Hawthorn served with the 24th Bombay Native Infantry with the Central India Field Force
Tiuder Sir Hugh Rose during the Indian Mutiny campaign in 1S57-58, and was present at the siege and capture of
Ratghur, capture of Garrakotta, relief of Saugor, feint on Malthone Pass, siege and capture of Jhansi, and with the
field force against Tantia Topee and the Rao Salieb. Commanded a Field Detachment in the Central India Districts
after the rebel Runjore Sing in August 1859, .and completely routed a body of rebels under his command, and for
which he received the commendation of the GovernorGoneral. the Commander in Chief in India, Sir Robert Napier
then commanding the Central India Field Force, and Colonel Lockhart commanding at Jhaiisi (Medal with Clasp).
''•^ Colonel R. Hawthorn ser\'ed in the Boer war of i83i as Commandant at Pietermaritzburg.
^'J Colonel C. G. Heathcote served in the Zhob Valley Expedition in 1834.
'■'' Colonel W. S. Hebbert served in the Egyptian war of 1882, and was present at the battle of Tel-el-Kebir
((mentioned in despatches. Brevet of Lieut.Colonel, Medal with Clasp, 3rd Class of the Modjidie, and Khedive's
Star). Served with the Egyptian Frontier Field Force in 1885-36, and was present in the engagement at Giaiss
i" command of the Royal Artillery (mentioned in despatches, promoted to Colonel).
-"'■' Colonel Henry Heberden served in the Crimean campaign from July to November 1855, including the siege
and fall of Sebastop ol (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
"*" Colonel H. H. Helsham-Jones served in the Egyptian war of i!!82, and was present in the engagements at
Chalong, Tel-el-Mahuta and Malisama, and at the battle of Tel-el-Keoir (Medal with Glasp, 3rd Class of the
Jledjidie, and Khedive's Star).
'" Colonel G. C. Henry served in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including t'ne battle of Inkerraan, siege
and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with two Clasps, Brevet of Major, Sardinian and Turkish Medals, and 5th Class
o] the Medjidie). Served the Indian campaign in 18515-59, and commanded a Field Battery attached to Colonel
dCelly's Force in the attack and de.'eat of tae rebel forces posted on the first range of the Nepaul Hills on the 25tt
and 2Sth March 1850 (mentioned in despatch. Medal).
'^^ Colonel G. V. Herbert served with the 31st Regt. in the Crimea from 22nd May 1855, including the siege and
fall of Sebastopol, and attacks of the i8th June and 3th September, and was wounded during the bombirdment of
17th Juno while employed as an Assistant Engineer in throwing up an entreuchmijut in the 8-gun Battery, right
attack (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
''*' Colonel C. C. Hewetson served with the Burmese Expedition in 1886-37 (mentioned in despatches. Medal
with Clasp).
^"^ Colonel G. L. K. Hewett served throughout the defence of the Residency at Lucknow from the 30th June to
the 22nd Nov. 1857, and was slightly wounded on the 24th September; served afterwards as Orderly Ofii:er to Sir
J. Outram throughout the operations at the Alumbagh, including the capture of the enemy's guns and position at
Gftelie ; also present at the final siege and capture of Lucknow (Medal witli two Clasps, and a year's service).
Served against the Hill Tribes on tue Pe-shawur Frontier in 1863-64 (Medal with Clasp).
"'■''> Colonel F. C. Hill landed with the 56thRegiment in the Crimea on the 25th Aug. 185;, served in the trenches
at the siege of Sebastopol, and wis present at the final assault (Medal wita Clasp, and Turkish Medal.) Served
also in India during the mutiny in 1858.
*■'' Colonel P. E. Hill served througnout the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Balaklava and
Inkerman, siege and fall of Sebastopol (Medal with three Clasps, 5th Class of the Modjidio, and Turkish Medal.)
Served in N.W. India under Sir JohnMichel in 1858-59 (Medal).
"" Colonel H. O. Hitchins .served in suppression of the Indian mutiny in 1S57-58, including the actions of Agi^
Gungeree, and Putteealce ; occupation of the Alumbagh from loth Feb. until capture of Lucknow, attack on Fort
Rjfoheiya, and defence of Shahjehanpore (Medal with Clasp).
-"'' Colonel T. N. Holberton served with the Persian Expedition of 1S56-57, including the storm and capture of
Reshire, surrender of Bushire, and battle of Ko^shab (Medal and Clasp). Commanded Artillery at the recapture
of Kolapore in Dec. 1857 (Medal).
"^^ Colonel Lionel Hook served with the9th Regiment throughout the campaign of 1842 in Affghanistan (Medal),
under Sir George Pollock, and was present at the forcing of the Khyber Pass, storming of Mamookail, stormin^f
the Heights of Jiigdulluck, affair in the Tezeen Valley, storming of the Tezeen and Halt Kotul Mountains, occu¬
pation of Cabool, expedition into Kohistan, storm capture and destruction o! IsttUiff. He served as Adjutant of
lue 9th Regiment the Sutlej campaign of 1S45-46, and was present iu the battles of Moodkee, J'eroieshah (horse
jihot under him), and Sobraon (Medal and two Clasps).
"''^ Colonel C' E. Hope served with the 7th Fusiliers in the Crimea from 7th July 1855, including the siege and fall
of Sebastopol and assault of the Redan on the 8th Sept. (Medal with Clasp, and Turkish Medal).
"'* Colonel J. C. Hore served with the Battalion sent out for service iu Japan in 1864-66, and was present at the
bombardment of the batteries at the Straits of Simonosaki, the entrance of the inland sea of Japan, and as Orderly
Officer to the Brigadier commanding at the assault, capture and destruction of the five l)atteries, stoc'nade, maga-
eines, and barracks, and during the shore operations, from the 5th to the 8th Sept. 1864 (mentioned in despatches).
^''^ Colonel A. R. Hoskina served with the Persian expedition of 1856-57, and was present at the storm and
capture of Reshire, surrender of Bushire, battle of Kooshali, and bombardment of Mohumrah (Medal with Clasp).
Served also in the Indian Mutiny campaign, including the siege of Kotah, recapture of IChundaree, actions ot
Kotah-ke-Serai and Gwahor, bombardment of Powree and action of Beejapore, actiens of Siudwaho and Kurai,
surprise and pursuit of the rebels at Koondrye (MedaJ with Clasp).
"* Colonel K.T. Hume served throughout the Indian Mutiny campaigns and was proaentatthe siege and captina

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